Relationships and Spiritual Growth | TCM Podcast #17 (Part 1)
Relationships are a path to spiritual growth, but how can we create these types of partnerships? Bernhard and Laura discuss this question on this episode of the Cosmic Matrix podcast.
Tags posts about love.
Relationships are a path to spiritual growth, but how can we create these types of partnerships? Bernhard and Laura discuss this question on this episode of the Cosmic Matrix podcast.
Bernhard Guenther and Laura Matsue talk about discernment in relationships, different types of relationship, what it actually means to be in a “conscious” relationship and how to prepare for one among relating topics (Part 1).
The various manifestation techniques of the New (C)Age Religion are tricky business. Many people unknowingly engage in all kinds of black magic rituals, and thus involuntarily set up “traps of agreement” (contracts) with negative entities.
Intimacy is often times mistaken as physical closeness alone: hugging, cuddling, kissing, sex. However, if there is no emotional intimacy (as in emotional relating) and a feeling of safety in a relationship, then physical intimacy can only go that far
We have completed a 3hr 22min Panel Discussion on The Love Bite/The Dark Side of Cupid topic. This is the most comprehensive discussion yet available on the internet on the theme of paranormal interference in human love relationships. Panel Discussion participants:? Eve Lorgen, James Bartley, Laura Leon, Bernhard Guenther, Carissa Conti, Tom Montalk, Arella Eliora.
Everyone is suffering to one degree or another. These are intense times, but they are also exciting times to be alive. It’s important to stay grounded, to get into your body, and to tune into your intuition.
Intimate relationships can act like a fast-track in spiritual development, like a catalyst, because much of our unconscious shadow can easily hide as long as we avoid relationships or endlessly look for the “perfect partner” who will never appear.
That’s what John Lennon was singing about and it is true, all we need is love. But do we really know what love is? Love is a word that is sung about in songs, written in poems, talked about a lot and it is something many people long for one way or the other, mostly in form of a partner.
There seems much confusion about what is supposedly “positive or negative”, “subjective or objective”. Some people claim that there is nothing like “objectivity” and all is subjective.