The Dark Side of Cupid – Hyperdimensional Interferences in Love Relationships
By Bernhard Guenther, November 22nd, 2014
- Introduction
- Hyperdimensional Realities
- The Alien Love Bite
- The Dark Side of Cupid
- Personal Experiences
- The Epidemic of Narcissism
- Relationship Lessons
- The Distortion of Sexual Energy
- The General Law and Life in the Matrix
- The Path towards Healing and Protection from the Dark Side of Cupid
- Organic Portals and Matrix Agents
- Wanderers and Star Seeds
- Twin Soul Relationships and Polar Beings
- Closing Thoughts
In my article Spiritual Bypassing, Relationships and the Shadow I looked at basic relationship dynamics, and what usually comes up for couples in terms of their shadow projection tendencies. I shared my own experience with this phenomenon, and wrote about the necessity for psychological education and healing, as well as the danger of falling for the “spiritual bypassing” trap, when we use spiritual and esoteric concepts to bypass basic psychological healing, and avoid doing the deeper work within ourselves. In that article I also mentioned this:
Readers of my blog know that there are forces affecting our planet – the hyperdimensional realm. There is also the issue of genetic Psychopathy, the question of the soul (or lack thereof), and that we are not “all the same” inside – not all of us have the ability to activate the higher centers. As mentioned before, these are very complex topics that require careful study and consideration. Then there is the topic of spirit attachments, which can alter personalities in ways ranging from subtle to very severe. There is also the possibility of an individual possessing a higher density soul – one that has incarnated in this time and age with a certain mission profile, and who therefore have a very hard time adapting to this physical experience.
Modern psychotherapy models do not acknowledge the possibility of psychic attacks and/or hyperdimensional forces working through us. Most people still have a very anthropocentric worldview. Anyone who tries to awaken from the hypnosis humanity is collectively under will be met with resistance and ridicule, which can also arise through our own minds (or work through people who are close to us), thereby draining our spirit, distracting us, and sabotaging any attempt to “escape the matrix”.
“There are a thousand things which prevent a man from awakening, which keep him in the power of his dreams. In order to act consciously with the intention of awakening, it is necessary to know the nature of the forces which keep man in a state of sleep. First of all it must be realized that the sleep in which man exists is not normal but hypnotic sleep. Man is hypnotized and this hypnotic state is continually maintained and strengthened in him. One would think that there are forces for whom it is useful and profitable to keep man in a hypnotic state and prevent him from seeing the truth and understanding his position.”
– G. I. Gurdjieff
This blog will address these topics in more depth, especially the concepts of hyperdimensional interference in love relationships, orchestrated relationships via alien entity influence, and psychic attacks/spirit attachments. It’s a topic that has been on my mind for many years, and I’ve wanted to write about it for some time now. Having had these kinds of experiences in my own life, and having done extensive research into it, I realize (more and more) how many people may actually be dealing with these kind of attacks, set-ups, and interferences.
This topic is way outside the mainstream news coverage, nor is it fully acknowledged or understood in the alternative media and popular conscious movements. Most of the time, it’s simply misrepresented, misunderstood, or denied – just like the topic of UFOs and alien abductions – by people who haven’t researched these topics in depth. In this essay, I will refer to past blogs and films that have previously explored these fringe topics. If you are not yet familiar with them, I recommend reading/watching them as well, including the resources and citations within them. There are also many hyperlinks to books and resources for further study.
- UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact
- Organic Portals – Soulless Humans
- Wanderers, Purpose, and Esoteric Work during this Time of Transition
Hyperdimensional Realities
There is more to our reality than our five senses can perceive. We are not God’s ultimate creation, nor are we located at the peak of the evolutionary ladder. Our reality is embedded within a complex system of unseen worlds, and is controlled by denizens of a higher/’broader’ reality. The forces at work in this multidimensional space are not all benevolent in intent, and we’re not on top of the food chain. “Food”, in this context, doesn’t have to be physical, and certain beings feed off of our emotions and energy – predominantly, those created through chaos, war, distorted sexual energy, emotional turmoil, and fear, which they seek to initiate and perpetuate by working through us.
Various ancient esoteric teachings (each in their own way ) talk about a “Hyperdimensional Matrix Control System” (HMCS) that has influenced and controlled humanity for millennia. Don Juan, in Carlos Castaneda’s “The Active Side of Infinity”, called it “the topic of all topics“, and spoke of a cosmic predator that uses man as food:
“Man has a glowing coat of awareness which the predator eats, leaving just the bare minimum of “consciousness stuff” for man to remain physically alive. The predator “milks” man through arranging for constant trouble and crisis and senseless preoccupation, so as to generate flashes of awareness that it then proceeds to eat.”
Gurdjieff refers to the “predator” in both the tale of “The Evil Magician” and in the concept of “Food for the Moon”. The Gnostics maintained that the earth (and material creation in general) were the product of an evil demiurge, ruler of the “archons of darkness“. The Shaitans of the Sufis and the Jinn in Arabian mythology are supernatural creatures who inhabit an unseen world in dimensions beyond the visible universe, and interfere with humanity in various unhelpful ways. Boris Mouravieff writes about the “General Law” in his trilogy “Gnosis” – a force which influences humanity and keeps it in its place. It takes tremendous effort, awareness, and sincere self-work to “escape” the General Law and the myriad influences of the HMCS.
The UFO phenomenon relates to this metaphysical area in ways which are rarely acknowledged by many contemporary UFO researchers, who deploy a very “nuts and bolts” approach to the idea of UFOs, aliens, and extraterrestrials. There are paranormal characteristics that accompany UFO sightings, alien abductions, and other ‘high strangeness’ occurrences that should encourage us to look at this phenomena in a different way, instead of falling back upon the popular assumption that UFOs are physical alien space ships which arrive from other planets.
When researching the topic of hyperdimensional realities, the findings also put into question the various Disclosure and Exopolitical proposals promoted by some UFO researchers. There is a lot of disinformation surrounding that topic, and it is interesting to note that attempts to reveal the hyperdimensional aspect of our reality are often ignored, attacked, or ridiculed by the socio-cultural information gatekeepers…to an extent that goes well beyond the libel that’s directed at the “nuts and bolts” UFO research.
However, in light of the ancient esoteric teachings mentioned above, these attacks all make sense, since the HMCS is trying to conceal the very nature and purpose of itself – to keep hidden the existence of both Hyperdimensional realities and the beings inhabiting them…beings who have influenced and controlled humanity for eons.
“If we look at the world from an informational point of view, and if we consider the many complex ways in which time and space my be structured, the old idea of space travel and interplanetary craft to which most technologists are still clinging appears not only obsolete, but ludicrous. Indeed, modern physics has already bypassed it, offering a very different interpretation of what an “extraterrestrial” system might look like. I believe there is a system around us that transcends time as it transcends space. The system may well be able to locate itself in outer space, but its manifestations are not spacecraft in the ordinary ‘nuts and bolts’ sense. The UFOs are physical manifestations that cannot be understood apart from their psychic and symbolic reality. What we see in effect here is a control system which acts on humans and uses humans.“
– Dr. Jacques Vallee
“The scope, frequency, and distribution of the sightings make the popular extraterrestrial (interplanetary) hypothesis completely untenable… Many flying saucers seem to be nothing more than a disguise for some hidden phenomenon. They are like Trojan horses descending into our forests and farm fields, promising salvation and offering us the splendor of some great super-civilization in the sky. Do the ultraterrestrials really care about us? There is much disturbing evidence that they don’t. They care only to the extent that we can fulfill our enigmatic use to them.
The real UFO story must encompass all of the many manifestations being observed. It is a story of ghosts and phantoms and strange mental aberrations; of an invisible world which surrounds us and occasionally engulfs us; of prophets and prophecies, and gods and demons. It is a world of illusion and hallucination where the unreal seems very real, and where reality itself is distorted by strange forces which can seemingly manipulate space, time, and physical matter—forces which are almost entirely beyond our powers of comprehension.
Our skies have been filled with “Trojan horses” throughout history, and like the original Trojan Horse, they seem to conceal hostile intent. … This hostility theory is further supported by the fact that the objects choose, most often, to appear in forms which we can readily accept and explain to our own satisfaction—ranging from dirigibles to meteors and conventional-appearing airplanes. … In other words, flying saucers are not at all what we have hoped they were. They are a part of something else. I call that something else Operation Trojan Horse. The real truth is that the UFO cultists have been played for suckers for years, not by the government, but by the phenomenon.“
– John Keel, Operation Trojan Horse
“In the case of the idea of man being “food” for hyperdimensional beings, there is an enormous amount of both vertical and lateral corroboration of all kinds. So much so that, in fact, it is almost impossible to understand why it is not generally known. Clearly, there have been deliberate efforts to “hide this fact”. And, the fact that it is hidden may itself tell us something.
The point is, when Don Juan and Gurdjieff and the Cassiopaeans (and others) tell us that our religions, our social structure, our values, our beliefs about our spiritual nature and condition have been deliberately created to perpetuate the illusion that we are free; that we are (or can be) “special and adored children of a loving God”; that we are or can be “co-creators” with God, that we can do anything at all of a positive and powerful nature, we need to carefully examine this issue!
But it is work to examine it objectively. It is hard work because it consists of long and difficult self-examination in order to be able to overcome the emotions that prevent us from discovering what illusions we are hanging onto, what illusions are preventing us from seeing and acting in such a way as to become free.
As we continue to think in these terms, it becomes more and more apparent that this Great Work of the alchemists was essentially the process of becoming “free of the Matrix”, described in alchemical and allegorical terms.
This hyperdimensional world is all around us, yet we are unable to see it because it is beyond the range of our senses. All the objects of our world are very likely just our limited perceptions of what is happening in this total reality.Since those forces that create and maintain the Matrix have so much to lose, they exert a great deal of energy to keep the Matrix of lies and false beliefs in place. And doing it from a state of hyperdimensional reality enables them to work from a state of timelessness, so as to be able to produce all the perceived effects that support their agenda; the Evil Magician of Gurdjieff; the “Flyer“ of Castaneda; the Shaitans of the Sufis. And the reality has been manipulated for so long that it seems natural. It has become a comfortable prison in which Stockholm Syndrome reigns supreme, and the inmates love their captors.
Thus it is that we may find that our religious myths and rites are remnants of narratives – a message in a bottle – designed to explain these phenomena, and that the monotheistic versions, declaring a Final End, or a Judgment Day of a final end, are merely distortions of the myth designed to establish a Control System on our planet. These distortions are beneficial to those who seek power and wealth, who are under the control of archetypal forces of another realm of which our own reality is but a shadow or a reflection. Let me reiterate: I do not mean, here, to suggest that this other realm is “astral” or ephemeral or non-material. I am suggesting that it is an intermediate realm of para-physical, hyper-dimensional beings whose existence and nature has been carefully concealed from us for millennia – for a reason that is not to our benefit.
And as we have learned from Jesus, Gurdjieff and the Gnostic Sufis, Castaneda, and the Cassiopaeans, the rules of this World in which we live were set up and are controlled by this STS (Service to Self) hierarchy and have been for a very long time. Each and every time the revelation of this Control System is attempted, the Matrix goes into overdrive to destroy it. And it is clear that this is the present situation….It is in “seeing the unseen” that we become aware of higher levels of being; it is in ordinary human interactions that we experience the “battles” between the forces of STS (Service to Self) and STO (Service to Others)! And it is most definitely this factor that the Matrix Control System vigorously attempts to conceal!… In other words, we are not just talking about a “petty dispute,” we are talking about a battle of forces at other levels, manifesting – as ALWAYS – in human dynamics.“– Laura Knight-Jadczyk, The Secret History of the World
The Alien Love Bite
Eve Lorgen, MA, is a UFO/abduction researcher who started her work in the alien abduction field while earning her Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology in 1992. She specifies in Anomalous Trauma, which is defined as traumatic events that exist out of the normal range of human experience. These experiences may include alien abductions, near-death experiences, shamanic initiations, military abductions (MILABS), mind control, spiritual warfare, demonic and psychic attacks, cult involvement, and narcissistic abuse.
Lorgen has been expanding on the work of the late Dr. Karla Turner, who was a pioneer in alien abduction research. An abductee herself, Turner published three books: “Into the Fringe” (1992), “Taken” (1994), and “Masquerade of Angels” (1994). Dr. Turner was the first person in the UFO community to point out the many anomalous experiences of abductees – characteristics which many other researchers ignored or denied while only focusing on a “nuts and bolts” approach to the abduction phenomenon. For many years, it was assumed that these aliens just abduct people to examine them (or to create a hybrid race), and oftentimes included claims that abductions are positive events and that the aliens are helping us evolve through theseinteractions.
Dr. Turner found out that there are very disturbing aspects within the abduction phenomena field, including occurrences of aliens implanting false memories into abductees in order to hide the truth of what had actually happened to them. The evidence contained in her meticulous research shows that aliens harvest human physiologies in a number of ways: emotionally, energetically, and physically.
Dr. Turner’s work is featured in our film UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact and you can also read a review more her work here. Dr. Karla Turner died of cancer on January 10, 1996, after being threatened for sharing her work. She was just 48 years of age. Since then, several other people involved in UFO investigation research have also experienced threats on their well being, followed by highly unusual cancer developments.
“Humans have a deep need to believe in the power of good. We need for the aliens to be a good force, since we feel so helpless in their presence. And we need for some superior force to offer us a hope of salvation, both personally and globally, when we consider the sorry state of the world. I think the aliens know this about us–they know that we want and hope for them to be benevolent creatures–and they use our desire for goodness to manipulate us. What better way to gain our cooperation than to tell us that the things they are doing are for our own good?”
And it becomes clear from these details that the beings who are doing such things can’t be seen as spiritually enlightened, with the best interest of the human race in mind. Something else is going on, something far more painful and frightening, in many, many abduction encounters. As to researchers who claim that the ET’s are here to help us evolve some higher consciousness or that they are here for some other positive purpose–saving our plant, promoting world peace, etc. – I challenge those researchers to incorporate anomalous data into this view.Theories are starting places for research, not proven conclusions, and UFO researchers must be willing to expand and alter their pet theories according to the data they uncover. It would be wonderful if we could shape ET experiences into something positive, but until the details of abduction encounters–all the details–are given serious consideration, I think it’s dangerous to cling to theories that ignore data that will not fit. We owe it to ourselves to seek the whole truth.
