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[rs_banner_heading weight=”400″ heading=”A Transformative Retreat – in Peru” size=”24px” spacing=”3px” top=”0px” bottom=”0px”]

We are living in a time of isolation, disconnection, and separation. As the energies increase during the Time of Transition with the Matrix Control System on overdrive, the external chaos of the world is symptomatic of our own internal friction and lack of inner-union. Everything that needs to be healed must be confronted as we make the darkness conscious. In order for us to do this we must transmute the lower-self and reconnect with our True Self so that we can rise into our own Sovereign power and find our individual purpose for being here. As we reconnect to our hearts and open ourselves up to our Divine Essence we bring in a new template of expanded consciousness that breaks us through this current lower-frequency prison paradigm. 

The Time of Transition retreat is hosted by Bernhard Guenther and his wife Laura Matsue. Together they combine their talents and gifts into a well-balanced program which focuses on the concept of relating: our relationship to self and others, embodiment (our relationship to our bodies), and the alchemical process of the inner reunion of spirit/body that needs to take place before the biggest outer shifts can occur in our lives.

As we move towards transcending the Matrix and healing the traumas that were created in this wound of Separation, we are being called to do deeper self-work and “yoga” in the true meaning of the word: uniting our human experience with the Divine. When we do this in community, our healing multiplies and ripples outwards in waves, anchoring more light into these often challenging times of significant change.

Placed in the high-jungle of the Peruvian Amazon (commonly referred to as the “Hawaii of Peru”) the setting of this retreat is away from the typical distractions of modern life, allowing us the space to go deeper into ourselves and connect deeper with one another.

We will learn about the bigger picture perspective of the accelerated evolution of consciousness that is occurring right now on Planet Earth, the Matrix Control System and its teaching function, and the importance of creating conscious relationships and community during this Time of Transition. Together we will dive into a wide-array of daily spiritual practices, sharing circles, and explore the fundamentals of self-work and embodiment practices that are necessary in order to anchor the Divine within and align with our individual’s soul purpose. We will also give time to reconnect with our natural rhythms and the natural order around us by going on hikes through the jungle, bathing in waterfalls, and deeply cleansing our body, mind, and spirit. 

This exclusive retreat only has space for 9 participants in order to ensure an intimate setting and provide a safe container for deeper group and individual processing. 

[rs_banner_heading heading=”Talks and Workshops:” top=”0px” bottom=”20px”]
• The Matrix Control System and the Path Towards Awakening
• The Process of Embodiment and the Alchemical Marriage of the Inner Male and Female
• The Body-Mind-Spirit Connection
• Developing Emotional Intelligence, Intuition, and Inner-Knowing
• Self-Love, Intimacy, and the Fundamentals of Conscious Relating
• Shadow Work and the Trap of Spiritual Bypassing
• Discernment in Relationships and the Importance of Boundaries
• Karmic Relationships, Love Bite Scenarios, and the New Age Distortion of the Twin Flame Concept
• Maximizing Your Potential to be of Service to Others
• Reality Creation in Alignment with Divine Will and Discovering your Soul's Purpose
[rs_banner_heading heading=”Activities and Practices:” bottom=”20px”]
• Somatic Meditation practices and Qi Gong **
• Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin Yoga **
• Breathwork and Kundalini Practices **
• Embodiment Practices
• Healing and Sharing Circles
• Hikes into the Jungle
• Soaking/Swimming in the Rivers and Waterfalls
• Skin Exfoliation Sessions (coconut, cacao & sea salt)
• Integration Work and Individual Counseling
• Healthy Local Organic Diet and Superfoods

** All levels. No prior experience necessary.

[rs_blockquote text_size=”15px”]“My experience at the Time of Transition Retreat with Bernhard & Laura was a watershed moment for me that will be with me the rest of my life. I had planned it this way, though had no idea what exactly I was getting in to. There is a balance of group dynamic and alone self-reflection time that create a synergy of process. Being in the jungle is the perfect setting for this process. We are getting in tune with our body, our mind, and our world through the embodiment practices, the shadow work and simply being in the jungle.

