A 14-week Private Online Group Coaching Program in Psychological and Spiritual Self-Work to Embody Your True Self
The Ultimate Course To Help You Create Abundance and Prosperity Through Connecting To Your Purpose
“I have taken many courses during my inner work journey, and no other has landed like this. It was refreshingly supportive and healing to be in a group of ‘like-minded’ people, especially after the last years especially.”
Embodied Soul Awakening
“Laura and Bernhard delivered over and above exceptions: insightful guidance, mind-expanding teachings, practical exercises, and therapeutic modalities. I feel equipped and enlivened to continue the path of a spiritual warrior.“
Embodied Soul Awakening
“Laura and Bernhard are game-changers to the matrix. They literally have a road map on how to get out of the madness. They walk their talk. If you are ready to join the army of truth seekers wanting an authentic life and self, you must go through the course.”
Embodied Soul Awakening
Available to download as pdf and epub