No matter what the truth ultimately proves to be, we have to go for it! I mean without it we’re like children playing with shadows and we’re ignorant and we’re certainly unempowered to deal with and confront whatever the real entities are behind this masquerade. To take it all at face value is foolish. To take none of it at face value is ridiculous. Investigations into this field….there cannot be anything more important for us to be doing right now than to dig past our wishes, dig past our fears and dig for objective reality and understanding.“
– Dr. Karla Turner
Eve Lorgen coined the term “Love Bite” to describe a situation wherein two abductees are being programmed by their alien handlers to engage in a love relationship – to essentially “fall in love” with each other via remote control. In her book “The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships“, Lorgen explores the effects of the Love Bite, which can range from simple break-ups of platonic relationships to violent divorces; from “puppy love” sensations to sudden urges to marry a complete stranger. Through the exploration of several fascinating case histories, Lorgen demonstrates how alien beings are orchestrating these relationships and setting up drama and turmoil for their own agenda.
Most often this manipulation model involves two individuals who live far away from one other, each being seeded with the image of the partner they are supposed to be with. A strong longing to meet the other person, telepathic connections, mystical experiences, having dreams of each other, and dynamic synchronicities – all orchestrated through the machinations of alien handlers – eventually bring those two people together. The sense of having met one’s soul mate or twin flame is very strong. It seems like magic, straight out of a fairy tale…the dream of having found the “one”.
Both feel like they have known each other for a long time, even to the point of assuming a past life connection. The sexual connection is also very strong, with “out of this world” sex and powerful lust, thereby creating an energetic bond and hormonal rush which imprints the idea that this is meant to be, that it is a ‘forever’ romance. It is all very “love at first sight”, and an obsession follows quickly on the heels of this desire. One (or both) partners may even leave their job, their spouse and family, and move away, just to be with the other person.
Then, after a period of being together, one person all of a sudden switches off, and becomes emotionally unavailable, leaving the other person in a state of unrequited love. This results in intense emotional turmoil and suffering for the love obsessed person (who still feels very bonded to the partner who suddenly “switched off”). Suicidal tendencies, mental/physical exhaustion, or even serious illness are the result of this upheaval. This dynamic may switch back and forth as well, when the love-obsessed person all of a sudden turns off emotionally, and the other person (who previously shut down) is now once again being targeted with the Love Bite, resulting in a renewal of their attachment and neediness programs, thus generating even more emotional turmoil.
“I did not want to marry the person who became my first wife, yet I had no control over the decision. Before we were married, we were jointly abducted and subjected to severe programming. The results brought no happiness to either of us. We both starved for love and companionship, even though we tried with all our might to find them. My son was also one of their subjects, and is miserable and lost. He is an artistic person with so many unknowable fears that he is paralyzed. I know of abductees murdered by mutilations. reports of which are suppressed immediately and completely, by cancers that no physician has ever seen before, and by madness that has led to suicide. In my opinion, these acts were not caused by “brothers” of any sort.”
– Elton Turner, husband of Dr. Karla Turner
One of the reasons for this scenario (with regards to why aliens orchestrate such Love Bite relationships) is to feed off of the emotional turmoil created by the targeted victims. This ties into the idea of the HMCS: that humanity is food for higher density/hyperdimensional beings who play with humans like figures on a chess board.
Food doesn’t necessarily mean physical substance, as consciousness is sustenance for higher density beings. Our emotions and sexual energy – triggered through these manipulations – are what these entities are feeding off of, and it appears that they are trying to keep us in a “frequency/entropic prison” through genetic modification and other forms of coercion (like implanting certain religious and New Age belief systems into the collective consciousness) so they can secure their continued access to this food source.
The alien abduction phenomenon is certainly not a psychological issue on the part of the people who have had these experiences. It is not an illusion, nor mental disorder. It is very real, as sincere study into this topic shows clearly. In order to fully grasp the reality of abductions, we need to let go of what we think is/is not possible, while keeping aware of our conditioned mind’s belief constructs which try to “explain away” such experiences with basic, “culturally-approved” psychology or New Age “spirituality”. It is very important to understand the ‘High Strangeness’ aspect of the UFO and Alien phenomena.
People who haven’t really looked into this area carefully often resort to painting pictures of denial and scepticism, asking how all of this could be possible on such a grand scale, without the general public becoming aware…they don’t realize that a lot of this takes place within a non-physical phenomena zone, and involves a higher-intelligence life form that is able to pop in and out of 3D physicality, transcending time and space. They can insert thoughts, memories, and emotions into human minds; create virtual realities; and change appearances, all of which are customized (based upon the belief system of the abductee). This topic is further documented in Dr. Karla Turner’s books “Masquerade of Angels” and “Into the Fringe”.
“We need to hold ourselves to facts in this field and I think that is extremely important. We should repeat that ten times a day as we go through the work in this area. The problem of course with the abduction phenomena, as with a lot of UFOlogy, is that the nature of the alien activity is designed deliberately to keep us from having much in the way of concrete evidence. Designed that way. It is not an accident.”
– Dr. Karla Turner
“Another disturbing factor that emerged from my research was that these beings, whether demons, vampires, or aliens, seem to have the ability to control our thoughts to a certain extent, our physical bodies, the weather and even events in our lives. Many people reported that their abductors were benevolent beings, but when we consider all the factors of the big picture of the phenomena, it seems that such stories of benevolence may be misleading.“
– Laura Knight-Jadczyk, The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities and the process of Alien Abduction
Non-human manipulation can play out any scenario in order to make the abductee feel as if they are having a “spiritual” experience; hence the reason why so many contactees claim that these alien beings are benevolent, despite the fact that abductions happens against their free will to begin with.
As terrifying as this may all sound, we also have to understand that we are more powerful than we can currently comprehend. We’re in the midst of a spiritual war, and the weapons to defend and protect ourselves are knowledge and awareness. In fact, the ultimate deception lies in these entities mind-controlling us into believing that we are powerless in the face of their agenda.
“I think we need to recognize that deceptions are employed at almost every level of this interaction to keep abductees from knowing about the actual events and the actual entities involved in these encounters. To me, maybe I’m just a suspicious sort, this implies that there is something they don’t want us to know about and often what seems implied from the reports is that there is something within is, the humans, something of which we can be capable, something of resistance or altering of this scenario that the abductors absolutely do not want us to be aware of. They go to great lengths to program our thinking about our encounters with them; that we are subordinate, that we are helpless, or that we are dependent, or that we belong to them…the list goes on and on. And they go to a great deal of trouble to convince us in every way that they can that we can do nothing about controlling these situations.
The good news is that in a number of cases in the past couple of years that hasn’t proven to be true. Abductees are finding more and more specific instances in which they were able to resist the illusion suggestions in which they were able to say “No” to procedures and in fact when they have been able to break free of actual controls. This to me is a great step forward and I think it’s going to be something growing. With any luck we’re going to find abductees are realizing there are ways to change this entire pattern of activity.”
– Dr. Karla Turner
In addition to the motivation involved in feeding off of human emotional/sexual energy, there are other reasons for aliens to install their Love Bite program. These goals go deeper into the topics of alien abductions, MILABS (military abductions), MK Ultra, Project Monarch, and the darker realms of the UFO/abduction phenomenon, and it’s impossible to cover all of these aspects in-depth within a single blog entry. However, by examining the traits and tactics associated with the Love Bite deception, a clearer picture will emerge in regards to the pathological of non-terrestrial ‘interference/predator consciousness’.
Eve Lorgen describes the symptomology of a Love Bite set-up by laying out the conditions that are listed below (which have been slightly edited in order to provide further context for those who have not explored her work). There may be variations present within individual cases when it comes to these symptoms, depending upon the person’s character and his/her background:
Characteristics, Signs and Symptoms of a Love Bite Bonding Set Up:
– Multiple abduction histories. In most cases, the person had numerous alien encounters and/or UFO sightings. In a few cases the targeted love bite partner did not realize him/herself to be an abductee.
– Memories of bonding scenarios in abductions, vivid dreams, or virtual reality scenarios. Some have described it as a “stage-managed” dream where both partners are present in a bedroom scene set-up, where both individuals are being given telepathic messages to initiate contact (either on a verbal level or on a more physical sexual level). Oftentimes, either partner appears to be in a tranced-out or drugged state. Other stage-managed dreams and/or abduction ‘productions’ may have the partners placed in various situations which suggest that they are being tested for their emotional compatibility, or they are being outright coerced into thinking that this person would make an ideal romantic mate.
– Supernatural Events and Synchronicities. Non-coincidental coincidences and psychic flashes concerning the targeted partner appear in the mind’s eye of the target. Meeting the person seems to be set up in a supernatural way, such that the couple may wind up believing that their eventual union was divinely arranged – “a match made in heaven”. A first meeting between the pre-bonded partners may set off a series of deja-vu moments, including flashback memories of previous abductions or dream-related bondings. Some have even described it as a “body memory” of having made love to that person before. One or both partners may have a strong sense of having known the person before, as if they shared a lifetime friendship or a strong soul connection.
– Paranormal and supernatural phenomena increases during the love bite set-up. This may include empathic (and even telepathic) communication between the love bite pair, spontaneous remote viewing mental images, and mutually-shared dreams. Other oddities may include the physical sensation of the partners “touch” or energy field when the other partner is thinking (or fantasizing) about them. This is known as telesthesia, and is often experienced in a sexual way, usually in an altered state of consciousness. These conditions may provide the spark which propels either person to find the other in order to satiate an obsession with discovering their dream partner.
– Strong emotional, mental and even psychic connections with the bonded partner—such that it sets up the conditions and desires for them to meet one another. The connection can be so strong that they have described it as a soul immersion in their beloved’s energy field, or a literal sensation of having their souls conjoined to one another. Another by-product of this manipulation is the amplification of psychic abilities in either (or both) partners. Some MILAB abductees have reported that the reason for the bonding sessions was to amplify their psychic abilities (such as remote viewing), which were later to be used in secret missions or “mind control ops”.
– Love obsession. A need for one partner to be with the other, to the point of complete infatuation. This includes the need to meet the person, even if it is in secret, and having to hear the person’s voice on the phone (leading to multiple phone calls per day). Just hearing the targeted partner’s voice may have a calming effect on the obsessed lover. Extreme anxiety may be felt if the obsessed person cannot hear that person’s voice (or see them somehow).
– The obsessed partner usually feels “love at first sight” and may lose all critical reasoning abilities. Some have described it as having the compulsion to make sudden life-changing decisions, including moving to a new city, changing jobs, getting divorced, or going out of their way to do things for the targeted person. It has been compared to being under a “love spell” whenever the obsessed person hears their partner’s voice. They may go to great lengths to please the person—doing anything for them, even giving up their life for them.
– Switching off. One (or both) partners becomes unplugged emotionally, leaving the other in a state of unrequited love. Usually, the obsessed lover becomes painfully isolated after the other partner loses interest, which often takes place right after an abduction. It has been described as the psychic and emotional unplugging of the targeted partner. Unfortunately, the obsessed lover still feels the strong psychic/emotional connection, but the other “switched off” partner feels nothing, leaving the obsessed lover grieving. Alternatively, the living conditions (offspring commitments, geographical distance) for the bonded lovers are such that it is impossible for them to consummate their strong love.
– Emotional turmoil in the unrequited partner’s life. These powerful emotions of love and grief may cause the person to be inspired with creative energy, so that they write poetry, music, or any other artistic form of creative inspiration. Conversely, the degree of emotional pain may throw the unrequited lover into suicidal tendencies, mental and physical exhaustion, or severe illness.
– Profound mystical experiences may also be perceived during the time of increased emotional processing, or periods of prayer.
– An increase in alien encounters during periods of high drama and emotional conflict. The alien encounters may also increase if the person gets involved in alternative sexual lifestyles or increased sexual activity—especially if it’s with the targeted love bite partner. Some have reported increases in reptilian activity with regards to methamphetamine or “crack cocaine” abuse.
– Some abductees have reported the bonding experience to take place more than once, whereby they have experienced both sides of the love bite program: the obsessed unrequited end, and the “detached/disconnected” end. When they are on the disconnected end, a platonic friendship may be engendered. With regards to the unrequited side of the control mechanism, some heterosexuals have suddenly become obsessed with a homosexual bond-partner, to the point where a drastic change in lifestyle occurs.
There are many variations to the love bite drama wherein, for example, two abductees are placed together (perhaps for the purpose of having children together) and yet they may not go through all of the stages listed in the above set of symptoms. Based on the number of love bite histories [Eve Lorgen] has compiled, [she] has come to the conclusion that there are at least four reasons for these set-ups. Some of these may serve dual purposes. The first two relate to the alien agenda, and the other two involve cooperating (human) military or intelligence personnel who are monitoring a particular abductee (in this instance, MILABS or a faction of MK Ultra operatives).
The four basic reasons behind love bite relationships are:
1. Genetic bloodline analysis, or the perpetuation of a particular trait which is useful for the aliens and/or military, intelligence or Illuminati-related group operations. For example, high psionic and dissociative abilities.
2. Emotional soul harvesting of energies, siphoned off the abductee for use as sustenance by alien species (such as reptilians, Dracos, or demonic powers accrued to human magicians). In cases where sexual manipulations take place, this sexual energy can be deployed in Montauk-type experiments for time travel, psi amplification, or materialization purposes.
3. Amplification of paranormal abilities (such as telekinesis, telepathy, remote viewing and precognition) through sexual and soul-bonding of other psychic abductees. In these case, you can call the targeted individuals MILAB operatives. Some of these operatives may have Monarch Programming ‘installed’, or may possess the more sophisticated alien programming implants which are based on the fundamentals of Monarch MK Ultra programming. Oftentimes, those programmers who orchestrate the various missions for their highly trained operatives will want to soul-bond and sexually bond a pair of victims. This serves to keep the twinned operatives loyal to one another, and increase their performance in field operations. For example, when two operatives are so bonded together that they can telepathically transmit large amounts of information to one another (sometimes during sexual activity), this becomes a very useful tool for bypassing surveillance technologies. If they love one another, they will also die for one another, thereby taking greater risks in order to ensure the success of a dangerous mission.