The relationship between Laura and Bernhard creates a beautiful yin yang, container as well as a sort of trigger. The partnership, mutual respect and divergent fields of study complement each other perfectly and their relationship manifests as a unison, point/counterpoint and can be the best kind of trigger for some who are working through relationship issues. Because they seem to be a perfect union, yet they openly acknowledge their own triggers (without “oversharing”!), obstacles and self-work as a mirror to participants, they do not lead from a place of “I am the expert”; they share their own experiences and lessons as examples of what this shadow work and embodiment looks like when practiced on a daily basis and especially in a relationship.

In this way, their examples and leadership can help us to see our own pre-conceived expectations, what the reality is and how we integrate the two. I highly recommend this for people who have an innate sense of “Yes!” when reading about the retreat; trust that feeling, don’t over think it, commit and go for it! You got this! Bernhard and Laura will be beautiful support – along with your cohort of self-healers.”

– Paul Inman[/rs_blockquote]

[rs_banner_heading heading=”This retreat is for you if (not all need to apply):” top=”0px” bottom=”20px”]
1. You’re willing to be deeply honest with yourself and looking to go deeper into your soul’s truth.
2. You have done a certain amount of work on yourself already but want to take the next step.
3. You are willing to step out of your comfort zone.
4. You are looking to explore new avenues and are willing to learn.
5. Your heartfelt desire is to unlock your soul’s potential, expand your horizon, and connect with your unique purpose and soul evolution.
6. You have had a series of super-natural experiences and/or soul awakening symptoms and don’t know how to integrate them into your daily life, or have generally a hard time “fitting in” and feel lost.
7. You have a strong passion to go deeper into the exploration of human nature and the mystery of life.
8. You have a sincere desire to connect and work with others.
9. You're single and looking to create more fulfilling relationships.
10. You're in a relationship and looking to deepen your capacity for intimacy.
[rs_banner_heading heading=”*A sense of humor and a heartfelt desire to connect with the playfulness of your inner child is also greatly appreciated.” top=”20px” bottom=”20px” size=”14px” spacing=”1px”]
[rs_banner_heading heading=”Images From past Time Of Transition Retreats, Peru” size=”20px” spacing=”2px” top=”0px” bottom=”0px”]
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[rs_blockquote text_size=”15px”]

A Time of Transition Retreat

“A place where I went,
With no expectations,
Brought me to a new world,
Expulsion of old, creation of new,
With leaders of sincerity and truth.

A special place with beautiful souls,
Called to answer the Divine,
A time of transition deep in my soul,
True being is what I found.

A time of transition what it meant to me,
Words cannot describe,
Beautiful settings, intellectual minds,
But most of all honesty.

If in this week I could report,
The feeling of the time,
I would say to you amazing things,
That could make a difference to mankind.

The Divine is in me as never before,
Truth is all I need.
To my heart finding the way
Loving and learning and growing each day.

Where are the answers,
Where will I find them,
Deep in the source of God,
God helps me and heals me every day.
Now I thank God for Laura and Bernhard.”

– Dierdre Hawkins


[rs_banner_heading heading=”Here’s more of what participants had to say about their experience at past “Time of Transition” retreats:” size=”18px” spacing=”3px” top=”20px” bottom=”20px”][rs_banner_heading heading=”PLEASE CLICK ON EACH BANNER TO SEE THE FULL TESTIMONIAL” size=”16px” spacing=”3px” top=”20px” bottom=”20px”]

“My girlfriend Steph and I have slowly been peeling back the sticky knots of the matrix...

[rs_banner_heading heading=”Matthew B., Australia”][rs_blockquote]“My girlfriend Steph and I have slowly been peeling back the sticky knots of the matrix in our lives over the past few years, however for a while now we knew that there was something deeper that we were missing.


