The True Vital

The True Vital By Satprem (from “Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Conscuousness”) “The vital is an indispensable instrument – nor creation or strong action is possible without it. It is simply a question of mastering it and of converting it into the true vital which is at once strong and calm and capable of…

The Pilgrimage of Ascension

The Pilgrimage of Ascension From “The Synthesis of Yoga” by Sri Aurobindo  He who chooses the Infinite has been chosen by the Infinite… For the Sadhaka of the integral Yoga it is necessary to remember that no written Shastra, however greatest authority or however large its spirit, can be more than a partial expression of…

The Dark Half of the Truth

The Secret From “Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness” by Satprem Sri Aurobindo has never told us the circumstances of his discovery [of the Secret]. He was always extraordinarily silent about himself, not out of reserve but simply because the “I” did not exist. “One felt,” his Chandernagore host reports with naive surprise, “one…

Money, Spirituality, and Energy

Money, Spirituality, and Energy By LKJ Keep in mind that the conditions of your life reflect who you are inside. “You will see that in life you receive exactly what you give. Your life is  the mirror of what you are. It is in your image. You are passive, blind,  demanding. You take all, you accept…

First Initiation

First Initiation By Jeanne Se Salzmann You will see that in life you receive exactly what you give. Your life is the mirror of what you are. It is in your image. You are passive, blind, demanding. You take all, you accept all, without feeling any obligation. Your attitude toward the world and toward life…