4. Distraction and neutralization of troublesome abductees (or researchers) who are either breaking programming, whistle blowing, or getting too close to the truth. This may present itself as an abductee client that comes in to work with a researcher, and suddenly an engineered love affair ensues. Then the relationship transforms into an emotional roller coaster, or creates chaos in the researcher’s life, distracting him or her from useful discoveries. Alternatively, a sleeper operative abductee starts coming to a support group’s meetings, wreaking chaos wherever they go. This chaos could include a love bite set up with one of the group members, thereby resulting in a division within the support group, creating unnecessary enmity between abductees and researchers who could have shared insightful experiences together. In these instances, the set-up serves to prevent useful information from reaching the public.
The Alien Love Bite scenario researched by Eve Lorgen relates only to love relationships that are established between abductees. The question ‘who is/is not an abductee’ is not always an easy one to answer. There are the obvious abduction characteristics and symptoms which abduction researchers like Eve Lorgen, Karla Turner, David Jacobs, Barbara Bartholic, and others have identified over decades of research in working with abductees.
Personally, I’ve seen some UFOs here and there, and even encountered reptilian/alien-like entities, but nothing that would hint at a typical alien abduction: no abduction dreams, missing periods of time, or things of that nature…well, as far as I’m aware of! I have had “high strangeness” situations in my life, and what could be coined “hyperdimensional interference” in relationships (as described above) but nothing that I’m aware of which would point to an actual abduction scenario.
Having said that, many abductions are not that obvious to identify, and can only be retraced through hypnosis therapy, since the aliens seem to have an ability to mind-control the abductee, erase their memory, manipulate space and time, and implant certain thoughts, emotions (everything from bliss to indifference), and false memories that serve to ‘re-write’ what really went on during the abduction.
These deceptive practices take place through the use of a hyperspace-technology that makes our technology look like stone-age tools in comparison. Some abductions have been reported by people in a fully conscious state (without the aid of hypnosis), and there are many similarities between the thousands of reported abduction case studied around the world, which (independently and collectively) demonstrate a rather disturbing picture.
Since most abductions cannot be consciously recalled, some abduction researchers believe that there are millions of victims world-wide who do not have the slightest idea that they had been abducted. Sometimes, people only remember the situation at a much later point in their life, or come to a realization that something like an abduction could have occurred earlier in their life. Abductions can take place as early as infancy – some people have been abducted hundreds of times. Many abductees are living in fear, not knowing when the next “taking” will happen, nor having the courage to talk openly about it for fear of receiving the obvious public ridicule. Many need to even hide these experiences from their families and friends, as they are afraid of being shamed or called crazy/mental cases.
However, the most disturbing part of this phenomenon is the complete denial of the issue – not only in the mainstream scientific community, but especially amongst the many “progressive” truth and New Age/consciousness movements. Most people have never sincerely researched this topic in depth, as the realm of alien abductions is treated as if it were a non-existent and/or comical scenario.
The Dark Side of Cupid
Expanding on her work in the “Love Bite”, Eve Lorgen wrote a book called “The Dark Side of Cupid – Love Affairs, The Supernatural and Energy Vampirism” in 2012, published by UFO historian Richard Dolan’s Keyhole Publishing Company/Richard Dolan Press. In this book, she explores hyperdimensional interference – and the set-up of love relationships – between people who are not necessarily abductees. I will be quoting extensively from her new book, as well as sharing my own experiences in light of my personal encounter with the Dark Side of Cupid.
“Rarely, if ever, is any attention placed on the supernatural within the context of human love relationships being orchestrated and interfered with. There are books about love relationships believed to be brought together by divine intervention m mystical tales of how Cupid’s arrow magically brought together true soul mates. But it’s generally within a positive framework of finding one’s true love, twin flame or soul mate. But what about love relationships that have the appearance of being a match made from heaven—but instead end disastrously, as if a supernatural intelligence interlopes as Cupid? A counterfeit soul mate match. Could such a thing happen? The answer is yes and this is what I call the Dark Side of Cupid.
Of all the anomalous experiences under investigation, those that stood out as being extraordinarily traumatic were those that involved love relationships whose onset appeared magical, as if an unseen force had been at work forging powerful psychic connections, only to cascade into a spiral of emotionally draining dramas.
I examine unusual love relationships in which something magical seemed to happen. But, instead of becoming a delightful and fulfilling soul mate experience, the person was either psychically drained or thrown into an emotionally manipulated, high-drama relationship that had the earmarks of supernatural interference.
If I had not experienced this myself, or counseled so many others involving these types of love relationships, I would not have believed or even considered such an idea. But now I do. …With The Dark Side of Cupid, my aim is to challenge the reader to enhance their awareness of the possibility of relationship interference, forged psychic connections and even soul mate counterfeiting. …Finding one’s soul mate and happiness in love requires emotional maturity and spiritual wisdom. We can retain the magic, wonder , and unity of true love, but to do so, we must be discerning. In my experience, awareness and wisdom had come with a price. This pearl of wisdom I offer to you, in the hope that others do not have to pay such a heavy price of pain and emotional suffering on their journey to find true love. The truth is, what we lack in awareness can and does hurt us. And so let us be wise in matters of love.
Needless to say, the alien love bite hypothesis is not something easily proven, but it became the name and definition of a type of experience in which its victims felt as if a powerful love match seemed to be set up elsewhere by a supernatural puppet master pulling some very potent emotional strings.“
I want to address one issue before going any further into this research. Whenever I bring up this topic, some people claim that there is always emotional drama in relationships from time to time and in varying degrees, and that people always tend to blame their partner, parents and others for their problems. These critics claim that bringing up the idea of “invisible beings” who cause relationship dramas (and interfere with relationships) give people even more excuse to blame others (and outside forces), and thus avoid taking responsibility for their own problems and issues. For the most part, this assessment is based on ignorance with regards to a deeper comprehension of the “topic of all topics”.
As I pointed out in my article Spiritual Bypassing, Relationships and the Shadow, it is crucial to take responsibility for issues that come up in relationships, and to understand how shadow projection, childhood wounding, narcissistic wounding (and basic psychology in general) play out through those unconscious parts of our father/mother image that we are not aware of, including how we may try to get needs met from a partner which we didn’t receive from our parents during childhood.
So basic psychological work (and taking responsibility for the Self) is absolutely needed, and necessary. This hyperdimensional research is not about blaming others, but about understanding that there is more to reality than what our five senses are aware of, and what we have been taught by society.
However, what I didn’t mention in the ‘relationships and the shadow’ blog – but have brought up in other blog posts, as well as in the film “Love, Reality, and the Time of Transition“- is that there are countless examples of “negative” occurrences in the world (or in our lives) that are do not manifest themselves through our shadow material; in addition, neither do we attract everything into our lives through our thoughts/emotions.
As mentioned above, we are not the peak creation of Source consciousness; humanity is not so special and unique that nothing (other than ourselves) would harm, control or manipulate our species. It’s actually quite anthropocentric to think that way. Not everything that befalls us is brought about by our own thoughts and deeds. It’s not about blaming and victimhood, but rather, it’s about transcending our self-centered view of reality and the universe.
There are other “forces” in our lives that affect us more than most are aware, and who operate independently, rather than arising from our own shadow material. When looking at all of this through the psychology lens of Jungian shadow projection, it’s clear that there are limitations involved in using this diagnostic tool, even though it does contain a lot of truth, and can be very useful and important in assisting our self-work and relationship issues.
The learning cycle never stops turning, and humanity still has much to confront and learn about – including attaining a level of awareness that may require a whole new understanding of reality. There is always more to grasp and uncover, and it’s a process that requires adjustments and new perspectives as we expand our vision of the world-as-it-is. It is what the term ‘raising consciousness’ implies. People who are stuck in one idea or mode of teaching – and try to explain everything through that framework- are building their own self-limiting reality box.
This ‘blind spot illness’ relates to philosophy, spirituality, psychology, astrology, science, or any religion (east and west) where experts in any of these systems are only looking through one lens (many of them distorted/false perspectives to begin with) when examining life’s mysteries, not realizing that this approach can easily lead to distortion and a ‘reality tunnel’ vision. It can also become an egotistical point of pride issue, thus preventing that person from admitting to him/herself that there may be more to the story which they hadn’t considered before, especially when their career depends upon upholding their point of view, and they have an image to sell (and reputation to live up to).
“Some people who contact me keep this part of their lives secret for years, often a decade or more. The alien love bite experience leaves its victims feeling bewildered, emotionally drained, and betrayed not only by their alien visitors (if they know themselves to be abductees), but by the unseen entities that magically arrange the love partnership. It is as if the aliens – or whoever these Cupid interlopers are – leave their victims feeling so profoundly affected that words can barely describe the emotional and psychic pain must endure. Love bite experiences are largely disbelieved, even ridiculed by mainstream media as well as by most psychotherapists and medical professionals. Adding insult to injury, many of their peers within the truth-seeking and disclosure community often ostracize them, as ironic as it sounds.
The Alien Love Bite theory and the embarrassingly painful effects do not bode well for the popular ufological Disclosure movement, exopolitics theories, and space-brothers-are-here-to-save-us mentality prevalent in the New Age and UFO community. No! Not at all. Nor has it gained acceptance within mainstream psychology circles. This means that those who experience the trauma of alien abductions and the love bite drama are stranded between a rock and a hard place, isolated in a no man’s land where secrecy remains the rule rather than the exception. If disclosure of all things UFO, extraterrestrial, and related secrets ever happens, then the Alien Love Bite and especially the Dark Side of Cupid must be part of this. In my view it may very well be the root driving force behind the ancient extraterrestrial star gods themselves and those powerful clandestine organizations who appear to serve them.
I’ve studied countless relationship self-help books dealing with toxic relationships, trauma and addictions, emotional vampires, dangerous men, and psychopathology. And yet none of these books ever recognize or mention anything near to what I am seeing. None address the paranormal element of orchestration and interference in conjunction with being drained emotionally, in a powerfully connected love relationship that doesn’t end well. While there is often a level of psychopathology present in one of the partners, such as addiction or narcissism, it does not explain other anomalous characteristics of the relationship.Psychic and emotional vampirism is a key feature, and yet the vampirism itself may be an indirect aspect of the relationship interference – as opposed to being the sole fault of one partner, a.k.a. the energy vampire. In other words, the emotional draining effects of the relationship may be a result of one partner who acts as a portal or some sort of conduit for another entity, such as Dark Cupid. This Dark Cupid’s job is to hijack the energetic component of the love relationship. In other words, the greater the emotional drama, the more energy for Cupid to feed upon.“
Based on having worked with many people over the years who shared their experiences with her, Lorgen has identified three indications which represent the major signifiers of a Dark Side of Cupid relationship:
- Magical/paranormal elements (such as omens, precognitions and psychic linking).
- Psychic draining, or vampirism, and/or extreme emotional highs and lows.
- The emotional manipulation and/or psychopathology factor.
At least two of the three indicators have been present in all cases which Lorgen has studied, and usually all three of them occur within a given example. She calls these signifiers the “Unholy Triad” of the Dark Side of Cupid symptomatology.
In the first category, magical and supernatural elements happen right before the love affair occurs, and continue to play out afterwards. Synchronicities, vivid/precognitive dreams, feelings of déjà vu usually occur in these instances. It seems as if it’s all meant to be – Jung described synchronicity as an “acausual connecting principle, i.e. a pattern of connection that is not explained by causality, or in other words, a “meaningful coincidence””.
Many of us have experienced synchronicity in our personal lives which were not connected to love relationships. For the most part, we feel that these synchronicities are positive in nature, as if the “universe” is helping us to be in the right situation at the right time without our conscious expectation; for example, we may come across just the right book or article which helps us to glean useful insight around a tricky situation we find ourselves in. I have experienced these positive synchronicities many times over the years.
However, what most people don’t know is that synchronicities can be orchestrated by higher dimensional “alien” beings – such arrangements may look initially like positive events, but were in fact a “bait” to entrap us (of our own will) in a certain situation for their own agenda’s benefit. So while there can definitely be synchronicities which lead us to meet the “right” person without such interference, there are many examples of orchestrated synchronicities in the Love Bite/Dark Cupid scenario.
These synchronicities target our wishful thinking patterns, emotional blind spots, and past wounds (which are different for each of us) in the form of temptations or magical encounters with one’s perceived “soul mate” (but who is, in actuality, a “counterfeit soul mate/twin flame”, as Lorgen calls them). Finding one’s true soul mate – and actually grounding oneself in a shared love relationship – requires emotional maturity/intelligence, awareness, discernment, and spiritual wisdom. The whole idea of a soul mate or twin flame has also become a very distorted concept within New Age circles.
Regarding the use of baits in order to play upon our free will and draw us into situations which are not as they appear to be (as part of a Love Bite/Dark Cupid program), it is important to understand the following quote, below. This particular topic goes beyond the boundaries of the love bite scenario, and encapsulates a significant aspect of the global matrix control system (and hyperdimensional manipulation in general).
This quote below is drawn from a series of articles written by Michael Topper (who uses the nom de plume “Marshall Telemachus” or even “Mother Terasu” and others) – after producing a great deal of material, most of which was published by Val Valerian in his series of Matrix books, he sort of disappeared from the scene after being under serious attack from the forces he exposed. His body of work and released material is complex but gives away deeper secrets of reality.
“In the higher densities, the Name of the Game is Consciousness. This simply means that the higher densities of existence, whether positive or negative in orientation, all recognize that the business of all being and existence everywhere is always that of Consciousness… becoming more and more “Aware.” Awareness is related to “density” of consciousness, so to say. The STS (Service to Self) way of achieving “density of consciousness” is to “gain weight” by assimilation of other consciousness units. This is generally promoted as “All is One” and refers to “evil” as a “rebellion” or a fault or something that will ultimately be “done away with.”
STO (Service to Others), on the other hand sees “gaining weight” in a different way. It sees that an acknowledgement of the consciousness of “other self” as equal to its own consciousness, in spite of completely different manifestation of that being, is the way to “network” the consciousness so that the Whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
The difference is that the STO guys recognize consciousness as being an “integrative” activity of mutual networking and interdependence because they view all others as self, even if they are different, and therefore seek to help and assist because the other IS self in an absolute internal sense. In this way, Absolute Consciousness, or God is “glorified” by a marvelous diversity of being if you wish to put it in those terms.
