NOTE: I’m currently not accepting any new clients.

I only offer sessions for past and present participants of our group coaching program EMBODIED SOUL AWAKENING

Holistic Coaching is an approach that takes the entire human being (and his/her life experiences) into consideration. We are multi-dimensional beings, and we all have our own unique soul blueprints (which include those lessons required so as to learn and integrate into our evolutionary growth), as well as possessing talents which, when developed, synthesize with our individual soul evolution, the path towards awakening and purpose for being here.

Typically, traditional counseling methods only look at the psychological ramifications of issues and behaviors, and therefore overlook the spiritual context and bigger picture involved. My unique integral modality of Holistic Coaching addresses the physical/somatic, emotional, psychological/mental as well as spiritual “body” components of the Self, connecting the varied dots of our life experiences in order to help integrate it all for the purpose of healing, wholeness, and well-being.

These four aspects (Physical – Emotional – Psychological – Spiritual) are all interrelated and affect and influence each other. It’s not a linear, step-by-step approach but an integral, holistic, and multi-dimensional process. Depending on where each individual is in his/her particular journey and what his/her lessons are, any of these points could be a priority for a period of time.

Engaging in this holistic work on all levels; physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually; will also align you with your vocation and deeper soul purpose, which is in alignment with Divine Will.

As you start to live more authentically from within and practice self-responsibility for your unique karmic situation, you bring forth your true essence, and this alignment within your Being results in “right action” externally; helping others and the world to awaken during this Time of Transition; according to the specific gifts and talents you have to offer the world during this period.

In other words, your creative power will increase as you become a clearer vessel for the Divine. This is the real “secret” of reality creation—aligning your little “personal” will with Divine Will.  We are all unique individuals, and everyone needs a different approach in this context.

My intention, as a holistic coach, is to help you tune in to your own inner knowing, and give you practical tools which can be gently-integrated into your life, helping you to both align with your purpose and assist you in making sense of past and present experiences from a holistic, integrative perspective.]

Holistic Coaching Covers Various Areas Depending On Your Needs:

  • The Process Of Embodiment And Soul Integration
  • Connect With Your True Self And Essence
  • Identification of Core Beliefs/Wounds And How to Transform/Heal Them
  • Find Clarity About What You Actually Want In Life
  • Alignment With Your Soul Purpose And Live It Consciously In The World
  • Navigate Challenges In Life With Grace And Higher Guidance
  • Find the Silver Lining Amidst Chaos and Uncertainty
  • Have A Better Relationship With Yourself And Others
  • Guided Embodiment And Meditation Practices
  • Shadow Work And Inner Child Healing
  • Emotional, Psychological, And Spiritual Transformation
  • Greater Self-Esteem, Healthy Self-Confidence, And The Capacity To Live An Inspired Life
  • Create More Prosperity And Abundance In Your Life
  • Clear And Protect Yourself From Entity Attachments, Interferences, And Psychic Attacks*
  • Gain Effective Tools To Work With Difficult Emotions, Wounds, And Trauma


In my work as a holistic coach, I will help you to tune into your own inner knowing via reflective compassionate mirroring, uncovering the deeper cause/root of any particular issue you are dealing with (rather than the symptoms). Once this is established, I then provide you with practical guidance, which results in soul alignment, integration, and wholeness outcomes.

My work requires a certain level of open-mindedness, self-responsibility, and sincerity on your part in order to engage in the process and work on yourself (beyond my mentoring role). My work is also not a short-cut to contentment, and I don’t offer a “magic pill”.

More often than not, the issues you are dealing with are bigger life lessons (even karmic-related) which you need to learn and integrate on a fundamental, vulnerable level. The psyche has its own healing “time table”, and it can’t be forced or hurried. Certain parts need to be revealed and brought to consciousness before one can go deeper.

As more is uncovered, realized, and integrated, other things may come up that you weren’t previously aware of at all. These may go beyond “issues” and include your latent talents which have been “armored up” and hidden from awareness as well.

Like the layers of an onion, the work gets deeper, more subtle, and increasingly-refined over time, as you become more sensitive to your own bodily impressions and intuitive messages, raising the frequency of your Being in the process.

At the end of the day, you are your own healer, leader, and guru. My role involves being a facilitator – I am here to help you to trust yourself, and to connect with your own power, sovereign self, and deeper purpose for being here.


