Magic Mushrooms

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Psychedelics, Medicine Plants, and Chasing Peak Experiences | The Cosmic Matrix Podcast #5 (Part 1)
Bernhard Guenther | 6 April

Psilocybin mushrooms, DMT, ayahuasca, marijuana, and other psychedelics/medicine plants are becoming more popular in the mainstream as an alternative method of holistic healing. What are the benefits and what are the risks in taking these substances/plants? Laura and Bernhard share their own experiences using these psycho-active substances while also discussing various topics such as the dark side of shamanism, the trap of chasing peak experiences, and much more.

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Reflections on Ayahuasca, Psychedelics, Marijuana, and a critical look at the Psychedelic Movement
Bernhard Guenther | 23 April

In December of 2013 I visited the Peruvian jungle with two of my best friends. Spending time away from modern civilization deep in the rainforest has been healing and beautiful on one hand but also eye-opening and disturbing on the other hand. It’s the fourth time I’ve been to Peru. …

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