The negative guys, on the other hand, play the game in terms of domination, subjugation and absorption of other consciousnesses into “One.” . But, they too, understand that the rules of the game posit that in order for them to truly “absorb” into their being these other “consciousnesses,” that the “other” must choose to become part of their “self-aggrandizement.” An unwilling “food” is, in essence, not “nutritious” so to say. If the consciousness does not choose, it becomes a “poison” to the consciousness that seeks to “eat it.” And so they must promote “Oneness” in a very particular way.
Note that both sides acknowledge “Oneness,” but in very different ways.
So, we have to understand here that the true Negative Realm agenda is to “eat consciousness.” So, this actually prevents an overt “take-over” in literal, physical terms. If an “invasion” was detected, this would mean that the veil would be lifted and all would see the “man behind the curtain” and would be disgusted and turn away. Just as in the “Wizard of Oz,” those Ruby Slippers have to be obtained VERY CAREFULLY!
Gathering the essence is an art of great subtlety! The “negative alien plan” is, in its purest sense, STALKING.
The aim of Stalking is to create a completely controlled artificial environment composed of thoroughly predictable human behaviors – made predictable because they have been programmed to respond to cues of conditioning [inculcated through centuries of lies and obfuscations presented in the form of religions] and all of this revolves around a ‘story’ that is actually untrue, and wholly misrepresentative of the real negative aim.
For centuries these programming signals have been being set up – either because of time travel capabilities, or because of actual historical presence. Various prophets or religious leaders have been influenced to preach, or teach or prophesy philosophies designed to lay a foundation for later take-over – possibly in our present time. When people begin to get wise, the Negatives simply go back into the past, add something more to the soup to “cover up” the new awareness. This then act as a domino effect and influences our present. Time loops and all that. A lot of people think that the “alien invasion scenario” is a ruse concocted by the government to create the impression that there is a forming “threat,” thereby enabling the institution of a New World Order. But, this idea is based on a misrepresentation of the process just described.
The important thing to remember is this: there is NOT a “unified conspiratorial activity” going on here in the hierarchy of government. The “divide and conquer” effect is also manifest at this level and and suits the alien purposes to a “T.” Such activity at ALL levels is consistent with their program of STALKING, in which confusion and cross-purpose prevents a clear perception on the part of the Stalkees.
Yet, at some deep level there may be a direct conspiratorial interaction between the “secret government” and the negative aliens… but it is unlikely that any name of those involved would be recognized by anyone, no matter how “in the know” regarding the subject. These “secret superiors” are just that: SECRET. Any organization you can name, or about which you are AWARE, are merely “outer circles.”
What is the designed objective of this STALKING? It is two-fold. First, the effect of Stalking is sort of like stampeding a herd of cattle. Bit by bit, they are consolidated into a “negative mode” which consists of the idea of “us vs them.” Even though, on the surface, it may seem that this “mode” is positive or STO,(i.e. save the world because it is “wrong” or flawed, or blighted with original sin or whatever) the very fact that it is formed in the “dominator” mode of perceiving salvation “outside,” means that it can more easily be “taken over” body, mind and soul at a level that is “unseen and unseeable.” In other words: Satan CAN and most often DOES appear as an Angel of Light!
It is only at the lower levels of the power structure that many still believe they are playing out the basic ‘antagonism’ and ‘self- protection’ roles. They believe that “sending love and light” to those “in need” is appropriate, without realizing that this activity is predicated upon a deep belief that there is something wrong, in error, in rebellion, and thus becomes again, “us vs them.”
There is evidence that extensive implant technology may be used to ensure influenced obedience; yet, a degree of freedom must be conserved through the consciousness due to the essential fact that the valued commodity is consciousness. A totally drugged, surgically altered and thoroughly programmed psyche is only good for robotic slave-service (and this may also be going on also, by the way). It is in this understanding that we find our way out of the trap. It isn’t easy, but it is a way.
The primary object of Negative stalking is to persuade through strongly influenced, but not robotic, behavior patterns, the Free Choice of the targeted CONSCIOUSNESS to align with negative higher-density existence. Because, in the Long Run, the object is the “eating” of functioning units of consciousness by the negative hierarchy, with Free Will intact! It is not good food otherwise![…]”
– from “The Positive/Negative Realms of Higher Densities” by Michael Topper
The second category of the “Unholy Trinity” references the extreme feelings of highs and lows (as well as the emotionally-draining ‘vampirism’) that go beyond “normal” relationship issues. One (or both) partners may be putting the other partner on a pedestal, with ecstatic feelings and ego boosting episodes arising as a result…and suddenly, they will be let down, and sink to an emotional low, all of which transpires from one day to the next.
It literally feels like the targeted person is losing their mind, and where no rational, balanced and grounded communication between partners is possible in order to work things out. It can even seem like both individuals speak a “different language”. One day they may be experiencing out-of-this-world sex (and a magical love connection), yet the next day all of the old triggers come up, resulting in over-blown reactions which completely-drain one or both partners; the next day, it’s all love and bliss again…and back and forth it goes, creating a lot of emotional turmoil which serves as “food” for negatively-oriented hyperdimensional beings.
The third category describes the emotional manipulation and psychopathology element of this program. One (or both) partners may display unusually-controlling, manipulative, abusive or attention-getting behaviour patterns (such as narcissism or a Jekyll-Hyde duality). One partner may also appear “possessed”, as if something is working through him/her which display paranormal characteristics. It’s important to keep in mind that these paranormal/possession type characteristics are not always that obvious to the observer, and certainly do not resemble the scenes which appear in Hollywood horror movies. There are various degrees to this possession occurrence – from more subtle and covert expressions, to more obvious and overt outbursts – but the goal is the same: to create drama, reactive eruptions, and emotional turmoil in order to feed off it, or to further other alien agendas (as mentioned before in this article).
The issues that come up for a couple in a Dark Side of Cupid relationship may have characteristics of BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), PTSD, Bipolar disorder, narcissistic wounding, or other personality disorders and psychological issues. However, as I’ll discuss in more depth later in this piece, these psychological disorders may simply be the manifestation/symptoms of a Love Bite. People who have no reference for – nor understanding of – the Dark Side of Cupid/Love Bite scenario will usually try to explain what is happening through the framework of mainstream psychology, when in fact something else may be going on ‘behind the scenes’. It’s also important to see the whole picture when examining the possibility of a Love Bite relationship, especially with regards to the paranormal aspects. This quote by LKJ (mentioned above) is important to keep in mind:
“We are not just talking about a “petty dispute,” we are talking about a battle of forces at other levels, manifesting – as ALWAYS – in human dynamics.”
Eve Lorgen gives a general description of how a Love Bite/Dark Side of Cupid love relationship usually looks like:
Are you on the Dark Side of Cupid’s Hit list? When it feels like a match made in heaven.
The meeting could be accidental, in an unusual place or situation for you. But somehow, something magically happens that creates an opportunity. Perhaps you feel a premonition, energetic feelings that seems to happen out of the blue. Then your eyes meet.
There is a sense of familiarity, as if you already know this strange new person, perhaps from another place or time. Yet, you can’t seem to place it. The locked gaze, the sensation of butterflies swirling in your stomach, the feeling of excitement, anxiety, and perhaps even danger all lurk inside you. You can barely contain the sense that something big is happening.
Maybe he or she asks you something that was on your mind, just as you were going to speak it. “Have we met before? You seem familiar.” A few moments pass, and maybe you experience a feeling of déjà vu. Perhaps you recall a recent dream when you saw the face of your could-be lover. He or she is wearing the same color that appeared in your dream, or perhaps appears in a familiar scene. You now feel that the dream was some sort of divine precognitive foreshadowing. Your dream lover has come to life.
Your senses feel heightened, more alive. Those zingy, tingly, warm, and fuzzy feelings in your body seem to be resonating with this other person. Did you just meet The One? Your soul mate? Is this a sign that this person is about to enter center stage in your life? You exchange phone numbers and email. Next time you meet, you talk about things that you thought no one would ever really share with you, much less understand. You seem to have so much in common. Perhaps the person is not normally your type, yet inexplicably you share a powerful connection. The erotic fantasies begin. Somehow they feel so much more real. Why is that?
From deep inside, however, you feel a subtle hint of push-pull resistance. Your inner voice tries to check in with you, but you squash it like a bug. Your logical mind may question all this, […] but the lonely part of you can’t stop wanting excitement, a rescue from that hopeless feeling that you’ll never have true love and will always settle for less. You want to experience passion and love that you’ve never really known before. You fight both sides of yourself as if you’ve been split into two people. Confusion sets in, and you just can’t stop thinking about that person.
The Love Connection Begins and Cupid’s Drama Unfolds
A series of magical phone calls, texting, emailing, and meetings begin. Perhaps you are compelled to drive long distances or even go across the country to meet with your newfound lover-to-be. The energies of excitement build, and you can’t stop thinking about him or her, and especially about when you can have more time together to really connect, touch. Merge.
You never felt such a powerful connection with someone; it’s almost telepathic with supernatural overtones. You finish each other’s sentences, buy similar things at the store, find yourself wearing the same colors, and even eating the same food when not in each others’ presence, and at the same times.
That first kiss sends electrical thrills that zip right down to your erogenous zones. It’s almost like you’ve been zapped by Cupid’s arrow! You kiss again, deeply. It happens so easily, so fast. Sex feels so natural and connected. You find yourself doing things you didn’t do with other partners. You feel less inhibited and the creative juices flow. You take greater risks that may be out of character for you. You push away confusion and the inner red-flag voice flailing to be heard because, you say to yourself, “Yes! I’m going to follow my heart. I want passion!”
Now the roller coaster drama begins, and your life turns upside down. He or she makes you feel on top of the world, desired, cherished, and important. Events seem magically to unfold as though a divine script were being written that has pierced through the wall of your lonely heart. You are on a blissful high.
Yet it doesn’t last. Something happens. At some point, where you once felt excitement and passion, you wonder why you begin to feel weak and a little drained. Maybe your partner reveals a dark side. Emotional manipulation starts to unveil. Is your partner deliberately manipulating you like an emotional vampire, or does it just seem like it? You don’t want to believe it. The emotional crashing lows begin, and you start to feel that events are unfolding out of your control. Your partner’s full attention and presence seem to be out of your reach, and your life becomes an endless chase of unconsummated love.
Eventually, unrequited love pangs tear at your heart as you and your lover are buffeted about in one drama after another. In time, you become an emotional wreck. Confusion sets in and it seems as though every time you get near Cupid’s lover, you become weaker. You feel sucked dry of your emotions, logic, and better sense. What happened?
A lot of what Lorgen describes may sound like the typical phases of any relationship that possesses passion and uncertainty. The initial infatuation, emotional highs, projections, great sex, and all of those hormones creating a rush of bliss and excitement…that is usually the romantic phase. Then reality kicks in, and the shadow appears, triggering childhood wounds and other issues that usually come up in any relationship as it matures. However, there is a lot more to the story with regards to these characteristics when the couple is caught up in a Dark Side of Cupid/Love Bite relationship.
Here is the basic Dark Side of Cupid questionnaire that Lorgen asks her clients to fill in:
Do these main characteristics seem familiar to you?
1. Magical and Supernatural elements that preceded or occurred during the love affair. Things such as synchronicities, precognitive dreams, insights, vivid dreams and feelings of déjà vu. Paranormal activity. Love match seems to have been influenced from the beyond, as if it was meant to be. A very strong connection with the person. Y/N
2. Emotional highs and crashing lows, emotional and psychic draining. You may have been perceived on a pedestal with ecstatic feelings, then were suddenly let down to an emotional low, either by the partner or through events out of your control. Lots of drama. Y/N
3. Emotional Manipulation and the Psychopathology Element. Did your partner have unusually controlling, manipulative or abusive and attention-getting behaviors such as
a) Histrionic, drama king/queen, endless talking, chatter, attention seeker. Y/N
b) Addictive and compulsive, drugs, alcohol, sex, work, sports. Y/N
c) Controlling, jealous, emotional manipulator, passive aggressive. Y/N
d) Narcissistic, lack of empathy, exaggerated sense of entitlement, praise seeking, needs constant attention and/or superiority complex. Y/N
e) Passive, “yes-but” whiner-victim, very needy. Y/N
f) Extreme narcissist, or Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde duality, demonic possession or hosting. Supernatural qualities, like black magic, hypnotic control of victim as if you are under a spell. Y/N
Personal Questions Category
Category 1: Magical and Paranormal Elements
a) What kinds of things happened before or in the initial phases of the relationship that led you to believe that this was perhaps out of the ordinary? Things such as vivid dreams, astral connecting with the partner, synchronicities, a stronger psychic link with the partner than was normally experienced with anyone, etc. Explain.
b) Did the relationship seem to be manipulated or orchestrated from unseen intelligences, and make you feel that you were under a spell?
c) How did you feel the connection, did you have a greater degree of passion, and did you feel this to be more than just sexual? Did your heart area, solar plexus or other areas feel distinctly different? Describe.
d) Did you experience a heightened degree of psychic sensitivity or empathy with your partner or other people during this love drama?
e) Did you or your partner witness any ghostly presences, spirits, or alien entities during or immediately preceding the love relationship?
f) Did you or your partner experience a love obsession that was not characteristic for you or them?
Category 2: Emotional highs, lows, drama, emotional draining
a) Were you emotionally drained after a certain point, and did this affect you physically, like getting ill or losing a lot of weight?
b) Did events happen out of your control that kept you both from being able to meet or consummate the relationship or do more things together?
c) Did you find yourself thinking or doing things that was out of character for you when around this partner or even afterwards. Taking greater risks, for example.
d) Did you or your partner suddenly become emotionally switched off and uninterested for no apparent reason or was there a reason if this happened?
e) How long did it take you to heal and get over this love relationship? How long did the relationship last?
Category 3: Emotional Manipulation and the Psychopathology Element
a) Do you believe your partner was a psychopath, witch, demon influenced or possibly a possessed individual?
b) What kinds of behaviors did your partner do that you felt were:
Emotionally manipulative, inflicting guilt, shame or that you are “less than” or ‘bad” Explain with an example.
Controlling or abusive? Overt or passive-aggressive. Explain a typical scene or interaction.