Coming across Bernhard’s articles and videos around 8 months ago we quickly realised that if we truly wanted to heal ourselves then we must become more focused on the 4 dimensional aspect of the matrix. We also realised that we needed to stop focusing so much externally and instead turn our focus internally to reconnecting ourselves back to our body’s and it’s brilliant intelligence and also to nature.


We did this successfully to a certain extent but we acknowledged that we needed some support and so when we saw the Time of Transition retreat we knew it was exactly what we needed.


Shadow work can be intense and very difficult whilst still immersed in the frequencies of the city and with the stress of our every day lives and we saw this as the perfect opportunity to be in a completely supportive environment without any distractions so that we could focus solely on our personal healing.


Heading to the jungle in a foreign country with 7 strangers to do deep self work certainly brought up some fears, but we knew that it would take a leap of faith and an element of courage if we truly wanted to understand how to transcend the matrix.


We are so glad that we took that leap of faith because what opened up and was presented to us at the retreat was well beyond any of our expectations.


What we found when we got there was a family from all around the world who came together to support each other in our own personal healing, and although we were strangers, we felt like (and probably had) known each other for lifetimes.


Steph and I were in awe of how Bernhard and Fred navigated us through the knowledge and embodiment of how to heal our deep wounds and conditioning and how to transcend the matrix on both a 3D and 4D aspect. Their synergy was brilliant and they guided us with the perfect balance of compassion, love, and strength. To know that there are people in the world like this willing to support those who sincerely want it brought us to tears on a number of occasions.


What I feel has been given to us is a clear blueprint of exactly what the matrix is, how to stay connected with your true self, your body, and nature, whilst navigating through the matrix, how to find your souls missions for incarnating here in these tricky times, as well as some incredibly deep personal healing on a body and soul level.


This we now know was the sort of information and experiences our souls were yearning for and is exactly why we went to Peru and is exactly what we got out of the retreat.”[/rs_blockquote]

“The way I see it, there are several major streams contributing to this unique moment in human spiritual history...

[rs_banner_heading heading=”Will S.”][rs_blockquote]“The way I see it, there are several major streams contributing to this unique moment in human spiritual history. First is the unavoidable stream of so-called “fringe” topics that indicate there is so much more to our world and society than meets the eye, and that this conclusion is, in fact, quite logical.


Second is the growth in popularity of personal inner healing, transformation, and integration, whose goal is to bring us as humans back to our true selves. Third is the massive expansion in the number of healing modalities – be they plant-based, energetic, physical, or meditative – available to facilitate that integration. Fourth and finally, the surging desire for tuned-in people to reunite with nature both inwardly, in terms of diet, and outwardly, in terms of their living environment.


Various healers, teachers, guides, and writers focus on one or two of these themes. Bernhard Guenther, through his remarkable work on his blog and Facebook, is to my knowledge the only person who unites ALL of these themes in his work. In doing so, he presents a more complete picture of modern authentic spirituality than anyone else I’ve encountered.


More than just showing the route, Bernhard provides a map. And more than a map and the route, he offers the critical reasons why to go on the journey. And more than a reason, map, and route, he paints a picture of the destination for us as individuals, and perhaps even the world as a whole. This is true vision and leadership, in the best sense.


It would be sufficient for me or you to simply read his work. But the experience of it during his Time of Transition retreat provided an unparalleled picture into these four streams I mention, and how they feed us.


It’s one thing to read and conceptualize these ideas. It’s another to experience them bodily, surrounded by the thriving jungle, fed by delicious organic food, bathing in streams, being healed by the sounds of crickets, birds, and Fred Clarke Alvarez’s remarkable instruments, dancing freely in by candlelight, and more. The difference can’t be expressed in words, only felt.