Oftentimes, what we go through in challenging periods is merely a spiritual crisis rather than a psychological pathology, which distracts us with self-judgment and “psychological issue” diagnoses which we actually do not even have or ‘own’. It can make things worse in the long run – killing our “soul”, so to speak, and cutting us off from our inner purpose, when the reality is that any crisis is simply part of the healing process, and there is nothing “wrong” with it appearing in a person’s life.

Challenging situations involving relationships, work, and health (resulting in us feeling lost, depressed, and confused) are most often symptoms of a deeper process, as our soul is begging for recognition, hidden under layers of accumulated “armoring” from past trauma and wounding – as well as from social, cultural, and religious conditioning.

Western psychology (when seen as the ‘be all and end all’ of treatment) can become a head-trip, as we try to analyze and label ourselves (and others) with our minds instead of just getting into our bodies and feelings – without thinking – and just letting it all arise to surface consciousness with a loving heart. Love simply involves being compassionate towards all of our (and others’) experiences, and accepting ourselves without judgment.


Another aspect that can drain our life force – and keep us from reaching our full potential – is “foreign” energy we can take on from others around us, as well as etheric/entity interferences and attachments that have their origins in the non-physical realm.

This ties into a very misunderstood and unacknowledged topic in the limited mainstream view of dis-ease and psychology. Shamanic cultures were well aware of the spirit world and the non-physical parasitic forces acting upon us. More and more people are becoming aware of this topic, which then encourages them to seek out healing modalities that operate on a holistic level: body, mind, and spirit.

This is not meant to imply that basic psychological knowledge and application is not needed, as it can certainly help us in our processes. Basic psychological education has its place, and is definitely needed in our society, especially with regards to understanding shadow work (Jungian psychology), habitual behavioral patterns, trauma, and childhood wounding.

However, it is just one aspect of the healing work, and therefore has its limitations. Oftentimes, the healing solution is much simpler than we make it out to be; it’s just that our intellectual ego (the “supervisor” in the head) and social conditioning are designed to complicate things (or ignore the deeper intuitive messages in our body), and we can’t see ourselves clearly, as we become caught in chronic unconscious self-defeating behaviors (such as ‘analysis paralysis’).

Sometimes we also get caught up in linear time and “3D thinking”. Our “clever” minds can never perceive the totality of existence, the mystery of life, and what lays ahead of us is with regards to our personal path. However, we can tune into it via our own internal guidance system, our embodied intuition, and inner knowing.


DISCLAIMER: Many people contact me about entity removals. One of the assumptions I hear most people make is that someone else just needs to remove their entity attachment or etheric implant and then all is fine and good. That is not the case. Removing an entity is not enough, for it/they will come back ten-fold (via attachment or interference) if the “entry point” is not healed/closed. These entry points are related your blind spots, wounds, and traumas you may not be aware of (among other issues, such as substance/drug abuse, having engaged in rituals, magick, “medicine” journeys, etc.)

I can assist you in removing entity attachments or interferences yourself by helping you uncover the entry points in your specific case and give you practical tools to work with. However, I don’t offer remote entity removal for the reasons mentioned above (I recommend to be very discerning who offers this kind of remote work, to begin with). First of all, we need to find out if the issue(s) you’re dealing with is in fact related to an entity attachment/interference or maybe just related to your own thought-forms or your own unconscious wounds and traumas.

It’s a holistic approach on an energetic level, and much depends on the client taking responsibility for the healing process, and not falling into victim consciousness or “blaming entities”, which I tend to see a lot of in people I discuss these topics with; at the end of the day, it’s about you stepping into your own embodied warrior power and sovereign self, and firmly and steadily ejecting/rejecting the entity interference yourself. That is more powerful than someone else doing it for you.

I also offer a comprehensive course “Occult Forces of Hyper-Dimensions – Entity Attachments and Interferences: Discernment, Clearing, and Protection“. The intention of this webinar is to help you help yourself and give you practical tools to clear and protect yourself from possible entity attachments and hyper-dimensional psychic attacks. This webinar will also help you to get a better understanding of this topic in more depth, addressing the many misconceptions and over-simplifications surrounding this topic since it has become more popular. All the protection and clearing techniques presented in this webinar I have successfully applied myself and they’ve also worked for many clients I have worked with over the years. You can purchase it HERE.

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