I want to say a little more about the hallmarks of the Dark Side of Cupid experience. When examined from afar, the beginnings of the love drama appear positive, and perhaps within the normal range of human experience. But when delving deeper into the dynamics of the love match, I noticed that the experience held a greater degree of a magical reality. Overtones of extrasensory perception and paranormal elements manifested in ways that had not normally been experienced in the lovers’ lives or in those of most people.
Obviously there are many variations and degrees with regards to the symptoms listed above, and not all of them have to apply to each case. However, if the majority of symptoms can be applied to a particular relationship’s dynamics, then it may indeed be a Dark Side of Cupid encounter. It all depends on the individual and his/her personal history; as stated above, this is just a basic questionnaire. It takes deeper introspection, recapitulation, and objectivity to see all of the red flags – warning signs which people tend to rationalize away, as happened to me and my experiences when I initially looked back on them after the fact. Oftentimes, this level of hindsight is not possible until the relationship has truly ended – and one subsequently attained a more balanced emotional state – so as to understand what actually transpired.
There are various ‘vulnerability factors’ (as Lorgen calls them) to consider as well, which make people more likely to become a victim of the Dark Cupid program…although it is a manipulation which can happen to anyone, as her research makes very clear. The two most common factors which increase the possibly of becoming a target for a Love Bite or Dark Side of Cupid scenario are:
- Engagement with Alternative Media, Conspiracy Research, Paranormal studies, and Spirituality (99 % of the case studies by Eve Lorgen involved people who possessed this trait).
- Involvement in Caretaking and Nurturing Professions (71 % of case studies).
1. Engagement in Alternative Media, Research, Conspiracy, and Paranormal & Spirituality:
All but one respondent who filled out my Dark Side of Cupid questionnaire was a follower of alternative media, paranormal, conspiracy, and/or spirituality interests. These were individuals who were actively engaged in becoming aware of what is going on in the world and cosmos, including higher consciousness explorations. These people tended to do a lot of internet research and radio talk show involvement, and had interests in spirituality and the paranormal.
All persons were intelligent, “outside-the-box” thinkers, who challenged the status quo of mainstream media, education, politics, and religion. Some were whistleblowers. Many of them had psychic abilities and a greater awareness on social and esoteric levels. One may ask, how can this be a vulnerability factor? If lack of awareness were a major vulnerability factor why would aware people be so vulnerable? [note by me: good question and we will explore this more later on.]
2. Involvement in Caretaking and Nurturing Professions:
Over two-thirds of the Dark Side of Cupid cases involved people in careers such as teaching, counseling, nursing, and psychic intuitive work. These individuals have a tendency for a high empathy factor, and are more giving in nature. As a result, they sometimes have greater difficulty setting firmer boundaries with “user and taker” partners, friends, and co-workers.
Personal Experiences
Having laid out some basic information and background on this topic, I feel compelled to share some of my own experiences in these matters, especially since I fit right into these two main ‘vulnerability factor’ categories. My quest for truth in all its forms; my questioning of the world we live in; and my interest in the paranormal, conspiracies, spirituality, and other ‘outside the status quo box’ topics began around 20 years ago. Eight years ago, I started to write about these topics on my blog (and created posts on social media outlets) – around the same period, I also started working full-time as a self-employed bodyworker/massage therapist.
Before these developments arose, my relationships were pretty normal by our societal standards, even if they didn’t work out. There were no episodes of high emotional drama, no paranormal occurrences, and no over-the-top magical synchronicities. Even in retrospect, I don’t see anything that could have hinted at a Dark Side of Cupid love relationship. I haven’t had many relationships in my life, and have spent longer periods of adulthood as a single person than as one half of a committed partnership. I never felt that I had a fear of intimacy, nor a fear of love relationships in general.
Back then, I was simply just very involved and focused on my musical ambitions (during my years as a member of a band) and was increasingly “committed” to the research I was doing and the information it presented to me. So a couple of relationships came and went, but without any accompanying drama, paranormal activity, lingering issues, or difficulties arising from an inability to ‘let go and move on’.
All of this ‘normality’ changed once I got deeper into studying esoteric knowledge, especially in relation to the “topic of all topics”: UFO phenomenon, abductions, and the darkest aspect of “alien” interventionism – the hyperdimensional control and manipulation of humanity, which manifests itself in different ways (based on cultural context) throughout our world’s (secret) historical timeline.
“…This underlying hyperdimensional reality that is behind our history and how it extrudes itself into the historical timeline, and how you can observe these long historical events and see the movement of that hyperdimensional energy through the actions of human beings, through historical cycles, through the behavior of groups of people, through the manipulations. Things emerge, you know. …”\
– Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The ‘altered state’ of my everyday life intensified around the time I was making the film “UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact” with my friend Humberto Braga. During the making of the film, we both experienced high strangeness events in our lives. Humberto started to get involved in a relationship that displayed symptoms of the Love Bite program. He started to have dreams about abductions, and even began having abduction-like experiences (such as waking up to find himself lying in the opposite direction to where he fell asleep, and discovering strange body marks, cuts and scratches on his body). His relationship turned into a downward spiral, with a lot of irrational behaviour and emotional drama that was initiated by the girl he was involved with; then, one day, she literally just disappeared without a word, removing the opportunity for communication or closure. It took Humberto a long time to get over it.
While we were making the film, a new female client started coming into my studio for massage sessions. It was someone I had never met before, and who had no idea about my research interests (besides bodywork). I usually check in with my clients before the start of a session, asking how they are feeling, what is going in their lives, and also inquire about their dreams so as to get a better assessment of where the person is at (and how their emotional life and stress levels affect their body).
The dream experience this particular women shared with me was a textbook alien abduction scenario. She told me that she had a dream in which a small creature appeared at her bedside. She then woke up and felt s strange presence. She looked out of the window and saw a UFO taking off right behind her house. She told me that she had no idea what that meant, and that she had no background knowledge – or any interest – in the topic of UFOs. The description of the entity she encountered was very similar to the typical ‘grey’ alien creature. Obviously, I had to be very cautious and considerate, and didn’t mention anything about my research into this topic. After all, I had just met this woman, and didn’t want to freak her out. I just gave her some bodywork to help get her grounded, as she was going through a lot in her life at the time, especially with regards to relationships.
A week later, she came back again for another session. This time, she shared more of her personal history, telling me that her whole family (even her grandparents) have had strange encounters with aliens and UFO sightings. It seems to have been a phenomenon that passed through her lineage, which is another big clue. She then shared with me another dream she had, which occurred after the first bodywork session we had together. In this dream, the alien being appeared again, and told her that she had been “re-programmed”. She had no idea what that meant, and neither did I.
Since we had established a good rapport and basic level of trust, I then suggested that she begin looking into UFO literature in order to see if she might find some similarities in relation to her experiences. I also suggested that we conduct more bodywork sessions so as to help her connect more deeply with her body, since the work I’d already done seemed to be having a positive effect. She was out of touch with her body’s wisdom, and seemed to disassociate from her surroundings a lot. She agreed with my advice, and was looking forward to continuing with the sessions. However, after that second session, I never saw her or heard from her again. I have no idea why.
Was she too freaked out about what she had experienced in her dream-states, and did these strange visions increase in intensity since she had met me?
Or was she “re-programmed” to avoid engaging with me anymore (in order to ensure that nothing would be revealed to her with regards to a possible possession scenario)? I don’t know.
The strangeness intensified when we released the UFO documentary in 2011. One of the UFO researchers we featured in our film – who liked it, and thanked us for making it – contacted us shortly after the release, telling us: “Just be aware that you will attract attacks for putting this information out there.” Little did I know at the time how these attack would come about, and how they had already been set-up to take effect.
Since 2006 – when I started to write about all of these matters on my blog – I’ve been in three relationships; in retrospect, I can now see that each of them displayed (to varying degrees) many of the symptoms associated with a Love Bite/Dark Side of Cupid love relationship.
During the making of the UFO documentary, I became involved in an on-again,off-again long-distance relationship with a woman who turned out to be an abductee, and who was also raised in a military family – her parents and grandparents had discussed having abduction-like experiences. It was a very complicated relationship. One part of me was very infatuated with her, but another part knew that something was “off”, and that I shouldn’t engage with her. She visited me periodically, and we had a very strong sexual connection. But soon enough, a lot of emotional drama rose to the surface which drained me tremendously, but I still couldn’t let go. Even when she had left for home, I felt the strange but strong pull to see her again, it was almost obsessive in nature.
We talked a lot over the phone, and during this time period she had an encounter with a reptilian entity in the middle of the night (which we discussed together). After we released the UFO documentary on Youtube in 2011, things got worse between us, and the relationship eventually blew up. It was obvious that this was not going to work out, and yet I had such a hard time in letting it go, as if there were strong, invisible psychic/emotional cords that kept me bound to her. It took me several months to get over the anguish, which seemed way too long a period of time, considering that the relationship only lasted a short while, and we were only in each other’s company for a total of about one month (based on all the visits). I was very emotionally drained and exhausted.
My next relationship lasted longer, about one-and-a-half years; I met this woman at a workshop I had attended at Esalen Institute, and felt intensely drawn to her. There was also a strong sense that I “instinctually” knew her, as she seemed very familiar. Strange synchronicities also seemed to confirm that we were “meant” to be together. At the beginning of our relationship, it was intensely sensual and sexual. Both of us had never experienced such a connection before in our love lives. I literally thought (and felt) that I had met the “One”. There was no doubt in my mind that I was ready for a lifetime commitment, although there were red flags in our relational dynamics which I conveniently ignored or rationalized away (more on the topic of these “red flags” later in this essay). After only two months of knowing one another, she moved in with me – a big step, which I had suggested to her.
Looking back, I can only shake my head in bemusement at my thought processes at the time (or lack thereof). Things started off nicely with this new arrangement, but soon enough the beauty turned sour, and our connection went downhill very quickly. A lot of issues and childhood wounds came up for me during this time as well, which I wrote about in Spiritual Bypassing, Relationships and the Shadow. After our break up we even tried to work things out through therapy but it got worse. At one point she started to shame me about my work and what I do to the point that I went into a downward spiral of deep depression and even suicidal thoughts.
I literally contemplated suicide and without the support of my good friends I would have not made it through it all. I even thought at one point to delete all the videos we made and this blog. I saw no sense of going on. The emotional pain was too much to bear. I also had a lot of pain in my solar plexus. It took me 6 months to recover from that and couldn’t continue my work during that time, not being able to read or write. I even had to take time off from doing bodywork for a bit since I couldn’t help others in the state I was in. She’s on her own healing path now and we have made peace.
You’d think that, by this point in my personal history, I would have had learned my lessons, but alas, no. A year-and-a-half after my last break-up, I got involved in another relationship that only lasted for a couple of months, but this one definitely had the Love Bite/Dark Side of Cupid program written all it, perhaps even moreso than the others. I want to make clear here that none of what happened with regards to this relationship (or the others I have mentioned) is either partner’s “fault”, which is a point that Eve Lorgen stresses as well. In retrospect, it felt as if my partners and I were being played like pawns on a chessboard. So keep in mind that what I am discussing here is not about appointing blame, nor about demonizing the ‘other’, nor about making anything “personal” in the process of sharing what happened.
With that out of the way, here is a brief overview of my third (and most powerful) experience with the hyperdimensional-manipulation relationship program. I found myself in a strong romantic bliss mindset (with all of the fuzziness and butterflies that accompany such feelings) with someone I met over the internet. She contacted me because she had followed my work for some years; it initially felt nice to connect that way with someone new. I told my friend Humberto about my new online interest, and he saw some red flags from the get-go (which other friends confirmed later on as well), but again, I ignored all of these warnings, distracted as I was by appearances and my emotional high.
The apparent connection continued to progress, and we started skyping on a continual basis – we even began to think of ways to deepen our bond, including the idea of doing a music/art project together; however, underneath all of this, something else was happening. After only a couple of weeks of skyping, we decided to meet each other in person, as there were a lot of synchronicities which seemed to show that this was meant to happen: we were having dreams of each other, we finished each other sentences as if we were psychically-linked, and so on. It was all very magical. She booked a flight, and came to visit me; as I drove to the airport to pick her up, I vividly remember feeling that something was not right about this situation. Everything had happened way too fast, but again, I ignored all of the red flags and deeper intuitions which my mind was receiving at the time. And honestly, after having not been with a woman for a year and a half, I was just looking forward to enjoying some female company.
There was a very strong sexual connection between us, which was quickly consummated – the first night she stayed with me, we had sex right away. We both loved the passion, and it was an amazing experience. However, after the third straight day of having sex, I fell sick in a very bad way, coming down with fever and a severely-infected sore throat. Keep in mind that I hadn’t gotten sick for five years, and that I’m a healthy person. After less than five days of her being at my place, while I was still trying to recover from my mystery illness, other issues came up. According to her, I was not showing enough affection, nor giving her more compliments. So I saw this declaration in a positive light, and as an opportunity to address these issues, especially since this related to some of my work about shadow projection and unfulfilled childhood needs.
However, communicating about all of this in a reasonable way was not possible. She got significantly triggered, and had many romantic expectations that she would rather address instead. We came to an understanding here and there – moments where she was able to see how a lot of this drama related to her childhood, and we could switch back into romance mode, enjoying our time together and relax as well. But then the dynamic shifted all over again, as if everything we had talked about was just forgotten, resulting in more overblown emotional turmoil. My own childhood wounds (especially with regards to ‘not feeling good enough’) got triggered as well, and everything devolved into heated arguments. So much “stuff” came up so quickly within my psyche, like I have never experienced before.
Only a week later, she began complaining about my lack of attentiveness with regards to her sexual cues, and why we weren’t having sex more often. She said that she’s just a very sexual person and “proud” of her sexuality, and that I simply don’t have a strong libido. Some of her stated sexual desires didn’t feel right to me, but she continued on in her critique, comparing me to past lovers who engaged in these kind of things, and declaring that she just had to get “used to me”, my repressed sexuality, and my lack of willingness to go along with her kinks.
Keep in mind that all of this started to happen only one week into our meeting in person. Naturally, I got turned off by her passive-aggressive comments, and chose to disengage sexually at one point because there was no true intimacy with regards to emotional connection, nor in relation to a deeper platonic resonance and communication. The tunnel-vision focus on sex, physical affection, and her romantic expectations around these things were over-riding everything else. It was deeply confusing and frustrating. One day, she was all over me (and I over her) and we were locked into some sort of intense romantic bliss; the next day, she would shut down completely, triggered by something I didn’t do or say, thus disappointing her expectations. Alternatively, I got triggered and projected on her, continuing this back and forth situation. However, at the same time, I had a lot of feelings for her, believing that I was in love.