I was profoundly impacted by my 9 days in the jungle with Bernhard, Fred, Javier and the staff at Chirapa Manta Ecolodge. During my time, I discovered how these streams feed ME, and I got a sense of how they will continue to, long after I’ve gone home. I encourage you to attend, and open yourself to experience the same.”[/rs_blockquote]

“And with a naive abandonment for all things perceived to be logical I flew to Peru...

[rs_banner_heading heading=”Nicole H”][rs_blockquote]“And with a naive abandonment for all things perceived to be logical I flew to Peru to connect with a handful of strangers from all over the world. What was I thinking? There is no other answer than I was following a divine plan for a Time of Transition.


All of this “spiritual awakening” is new to me. I went through a phase of recognizing how different systems work together to keep us “asleep”. I didn’t know how I could possibly live out the rest of my life with the new ancient knowledge that I had embarked upon. But I knew I had to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I kept seeking, knocking, and I came across the work of Bernhard Guenther. I was drawn to his approach in being free, being sovereign. There was no talk of him being a guru or calling in spirit guides for help.  We all have to do our own work and he was willing to be a vessel to aid in that process. I knew at this point in my journey that was exactly what I needed.


So I went to the jungles of Peru to be a part of a spiritual retreat hosted by Bernhard and Fred Clarke Alvarez. It was a time of deep reflection. No televisions, no traffic, no processed food, no 9 to 5 drudgery. We connected with nature, swam, hiked, visited a village by way of boat, ate wonderful cacao made by a beautiful Peruvian woman, and connected with one another over delicious, organic meals, sharing circles, dancing, Qi Gong, sound healing ceremonies. It was beautiful how we were able to integrate and embody the work. The logistics of the events were brilliant.


I was able to process repressed memories from childhood that no longer served their purpose for being hidden. I am still in awe of how the sounds of the beautiful music that Fred played touched us all to the core and connected with each of us on an individual level to orchestrate healing. The music danced with our pains and sufferings and helped us to leave them there on the dance floor with a forgiving “good-bye”. With all of this stored trauma removed it left room for me to begin the transition of healing.


I went through a lot of turmoil to actually make it to the retreat, but I am so elated that I made it. I will NEVER be the same. There was a part of me that was fractured, disconnected. I’m still on my journey of healing, but I can see a little clearer, and feel a little deeper.  And I made some great friends along the way!”[/rs_blockquote]

“The retreat was truly transformative…but I should explain what that means...

[rs_banner_heading heading=”Allen B”][rs_blockquote]

“The retreat was truly transformative…but I should explain what that means. While a few people had obviously transformative experiences as they faced old issues and let go of old patterns, the transformation I felt wasn’t obvious to me until I returned. My perceptions and feelings of everything in my life had changed. For a time I was faced with a profound sadness mixed with a profound joy. The joy came from the deep connection I’d made to Life, the sadness from clearly seeing the lack of that connection in the world around me in the place I’d formerly called home but now simply refer to as “base camp”.


There was one obvious level of transformation during the retreat that I felt. Being in the jungle, feeling the life literally pulsing from the environment, eating delicious local food prepared lovingly by local people, swimming in the river, and getting to know the other people in the retreat through the sharing of all of this along with the embodiment exercises, sharing of experiences, sound healing, and body work. It was a heart opening and embodying experience that created a loving and healing atmosphere for the ceremony.


This was real, deep healing that should not be missed…but only if you are serious about the transformation of your life. The healing you receive will be the healing you need from within yourself. Things you have hidden from will come to the surface. Your life will begin to turn toward the direction your soul desires, and away from the direction you have taken out of fear, programming, or conformity. Think about what that means before you asking to attend. While the retreat is very fun, this is serious work that should be approached with the understanding that your life is about to change in ways that that might frighten you to think about now.”


“Going into the jungle I didn’t hold very many expectations for myself ...

[rs_banner_heading heading=”Zachary H”][rs_blockquote]

“Going into the jungle I didn’t hold very many expectations for myself other than the intent to heal.  I had been following Bernhard’s work and writings for several years before the “Time of Transition Retreat” but that still couldn’t determine what would happen amongst a group of diverse individuals from all over the world. I guess you could say my attitude inwardly was “to go big or go home” in terms of finding my own healing and inspiration and boy did that happen.


