Hyperdimensional Matrix

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Psychedelics, Medicine Plants, and Chasing Peak Experiences | The Cosmic Matrix Podcast #5 (Part 1)
Bernhard Guenther | 6 April

Psilocybin mushrooms, DMT, ayahuasca, marijuana, and other psychedelics/medicine plants are becoming more popular in the mainstream as an alternative method of holistic healing. What are the benefits and what are the risks in taking these substances/plants? Laura and Bernhard share their own experiences using these psycho-active substances while also discussing various topics such as the dark side of shamanism, the trap of chasing peak experiences, and much more.

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Reflections on Occult Entity Interferences and the Hyperdimensional Matrix Control System
Bernhard Guenther | 2 November

I first came across the “topic of all topics” – the hyperdimensional control of humanity – about 20 years ago in the late 90s based on personal experiences and a life long “knowing” or intuition that there is ‘something else’ going on here on Planet Earth.

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