As this impasse continued, I started to feel very drained and suffering from a lot of body pain, especially in my solar plexus. Going to work and doing bodywork sessions became very difficult for me. She also started to feel drained, but whenever I tried to talk about all of this and apply basic psychology, she got triggered and took it personally. I tried to approach it all with empathy and compassion to the best of my capabilities; having said that, I also didn’t always handle these situations very well. I was so confused, and literally thought I was going crazy, so at times I became over-bearing in my comments and we got into arguments.
My childhood wounds of “not being good enough” got triggered, but I knew that stuff would come up eventually (as they always do in relationships); however, I did not expect for all of this heavy material to come up only one week after meeting her for the first time. I realized my mistake lay in connecting so fast and intensely with someone I didn’t really know, but there was no escape from this lesson, as she was staying with me for four weeks. We did have some very good times and a lot of fun as well, but the emotional roller coaster of extreme highs and lows was completely out of the ordinary – something which I had never experienced before in that short amount of time.
During her stay, I succumbed to feelings of shame and guilt (involving her criticism that I was not satisfying her enough), which led to me engaging with her sexually to a degree that I did not feel comfortable with, and constantly beat myself up for not being more sexual generally. I’m not blaming her for these reactive responses within me, however. There were other red flags (which I ignored) that related to her sexual history and upbringing, all of which surfaced over time…I managed to rationalize them away as well. From an outside perspective, it’s easy to see all of the signs, but when you are tagged/set up by a Love Bite virus, reason and perspective goes out of the window. The intense emotional pull to be with her was overriding my critical thinking skills, and I got lost in the romantic bliss we thought we were sharing with each other.
“It is very important to not participate in the normalization of sexual behaviors that are not based in mutual respect and deep reverence. This may sound prudish but I do think human sexuality is powerful and threatening to the dark forces and they use normalizing sexual deviance and loose sexual behaviors to destroy people and to prevent the true spiritual potential of human sexually from being realized and enjoyed. There is no comparison when sacred sexuality is honored, realized and or known. Lower forms of sexuality are then obviously repulsive, low and degrading to every person involved.[…]
Having the good sense to set appropriate boundaries, finding and addressing our blind spots and past traumas that create unconscious reactions and developing the capacity for highly evolved skills of discernment is of extraordinary importance. If we have not addressed our own blind spots and unconscious triggers or do not have a clear sense of what is really going on, this can be one of the easiest ways that narcissists and entities can use to take and misuse our energy.”
– Eve Lorgen, Spiritual Warfare and the Human Soul – Reptilian Hosting and Strip Clubs
The last week of her stay, I got sick again, and was emotionally drained – my physiology was under a lot of duress. Another red flag which appeared at this time was the fact that she had been suffering from sleep paralysis throughout her life, and she also opened up and shared that she had had high strangeness experiences that involved alien entities. While she was here, she experienced a couple episodes of sleep paralysis, the most disturbing one taking place shortly before she left. She woke up in the middle of the night after being caught in this sleep paralysis, and was very afraid. I woke up too, and held her in my arms, trying to calm her down, telling her “I’m here and all is good”. As I laid down again next to her, I suddenly felt this very strong sexual energy coming from her. Although I was tired, I got very aroused, and started to have sex with her. After it was over, I immediately felt that this shouldn’t have happened – I had felt very animated during the act, and wasn’t being myself at all in the midst of the passion.
The next day, I asked her why she had wanted to have sex after her sleep paralysis episode. She said that she didn’t feel sexual at all, and was surprised that I had become sexually turned on. She also felt that the whole situation was ‘off’ and shouldn’t have happened, but she engaged with me anyway, assuming that I just wanted to have sex. She also shared more about her sleep paralysis condition. When she was caught up in it, she saw two entities – one hovering over my body and one over her body – as we were lying in bed. I wasn’t aware of any of this at the time. Connecting all of the dots together, I tried to bring up the topic of spirit attachments (and even the Love Bite scenario), but it triggered her immensely, and she took it all way too personally. It seemed as if something was working through her which was deeply affecting me as well.
Describing this entire drama in words is extremely limiting. I’m not placing all of the blame on her or “aliens”. Sharing this story publicly obviously puts me into a situation where people can project all kinds of things into what I write, especially when the idea of a “love bite” phenomenon is being outright dismissed, and everything is looked at through the limited viewpoint of western psychology. There was an undeniable “high strangeness” factor which I hadn’t experienced to that intense of a degree before.
As I will explore later in this blog, it is through our own blind spots and weaknesses that these entities can attack and influence us – however, acknowledging this does not give us the right to simply lay all of the accountability on “alien manipulation” while neglecting to take responsibility for our own actions as well. This should be clear to anyone who reads this whole blog in context. Having said that, I learned a very painful lesson with regards to taking responsibility for my sovereignty, because I’m not free from making mistakes and having very large blind spots. It is through identifying these mistakes (and examining the attacks) that we learn and grow. As Tom Montalk wrote in a recent article:
“While we may not always be the source of injustices against us, we are the cause of its entrance into our lives. The Matrix, even with all its imbalances and corruption by those freewill entities who have overstepped their place in nature, is nevertheless still a learning program entirely responsive to our own ignorance and weaknesses. It may be a predator’s choice to attack, but it is our choice to accept the attack and succumb to it.
The Matrix Control System can only trip us via the elements within us that correspond to its low vibratory nature. If we ignore our intuition, have blind spots in our awareness, or engage in ignoble feelings and behaviors, then these are the avenues through which we are had. Attacks serve to identify our own weaknesses, thus providing focus for where to take the next step on one’s path of spiritual awakening.“
A couple of days after that incident occurred, she flew back home, and we left everything on a good note. We then tried to work through, long-distance, all of the issues that had been coming up between us – it was a total mess. I was very confused, with part of me knowing that this needed to stop – that we needed to stop engaging altogether. Another part of me, however, wanted to work it out so desperately, and I felt a strong emotional attachment to her. The communication issues became worse, and it felt like we were talking different languages. I was also not handling the situation well at times, and kept writing to her, even though she had told me that she needed space on her own. My need for closure and release – contradicted by a desire to work things out, and my emotional distress around this goal – was very confusing for both of us.
I was hurting a lot inside, but the grief and emotional pain I was going through was simply way too over-blown (when compared to any other break-up I had experienced after such a short period of time). I was unable to let go, and the pain in my solar plexus increased – even manifesting into a muscle spasm in that area that lasted for weeks, which gave me a great deal of pain as well. I wasn’t able to function, and was incapable of doing my work. I felt just like I did after the break-up of my last relationship, only worse.
That’s when I realized that there was more going on here than just basic psychological stuff or relationship issues. It was so extreme, feeling drained and paralysed all the time, and the emotional turmoil had gotten the best of me. The intense pain in my solar plexus was the same pain I experienced in the other two (previously-mentioned) relationships as well, and was a sensation I had never experienced in any other relationships. In most of the case studies presented by Eve Lorgan, either one or both partners also experienced uncomfortable sensations and pain in the solar plexus area:
“Physical complaints such as solar plexus sensations and exhaustion are characteristic of psychic vampirism, as opposed to simple emotional vampirism.”
Finally, after a couple of months of shared communication, she gradually came to understand how her childhood issues were coming through her sexual desires, thus resulting in expectations that no man could fulfil – patterns which matched my own childhood wounding baggage. She was also able to see how our relationship had characteristics which strongly suggested the presence of a dark side of cupid scenario.
We left it at that, and stopped communicating altogether, which seemed to be the best outcome for both of us. It’s interesting to note that as soon as we both truly acknowledged what had actually happened (in light of the Dark Side of Cupid information) – without taking things personally or casting judgment – it was easier to let go of the drama, and the pain in my solar plexus diminished (although it still took a couple of week for it to pass completely).
While I was writing this blog, I started to feel pain in my solar plexus again, and also felt drained at times, unable to focus…almost as if “something” didn’t want me to share my story publically. However, the more I pushed through these blockages (with the help of good and supportive friends who gave me great feedback and kept encouraging me), the stronger my recovery. Taking extra-gentle care of myself – and especially getting into my body through yoga and bodywork – has helped a lot in this process.
I’m sharing all of these very personal recollections so that others can learn from them, and (in some cases, perhaps) maybe even relate to them, as well. There are many other ways in which the Dark Side of Cupid can play out in a relationship, depending on each person involved. I also want to make clear, once again, that this is not about a blame game, about shaming partners. Most, if not all, of these scenarios arose from a place that initially lay outside of our awareness, so it’s important to look at this topic objectively, and avoid making it a personal ‘who’s right/wrong’ issue. This is also not a gender-based issue. We need to embrace an attitude of objective self-reflection when dealing with relationships in general, especially with regards to seeing and owning our blind spots.
“When examined from afar, the beginnings of the love drama appear positive, and perhaps within the normal range of human experience. But when delving deeper into the dynamics of the love match, I noticed that the experience held a greater degree of a magical reality.”
– Eve Lorgen
If you scroll back up to the list of characteristics Lorgen mentioned, I can answer a yes to most points she mentions in my experiences. They all manifested in different ways and in varying degrees in each relationship. Of course I need to look within myself and at my part and issue of why why I was attracted to them, my own blind spots, wounds, and wishful thinking which these entities target, while I was ignoring all the red flags that were present at the beginning and throughout the relationships. As I said before, this is not about blaming or taking/making things personal. Knowledge, awareness and taking responsibility for one’s own healing process and self-work are key.
“A “red flag” is an internal warning system that goes off when something feels off. Many who experienced a paranormally-influenced love relationship realized their red flag warning signs only in hindsight. Some signs were subtle feelings of something “being not quite right,” while others were more overt, such as nightmares and psychic warnings in the form of dreams or visions. Some people reported very physical warning sensations such as restlessness, stomach cramps, changes in appetite, jaw pain, and headaches. Others noticed mental or emotional symptoms such as anxiety or edginess.
When a child grows up associating verbal [physically and/or emotionally] abuse and other dangers as normal, their “red flags” become repressed or ignored. …Adults who were abused or emotionally deprived as children are less likely to respond to red flags. Yet, it is possible for them to recover their awareness of these physical reactions by paying close attention to their feelings and actively working to heal their traumas.
Doing it alone usually doesn’t work. It is much more helpful to find a compassionate person to hear and understand us, someone who can help us become aware of our own blind spots. In the long run, isolation only creates more problems. Regarding paranormal interference in our lives, the widespread lack of awareness is not only the result of trauma or some walled-off, unhealed psychic wound. It is usually more about our social conditioning or even, as I have found, outright censorship of such things as UFOs, extraterrestrials, mind control experimentation, ancient scriptures, or indigenous traditions which warn humanity about spiritual warfare. Many, if not most, of the people who came to me with their ‘love bite” relationship were sensitive, intuitive individuals. Yet this did not always work in their favor when it came to red flag warning systems. I believe this indicates that we are dealing with something much more than a simple “toxic relationship” issue, easily explained by contemporary pop psychology.
The Dark Side of Cupid is real. Open discussion about it is important. We need to take global responsibility for growing in spiritual discernment and stepping it up a notch in the emotional intelligence department! We need to become aware of the specific red flags that often accompany the Dark Side of Cupid. These are indicators of an unseen interference factor. They may include paranormal activity, emotional tension, inability to consummate the love obsession, euphoric highs and crashing lows, mental changes like obsession, shifts in lifestyle and values, and energy drainage (either emotional or physical). These red flags are not necessarily in response to the love partner, but can be from the general atmosphere of the relationship itself, as if it were being arranged by an intelligent force behind the curtain. One mist be mindful not to blame the partner when the Dark Side of Cupid hits, because there are other factors at work. More often than not, the red flags are recognized only in hindsight, after the love relationship gets going or even after it ends. The biggest obstacle to recognizing them in time is a simple lack of knowledge.
Red Flags in the Dark Side of Cupid Cases:
- Dreams of the partner before meeting them, suggesting something precognitive.
- Physical sensations in the solar plexus, genital, gut or other body areas, such as neck, heart, and between the shoulders.
- Astral sex visitations and/or telesthesia — sensing the energy body in a sexual way and very physically, as if another being were present but invisible.
- Strong psychic connection, even though you may not really love your partner.
- Powerful sexual passion and obsessive need to have sex, even in cases in which you don’t love the partner or they don’t love you and/or are abusive.
- Psychic responses and coincidences from either partner, like receiving a phone call or email from your partner the moment you think about cutting off the connection.
- A sense of emotional or physical draining.
- One partner becoming suddenly switched off emotionally or “psychically unplugged.”
- Feelings of being watched, or being played like puppets in some drama-myth.
- Paranormal activity, third party “entity” visits or attacks, sudden dreams, visions and thoughts as if implanted.
- Obsessive thoughts that are not usual for either partner
- Synchronicities, omens, and a feeling of being in a magical reality.
– Eve Lorgen
Many of the above-listed red flags were ones that I did notice (both before and during those relationships), but are even more apparent now in hindsight. The biggest reason why I didn’t act on those red flags was because I didn’t trust those hunches and deeper knowing; oftentimes I simply just rationalized them all away, believing that I was projecting insecurities, or was afraid of “intimacy” or being involved in a relationship, or that I was taking on my partner’s projections (thus feeling as if I’m not being loving or affectionate enough). Sometimes, we actually can trust our first hunch – our primal intuition – before the projections and rationalizations kick in. Many times in my life, I’ve felt bodily sensations (especially in my solar plexus area) which relayed to me that something wasn’t right, but even those impressions were ignored or diminished by my conditioned mind.
It is important to understand that these entities, aliens, hyperdimensional overlords, or whatever you want to call them, specifically-target our personal blind spots, wounds, and wishful thinking processes. These love bites and interferences are then able to psychologically-manifest in our reality via various issues and relationship dynamics, but on an individually-tailored level. The most basic example would be the targeting of our unfulfilled childhood needs, which become even more heightened as a result, and we then (unconsciously) try to have a partner fulfil those needs, or even subliminally attract a partner based on those unrequited expectations. Everyone in our society is narcissistically-wounded to varying degrees – it comes with the territory of growing up in a sick culture where pathological characteristics have become normalized (and also because no parent or care-taker is perfect).