Bernhard’s workshops were very enriching for me; supplying practical methods for thriving in my true authenticity and facing the darkest parts of ones true self. The group discussions during the workshops have honestly been some of the most raw and real moments in my life. I found much of my healing in the sharing of my story and even more in hearing others stories and processing together. I truly feel like the bonds made in the jungle are during those 9 days are more sacred than bonds that I have had with some for 10 years. Bernhard and Fred held space so intuitively and responsibly that every moment I felt supported and safe to be vulnerable.


One of my favorite aspects of the retreat was doing Qi Gong every morning, not something I regularly practiced. It really took me to the next level with feeling my own true embodiment. By the fourth morning during one of our exercises we were moving the light down from our crown to our hips (root) and my body began to shake so intensely the lodge was shaking with me. My body was letting go and processing trauma stored in the body. I had never experienced anything like it. “Letting go” seems to be the reoccurring theme from spirit for me.


Bernhard’s bodywork paired with Fred’s sound healing is something everyone should get to experience at least once in their life. I remember Fred was standing over me at one point and he was playing his wood winded instrument, and as he was playing I had an intense visualization and feeling of him pulling out years of rage, sadness and repressed feelings with every note. It was like the Cobra snake that is coiled and becomes uncoiled to the sound of the music. I never realized how much unnecessary baggage I was carrying around with me. This experienced surely cracked me open.


I already miss Peru and the wonderful circle of people I met and I know I will never be the same going forward. The jungle really transforms a person. There are some secrets I left in that jungle, and there are some secrets that came home with me, and none of it would have ever happened if I didn’t take that step in faith to find my own healing.”


“Something deep shifted inside of me in the luscious jungle of Peru...

[rs_banner_heading heading=”Ellen W”][rs_blockquote]

“Something deep shifted inside of me in the luscious jungle of Peru. Changes. Inside and out. I can see it on my face and feel it inside my body. Even my landlord noticed it. He said I felt stronger, less insecure, more myself. I didn’t really noticed it at first. I was just having fun, playing with my new friends, dancing and laughing and swimming. The work we did went deep, but it was sneaky. It didn’t feel like work. It felt like love. It felt like truth. It felt like seeing myself mirrored in the people around me. It felt like it was ok for me to be imperfect, flawed, vulnerable, open, and held as I cried out tears I had kept inside of me way too long. It felt like I was being held in a container made of love, and everything which was not love could drop away now. It was no longer needed. It no longer fit into my new skin.


It would be easy to extol the talents, gifts, and virtues of Bernhard and Fred, since they are numerous, but then it would miss the fact that each and every person who was there was equally special and beautiful. This was something we created together. A circle, not a pyramid. Each person was a necessary and important piece of the whole. We could have not done it without them and they could not have done it without us. We healed, laughed, cried, raged, and owned our own shit together and we are all better people for having done so.


If you have the opportunity and resources to go on one of these retreats, and your heart is singing a yes into your ears, I highly recommend that you listen. For me, I have been changed on such a deep level that it may be one of the most important decisions I’ve ever made in my life. I wish the same for you on your journey of discovery into yourself.”


“I have taken the time to break down, deeply contemplate and understand what it is that I've experienced in the jungle of Peru....

[rs_banner_heading heading=”Odilia C.”][rs_blockquote]”I have taken the time to break down, deeply contemplate and understand what it is that I’ve experienced in the jungle of Peru. After 7 months (how symbolic!) of intense experiences, visions and revelations I`ve reached the point of grasping the map revealed in front of me by divine grace (as a response to my enquiring). I’ve understood beingness and I’m further looking at the gate of transcendence. Of course this lines sound and are in fact very abstract. Since they are merely a sintesis of my experience. Whatever else I would share, would hardly make any sense without covering the full story and the bunch of aspects contained in its maze. And that would feel never ending. Like the posts of Bernhard (giggling). Speaking of whom, let’s get to the point.