The Epidemic of Narcissism
Being narcissistically wounded (not to confuse with Narcissistic Personality Disorder NPD) is nothing to be ashamed of, nor is it a ‘bad’ thing, just so long as we check ourselves, don’t justify/rationalize our narcissistic tendencies, demonstrate humility, engage in sincere self-work, and avoid the trap wherein we try to get needs met that are based upon our childhood wounding. In addition, vigilance is required when it comes to making attempts – consciously or otherwise – to feed off the attention of others (because Mom/Dad didn’t give much attention)… whether this occurs through the posting of ‘selfie’ pictures online, any pronouncements we make on social media outlets, the clothes we wear, how much effort we put into trying to impress others, how much time we spend in front of the mirror, the involuntary examination of ourselves in store windows as we pass by shops, seeking attention from other attention-seekers, etc..
Narcissism in our society has become a deeply-ingrained and widespread pathology, especially amongst the younger generation; kids who have grown up in the midst of the internet boom have been severely (and unconsciously) affected by online socialization – many of them are caught up in “screen addiction” and the incessant craving for virtual ‘likes’ and selfie adulation. This is the process that’s referred to as the ponerization of society, whereby pathological behaviors have become normalized and are even encouraged whilst hiding behind ponerized ideas of “artistic expression”, “spirituality” or “self-love”. [Note: When something or someone has become “Ponerized”, it means – in its strictest sense – that the person or group can no longer make the distinction between healthy and pathological thought processes and logic-trains…one is no longer able to draw a line between correct thinking and deviant thinking.]
“We are currently in the midst of the greatest epidemic sickness known to humanity. Like a fish in water who doesn’t recognize water because it is everywhere, both outside and within the fish itself, many of us don’t realize the collective insanity in our midst, as our madness is so pervasive that it has become normalized.
People taken over by the wetiko virus usually don’t suspect a thing about how they have been “conned,” or more accurately, how they have conned themselves. The wetiko culture offers no incentive for them to self-reflectingly speculate upon their increasingly depraved condition; on the contrary, the nonlocal field configures itself to enable, further cultivate, and deepen their psychosis. When someone is a full-blown, unrecognized wetiko, the field around them torques so as to protect, collude with, and feed into their psychosis in a way that entrances those around them. Similar to how an octopus squirts ink in order to hide, a psychic field gets conjured up around full-blown wetikos which obfuscates their malfeasance.
Once under the wetiko spell, people lose the capacity to recognize the wetiko pathology in others. In a situation of “group narcissism,” wetikos at different stages of the disease assume particular postures and roles relative to each other that protect and shield themselves from their own insanity and darkness. They feed and reinforce each other’s narcissism because it enhances their own.
Anyone who doesn’t buy into the arbitrarily established story is marginalized and demonized, and called either crazy, a conspiracy theorist, or even a terrorist. Such a group consensus about the nature of reality gets increasingly hard to sustain as time passes, however, as, like a house of cards ready to collapse at any moment, its vision of the world is based on the fundamental error of not being true. Strangely enough, people under the collective enchantment of wetiko become fanatically attached to supporting an agenda that oftentimes is diametrically opposed to serving then own best interests.This is an outer behavioral reflection of the inner state of being under the sway of the self-destructive wetiko parasite.
All of the mainstream, culturally sanctioned, corporatized institutions are in the business of indoctrination, telling us what to think and not think, as well as how to think. Our mind is continually being massaged into shape by the prevailing culture, our true face lifted as our spiritual pockets are picked. Our civilization has become the mouthpiece for the propaganda organ of the disease, entrancing us to “buy” into its viewpoint as we are bled to death of what really counts. The culture that informs and forms around wetiko illness is itself a channel of its transmission and growth. If we sign on the dotted line and subscribe to its viewpoint, its life-denying culture will gradually subsume us into itself, enlisting us as its agents who unwitingly do its bidding. This is how the ever-expanding, self-generating psychic empire of collective psychosis works, as it increasingly takes over and approaches “full-employment.”
We are truly in a war. It is not the war we imagine we are in, which is the way our true adversaries want it. It is ultimately and actually not a foreign war against a foreign enemy. It is a war on consciousness, a war on our own minds.”
– Paul Levy, Dispelling Wetiko – Breaking the Curse of Evil
There is a world of difference between healthy self-love and self-expression, and the insatiable and soul-warping obsessions associated with Narcissism; sometimes the lines which separate these realms are blurry, for we all possess the immense ability to lie to ourselves and rationalize our behaviour. There are also other pathologies at play which many people are dealing with (yet are not aware of), like the dance that occurs between a co-dependent and narcissist, for example, which involves two people who attract each other based on “trauma bonding”. I certainly can see how my own co-dependency issues have attracted narcissistic women. Trauma bonding happens when two people are attracted to each other because of their unconscious wounds, and who wind up mistaking this conditioned attraction for “love”.
In fact, much of what we call psychological issues or emotional defects may simply be the symptom/manifestation of a spirit attachment or “alien” interference. Shamanic cultures were very aware of hyperdimensional interference and the presence of malevolent sprits who would attach themselves to people (their energy body and aura) in order to create physical and psychological disease and illnesses.
Through emotional manipulation, psychic attacks, and targeting our blind spots, these entities implant the love bite virus, intensifying our “primal” sexual and emotional desires to be with the other “targeted” person, which (in turn) silences our inner knowing, and keeps us from detecting and acting on those red flags we see before us. This manipulation is further enhanced and emphasized through the creation of synchronicities (and all kinds of ‘magical events’) that make it seem as if this is meant to be, thus linking the two partners together through psychic means. Distance is irrelevant to the program in place, because these beings exist outside of our 3D conceptualization of space and time. In fact, most of the Dark Cupid cases Lorgen has investigated started off as long distance relationships. I think the reason for this being the case is that it creates more drama and emotional turmoil; when both partners are desperately trying to meet each other in person, the yearning is more intensified, which leads to irrational/impulsive decisions and complicated situations. That has certainly been my experience, at any rate.
Relationship Lessons
My personal blind spots are very clear to me now, in retrospect. Even though I have done a lot of self-work over the years (and know my childhood wounding patterns), there have been other issues I haven’t fully realized or brought to the surface. Plus, I’m always a work in process, and the learning never stops. Being comfortable in my solitude, I was never desperate for a relationship, and enjoy being single for most part. I never get bored, and seldom feel lonely. However, a part of me definitely is yearning to be with a partner – someone who is on the same page, and to whom I can connect with on all levels: emotionally, physically and intellectually. Obviously, that is what everyone wants (to one degree or another).
However, in a sense, it’s “easier” to be in a relationship when both partners are plugged into the matrix: not questioning anything, going along with the program, following the socially and culturally-conditioned desires and goals. In my case (and for many others as well), love relationships appear to be far more difficult of a proposition once you are in the process of seeking truth over the course of many years, engaged in deeper self-work, and actively speaking out about topics which the majority of people ignore or ridicule. It can be a very lonely road at times, and it can even be hard to find good friends – who are also sincerely engaged in the same work and process – with whom you can share all of this “stuff” and be truly yourself.
The hook for me was that I thought these women were genuinely interested in the same topics as myself, based on what they told me when we first met; in addition, there was also a very strong sexual/sensual attraction. My assumptions subsequently resulted in the projecting of desires and hopes onto them, not seeing clearly where they were actually ‘at’ in their own self-path, and expecting too much of them. My lack of external and internal consideration arose from my desperate attempts to get them on the same page as me, and sometimes I gave without being asked…or the “the asking” was not genuinely sincere.
“These terms, “Service to Others” and “Service to Self” are inextricably mixed up with the idea of “love.” On an individual basis, we may say that we Love this or that person, and want to Serve them, but then the question arises: WHICH PART OF THEM are we serving? The higher part that seeks spiritual growth and Union with God, or the Lower part that seeks survival in the Flesh?
When we help someone who keeps making the same mistakes over and over again, we are clearly interfering in their lessons. What, then, are we serving? Most likely ourselves because we are then able to “feel good” that we are so “long suffering” and “patient” and “self-sacrificing,” because we can certainly see, from the evidence of our eyes, that the other person isn’t making any progress by virtue of our efforts. And, it may be a far more difficult thing to deny assistance, to refuse association with them, particularly when it is someone we love, because it “hurts us to see them hurt.” Yet, that may be the very thing needed in order for them to grow – to be left to their own suffering until they have had enough so that they will begin to see their own way out of the difficulty, thereby building soul strength and accessing their own powers and inner potentials.
But, we run into a problem of judgment here: aren’t we judging whether the person is really asking from the soul level or the level of the flesh? And, can’t we be wrong?
How do we know when our giving is violating another’s free will? Well, we DO have a little bit of a clue in many ancient teachings about “asking.” The stories say: “ask and you shall receive.”
But, if you study this idea, you find that what they really say is “ask and keep on asking, and it shall be given you; seek and keep on seeking, and you shall find; knock and keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”
There are a number of Jesus’ parables that illustrate this point, particularly the “Friend at Midnight,” found in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 11, vs.5-13.
The same teaching is standard procedure among the yogis of India and Tibet. A sufficient effort must be made by the supplicant before a response is made. In some cases, it takes YEARS of asking!
So, a good general rule to follow is that TRUE asking is accompanied by sincere effort on the part of the one asking, and they must have done all that is in their power to achieve that for which they are asking.
And so we began to learn that sometimes, “Serving Others,” in the human sense of the word, is merely the serving of the STS part of the person, the 3rd density aspect of the flesh, and is NOT true STO in the sense of achieving higher balance.
Another aspect that needs to be understood is this: In 3rd density, we are ALL Serving Self in one way or another. We cannot, by our very nature of existence in the flesh that must consume to survive, be pure STO beings. That’s the bottom line. And, it is in the understanding of this, the acceptance of it and then focusing on learning the lessons of this estate in which we find our being, becoming, at the very least, aware, and acting on that awareness to whatever extent possible, that we have the chance of becoming “STO candidates.” ”
– Laura Knight-Jadczyk, “The Wave – Volume 5&6 – Petty Tyrants & Facing the Unknown”
Another of my “faults” involves the fact that I’m a very giving person, and always provide others with benefit of the doubt, even when the red flags might be waving at me. I tend to over-extend myself and give more than is being received in-kind. Being empathetic by nature, and drawn towards always helping others, I’ve also gotten myself into “saviour/victim” relationships resulting in very unbalanced dynamics while mistaking that as “love”. This is also why I tend to attract narcissistic women who need a lot of attention: they match my saviour/co-dependency tendencies, which also stems from my own narcissistic wounding. Many times, I’ve taken “the blame” for this habitual pattern, which is a characteristic that matches my childhood ‘not being good enough’ wounding; I subsequently attempt to give my partner that which is not actually mine to give, but is, rather, a quality that they need to give to themselves, and cannot be expected from me or any partner.
As mentioned before, the women I became involved with over this period all had very strong sexual aspects to their personalities, especially the last one I briefly dated. This may sound like a “nice” problem for any man to deal with, but for me, it always got confusing and distressing – and doubly so, if no deeper platonic and emotional connection had been established before physical relations were initiated. In fact, from my perspective, this roller coaster ride has displayed the reverse characteristics found in the cultural stereotype surrounding women, men, and sex. In general, men are seen to be more driven by sexual desires, and don’t really want to talk and share their emotions with partners; whereas most women are portrayed as wanting to create emotional intimacy first, and tend to share more of their emotions.
Speaking personally, this pattern was reversed in most of my relationships, as if I was playing out the cultural stereotype of a “woman” – and the women were playing out the cultural stereotype of a “man” – when it comes to sex and intimacy. The point is that we all have our inner feminine and masculine sides, which need to be brought into balance in a healthy way. True intimacy goes well beyond the areas of physical affection and sex – it is strongly-linked to emotional intimacy and multi-faceted relating as well.
For many people, physical affection and sex are simply easier methods to undertake in generating some kind of ‘bond’ when compared to emotional vulnerability, shared intelligence, and being able to share these qualities through verbal communication. More than anything else, I want to talk to my partner – to establish a strong platonic connection, thus allowing us to get to know each other first – because engaging in too much sex at the beginning of a relationship (without truly knowing the other person) has always gotten me into loads of emotionally-confused trouble, mainly because a LOT of “stuff” opens up when you have sex with someone.
“Initially, when we have this euphoric feeling of falling in love, there is a very strong erotic and lustful sexual attraction. We begin to have sexual fantasies about being with the person who evokes what we call chemistry. The unconscious pull towards a person can feel so intense that it’s like a magnet. We desperately want to merge. It’s compelling, fascinating, captivating and enchanting to meet someone who evokes our God image.
The passion is unbelievable. These are the scenes of grasping and groping at one another sexually that we see in movies. We are frantically pulling the other person’s clothes off. The real motivation behind this, or should I say underneath all of this, is the urge to unite with ourselves. When we go through it with another human being, we experience this as blissful and heavenly but it is not the basis for a conscious relationship. It’s only a short-term phenomenon. The relationship will have to have a stronger foundation than chemistry for it to have a chance to make it.
Acquaintance – friendship – dating – commitment, then sex is the order that I feel is important for a relationship. We can’t skip any of these steps. When we are exploring friendship and dating, we find out a lot about the person. We may or may not want to continue into a committed situation. After being good friends and dating for a long period of time, only then are we ready to deal with commitment and sexual intimacy. Otherwise we are having sex with a stranger. When we prematurely become sexually intimate, this actually prevents us from getting to know people. Too much fear enters the situation. We start to come from a space of how we can feel secure in this situation instead of how we can get to know who this person is or whether we have a good partnership. When we are compulsively or magnetically drawn to anyone, it is inevitable that there is an element of projection.”
– Rebeca Eigen, Shadow Dance & The Astrological 7th house – Marriage, Partnership, and Open Enemies
The Distortion of Sexual Energy
Having said that, in the relationships I’ve described above, the sexual attraction and intensity took control of my faculties right from the beginning, and I acted on them without any self-awareness…getting lost in the romantic bliss (with all the hormones rushing in), I got intensely involved in far too quick a manner. The love bite intensifies these desires even more than usual, and reduces critical thinking as well. My big lesson in all of this is, obviously, to take my time so as to truly get to know the other person first; to keep a watch out for the red flags; and to not allow myself to simply act upon all of the emotional bliss, sexual passion, and romantic desire projections that I generate. Of course, when an exciting new connection arises, implementing all of these level-headed ideas are easier said than done, especially when a Love Bite/Dark Cupid virus is involved.