I have recognized Bernhard to be walking the path of his truth and embracing the “divine” role he has chosen within the Whole. A beautiful and compassionate path that is. One that helps, or rather could help, all beings that choose to, in making the first steps out of darkness. Of course darkness is a necessary evil, that provides us with the pain and suffering so very needed. Why would pain and suffering would be needed you’d ask!? Quite simple! Is the trigger to evolution.


We live in a world that is breaking down. And pretty soon won’t be able to sustain life any longer. Without our own transformation we can’t hope to remain alive for too long. Thus, to step out of our old selves and darkness sufficient pain and suffering is needed so that we may truly choose to walk this journey, as Bernhard so much emphasizes it. Cause only then he can truly help and assist you. And he is ready and prepared to do so (while he never stops preparing and working on himself and his abilities). Because that is his journey! A path of service and assistance in transformation and healing of all mankind provided you are ready for it!


Dear Bernhard, thank you for being that which you so wonderfully are! For your gift to the world! And most importantly, for your gift to me! Word of appreciation would fall too poor to describe my gratitude to you and Fred. Yet, know that your love and energy will travel within me the path to light and ultimately back to Source where full recognition and remembering is possible. In love, and in truth!”[/rs_blockquote]

[rs_banner_heading heading=”Bernhard Guenther”]

Over the course of his life Bernhard has studied extensively various healing modalities throughout his life and graduated from the ‘Percussion Institute of Technology’ (PIT), the ‘Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing’ (IPSB) in Los Angeles and the ‘Esalen Institute’ in Big Sur(Certified Esalen® Massage and Deep Bodywork® Therapist). Bernhard is also a certifies Holographic Kinetics practitioner. His journey over the past 25 years has also lead him to the study and practice of Drums/Percussion, Yoga, Qi Gong, Dance, Shamanism, Psychology as well as various spiritual and ancient esoteric teachings. His website “PIERCING THE VEIL OF REALITY” is a wide-ranging collection of Bernhard’s articles, films and interviews/talks, ranging from spirituality, shamanism, psychology, self-work, esotericism, history, politics, to the occult and hyperdimensional realities.

His work has been featured on various websites and radio stations/podcasts across the internet. Bernhard is also giving talks/lectures at conferences, events, and festivals he’s being invited to speak at such as the Berlin Future Forum in Germany, Anarchapulco in Mexico, and the Maitreya Festival in Australia. Living currently in Topanga Canyon, California, Bernhard is working with individuals from all walks of life, helping them in their path of healing and wellness in person or over Skype/Zoom/phone. His personal services include Holistic Coaching, Integrative Bodywork, and Holographic Kinetics.

[rs_banner_heading heading=”Laura Matsue”]

Laura Matsue is a RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) and Certified Meditation Teacher, with training in both Australia and India. Her teaching style can be described as a fusion of vinyasa-kundalini-hatha with a focus on embodiment meditations based meditations inspired by Tibetan practices and earth-based spirituality as well as other kundalini kriyas that focus on karmic resolution, energy-field expansion, and self-transformation. Laura is also a writer and works as a holistic life coach, using astrology, psychological inner work, as well as mind/body practices to help show others the way to heal themselves, using her life of transformation to be a vessel of love in service to her community and the world.

She specializes in her coaching in a variety of topics; including (but not limited to): healing from sexual trauma, the shamanic understanding of mental illness, rebuilding a life after addiction, developing oneself using psychological inner work, creating a meditation practice, implementing shadow work into daily life, psychic protection and prayer, healing the wound of the toxic masculine and toxic feminine, reconnecting with the Divine within, and promotes total self-responsibility through finding that God source within; showing others how they can use that spark to heal themselves and find their deeper soul purpose in life. More about her work here: https://lauramatsue.com

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