Being in the midst of a Love Bite/Dark Side of Cupid relationship – and the lead-up to its ‘culmination’ – is hard to put into words when trying to describe it to someone who has never experienced anything like this phenomenon. The outside observer may assume that the relationship looks fine; many friends told me about how they perceived some of these relationships as positive (and how “great we looked together”), but appearances and pictures can be very deceiving.
When I shared what was actually going on (and began realizing all of the red flags I had ignored), a few friends couldn’t understand why I couldn’t just let the drama go, and be over and done with it. It’s NOT that easy at all to make a ‘clean break’, and it takes a long time to recover – longer than any other “normal” relationships that have no signs of a Love Bite/Dark Side of Cupid interference program. Having said that, a few very good friends (who know about the Dark Side of Cupid and the “topic of all topics”) saw right away what was going on, and helped me through it all, even encouraging me to write this blog in order to share my experiences so that others can learn from it. I am hopeful that some readers – who can see similar characteristics in their relationships to the ones I’ve described here (which defy any “normal” relationship dynamics, and cannot be explained through basic psychology or spirituality alone) – will gain some level of encouragement and support from what I’ve been through.
The abuse and distortion of sex and sexuality in our society is a subject of its own – I wanted to write about this huge issue in greater depth here as well, but considering how long this article already is, I’ll just briefly address some points about this topic below (I plan on publishing something in the next year or two that really tackles the issues involved).
Within the parameters of our ‘profoundly sick’ society, Sex and Sexuality are highly distorted – in fact, humanity is deeply-disturbed (sexually-speaking) in so many ways that we’re not even aware of, and the “abuse of sex” is wide-spread. This goes beyond the obvious expressions of sexuality’s mutation (such as paedophilia, rape, sexual harassment, porn, etc.) as it has permeated into the mainstream culture to such an extent that many people consider the symptoms to be “normal” or “healthy” sexual behaviours and desires, with terms such as ‘kinks’ and ‘fetishes’ used to spin away the truth of the matter.
There is also a very real difference between true sexual enjoyment (undertaken for fun, healthy bonding, and enriching pleasure) and those unconscious drives and cravings that are based upon sexual and emotional abuse (even violence) and disguised as “play” activities. Interestingly, after thousands of years of sexual socialization, we still haven’t achieved a deeper understanding of the mysteries of sexual energy and its real power – its creative and healing capabilities. We’re simply not grasping the deeper effects (positive or negative) of how we use or abuse sex and sexual energy, nor do we comprehend the impact this frequency has on other realms of existence – how other beings feed off of it, work through us to generate more of it, and how we are (at times) animated by forces which we are completely unaware of so that they can access our “mojo”.
But of course, this distortion (and suppression, usually via patriarchal religions – which helped to intensify the distortion) of sexuality happened by design, and it acts as a major reinforcement mechanism of the matrix-prison we find ourselves in. Our society is over-sexualized and confused, bombarded with sexual images (especially in the entertainment industry)…yet we are sexually-shamed and silenced at the same time. The friction between those two ‘controlled opposition’ extremes serves to create a lot of neurosis – for example, the popularity of “50 Shades of Grey” amongst middle class ‘button-down’ types says a lot about our ‘titillation’ culture of trashed sensuality.
There is the obvious guilt-ridden suppression of sexuality through dogmatic religious ideologies, while on the opposite side of the same mind control coin, the distorted approach to sexuality (where “anything goes”) rules, sometimes flavoured with a very superficial spiritual idea of sexuality that masks a purely hedonistic escapism. There are many so-called “sexual healers” and gurus who portray their own pathologies/predatory nature as “sexual healing” and “conscious sex” services. Psychological health and sexual health are deeply connected in ways that most of us are not aware of; Wilhelm Reich, whose books were burned and who died in prison due to his ‘controversial’ public profile, was truly onto something when it comes to distorted sexual energy and how it affects society.
Since our civilization has become very ponerized (i.e., where pathological characteristics have become normalized), our ideas around sex and sexuality have become narcissistic and mechanical in thought and deed – people chase after ‘implanted’ sexual impulses and drives, following through on their lust without any discernment involved…I know that I have certainly have done so myself. Most of our daily activities are founded on unconsciously-feeding the sexual energy centers of our physiology, as Gurdjieff talked about in “In Search of the Miraculous” by P.D. Ouspensky:
“Sex plays a tremendous role in maintaining the mechanicalness of life. Everything that people do is connected with “sex”: politics, religion, art, the theater, music, is all “sex.” Do you think people go to the theater or to church to pray or to see some new play? That is only for the sake of appearances. The principal thing in the theater as well as in church, is that there will be a lot of women or a lot of men. This is the center of gravity of all gatherings.What do you think brings people to cafes, to restaurants, to various fetes? One thing only. Sex: it is the principal motive force of all mechanicalness. All sleep, all hypnosis, depends upon it.”
– G.I. Gurdjieff
For example, we see many people posting “sexy” photos of themselves on social media, with a conscious (or unconscious) attempt to feed off of it, or pass it off as “art”. However, what is actually feeding off of these displays is the predator that’s working through the individual. This also ties into the ever-rising epidemic of collective narcissism in this day and age that I’ve already mentioned in this essay – many people actively support each others’ narcissistic tendencies because it has become so normalized and encouraged.
Most people don’t even know how narcissistic they actually are… what is distorted and suppressed usually expresses itself in neurotic ways until we educate ourselves about what sexual energy truly is, and how it affects us on an everyday basis to an extent that eludes our understanding – thus, psychological health plays a major part in this awakening process. Like any topic of deeper significance, there is plenty of disinformation and distorted ideas around the subject of sex.
Spirituality has become a tool of manipulation in today’s “conscious movement” parade, and so has sexuality. Truth is mixed with lies, and discernment is even harder to deploy with a topic that we remain mostly unaware of (with regard to its fundamental role and significance). Therefore, the temptation (no pun intended) to lie to oneself about the ‘bigger sexual picture’ is even more pronounced.
In the case studies of Eve Lorgen, a majority of people also reported that the sex was amazing/“out of this world” at the beginning of their Love Bite/Cupid virus relationship – more intense than what they had experienced in previous partnerships. In those cases, the “hook up” happened very quickly after the initial connection was made, and was extremely passionate in nature (which I can relate to as well…getting hooked on that ‘instant high’ of gratification). However, a strong sexual connection is by no means a sign of true love (or even compatibility with regards to other co-relational areas) – something else needs to be considered as well:
“Within the sexual frequency, you exchange with one another. So if you are bonding yourself and chemically exchanging with a person who is not of your likeness, you are taking on their garbage because you are exchanging energy quite intimately. Even if you don’t want to be with this person, the sexual experience stays with you because you have had an electromagnetic exchange.”
– Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn
With the last woman I was sexually intimate with, I definitely felt like I had taken something on, and that something was working through her. The fact that I got sick twice (and felt energetically-drained quite frequently) within such a short time frame – especially after having had sex – was a huge red flag (no STDs were involved, thankfully). Several times, I felt something that Eve Lorgen reported from her case studies as well:
“In several of the cases, individuals reported feeling that their partner was some kind of conduit or host being overshadowed or temporarily possessed by another spirit.
In the case of Wiz and Koral, Wiz experienced a twisting, contorting knot in his solar plexus area after having sex with Koral. As the relationship progressed, he became confused, exhausted, and depressed. Even after he and Koral broke up, Wiz continued to experience paranormal activity and unusual dreams, as if a dark force followed him around, sucking his energy. He reported this to me years after the relationship ended, and could feel a distinct energy-draining sensation between his shoulder blades, as if an entity had become attached to the back of his heart chakra area. This often happened in conjunction with sexual “astral attacks” in which he believed his sexual energy was being siphoned by predatory inter dimensional entities.
What could be happening with the Dark Side of Cupid is an indirect form of psychic feeding. One partner tends to have the greater psychic vampire features, but instead of being a direct, consciously feeding vampire, the partner is used as a sort of portal for an interdimensional, parasitic entity. The Dark Cupid is accessing the two lovers’ energy through some kind of mediated energy transfer. The question may then be, “Is Cupid, or whomever is behind this mask, a psychic vampire?”One of the disconcerting issues that Dixon brought up with deep psychic feeding or communion with a vampire is the permanent psychic link that will be maintained with the donor or unwitting partner. This powerful connection is often felt as true love for the one being fed upon. For the vampire, the partner may be nothing more than an energy fix or addiction. This may result in unrequited love for the unfortunate ones caught in the nest of psychic feeders, as unintentional as it may be. A hazardous by-product of psychic vampire sexual feeding, is a powerful connection which feels like one’s true love or soul mate. Hence, the counterfeit soul-mate connection.“
As mentioned before (and I want to make this clear again, because it is very important), It is NOT about blaming the other person; nor should anyone – who might have to come to terms with the reality that he/she has been acting as a “portal”, or has taken on a spirit attachment – take this as some kind of shameful sign, either. I have dealt with my own entity attachments in the past – we all have encountered their influence to one degree or another; as Lorgen said:
“Psychic and emotional vampirism is a key feature, and yet the vampirism itself may be an indirect aspect of the relationship interference – as opposed to being the sole fault of one partner, a.k.a. the energy vampire. In other words, the emotional draining effects of the relationship may be a result of one partner who acts as a portal or some sort of conduit for another entity, such as Dark Cupid. …These red flags are not necessarily in response to the love partner, but can be from the general atmosphere of the relationship itself, as if it were being arranged by an intelligent force behind the curtain. One must be mindful not to blame the partner when the Dark Side of Cupid hits, because there are other factors at work.“
However, bringing this topic up with a partner who may be dealing with a spirit attachment issue (and/or is being used as a conduit for other entities to operate through) is not an easy task at all, for the predator-mind within their subconsciousness will defend itself, dismiss the concerns, or take them very personally, to the point where no objective discussion is possible. In such instances, it may become quite obvious that “something else” is injecting thoughts, buffers, and defence mechanisms into the host (which they take on as their own thoughts) because “it” doesn’t want to be exposed.
Lorgen has shared a couple of cases where it was possible for couples to work through a Dark Side of Cupid program – in such instances, both partners were able to look at the scenario objectively, made an effort to educate themselves about the topic, avoided the trap of taking anything personally, and were actively engaged in self-work and relationship healing.
One of the most famous descriptions of this ‘hijacked consciousness’ dynamic explains the set-up perfectly:
‘I want to appeal to your analytical mind, ‘ don Juan said. ‘Think for a moment, and tell me how you would explain the contradiction between the intelligence of man the engineer and the stupidity of his systems of beliefs, or the stupidity of his contradictory behavior. Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary, and egomaniacal. ‘
But how can they do this, don Juan?’ I asked, somehow angered further by what he was saying. ‘Do they whisper all that in our ears while we are asleep?’
‘No, they don’t do it that way. That’s idiotic!’ don Juan said, smiling. ‘They are infinitely more efficient and organized than that. In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous maneuver – stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators’ mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now.
‘I know that even though you have never suffered hunger… you have food anxiety, which is none other than the anxiety of the predator who fears that any moment now its maneuver is going to be uncovered and food is going to be denied. Through the mind, which, after all, is their mind, the predators inject into the lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them.And they ensure, in this manner, a degree of security to act as a buffer against their fear.”
– Carlos Castaneda, The Active Side of Infinity
‘Spirit attachment/possession syndrome’ is a phenomenon which has direct connections to the Love Bite/Dark Side of Cupid topic; Dr. William Baldwin has done extensive research into this subject matter:
“The condition of spirit possession, (that is, full or partial takeover of a living human by a discarnate being) has been recognized or at least theorized in every era and every culture. In 90% of societies worldwide there are records of possession-like phenomena (Foulks, 1985).
Extensive contemporary clinical evidence suggests that discarnate beings, the spirits of deceased humans, can influence living people by forming a physical or mental connection or attachment, and subsequently imposing detrimental physical and/or emotional conditions and symptoms. This condition has been called the “possession state,” “possession disorder,” “spirit possession,” or “spirit attachment”.
Earthbound spirits, the surviving consciousness of deceased humans, are the most prevalent possessing, obsessing or attaching entities to be found. The disembodied consciousness seems to attach itself and merge fully or partially with the subconscious mind of a living person, exerting some degree of influence on thought processes, emotions, behavior and the physical body. The entity becomes a parasite in the mind of the host. A victim of this condition can be totally amnesic about episodes of complete takeover.
…An attachment can be benevolent in nature, totally self serving, malevolent in intention, or completely neutral. Attachment to any person may be completely random, even accidental. It can occur simply because of physical proximity to the dying person at the time of the death. In about half the cases encountered in clinical practice it is a random choice with no prior connection in this or any other incarnation. In the remainder some connection can be found, some unfinished business from this or another lifetime.
…Any mental or physical symptom or condition, strong emotion, repressed negative feeling, conscious or unconscious need can act like a magnet to attract a discarnate entity with the same or similar emotion, condition, need, or feeling. Anger and rage, fear and terror, sadness and grief, guilt, remorse or feelings of the need for punishment can invite entities with similar feelings.
Severe stress may cause susceptibility to the influence of an intrusive spirit. Altering the consciousness with alcohol or drugs, especially the hallucinogens, loosens one’s external ego boundaries and opens the subconscious mind to infestation by discarnate beings. The same holds true for the use of strong analgesics and the anesthetic drugs necessary in Surgery. A codeine tablet taken for the relief of pain of a dental extraction can sufficiently alter the consciousness to allow entry to a Spirit.
Physical intrusions such as surgery or blood transfusion can lead to an entity attachment. In the case of an organ transplant the Spirit of the organ donor can literally follow the transplanted organ into the new body. Physical trauma from auto collision, accidental falls, beating or any blow to the head can render a person vulnerable to an intrusive Spirit.
The openness and surrender during sexual intercourse can allow the exchange of attached entities between two people. Sexual abuse such as rape, incest or molestation of any sort creates a vulnerability to Spirit invasion. Violence during the sexual abuse increases the likelihood of intrusion by an opportunistic spirit.
A spirit can be bound to the earth by the emotions and feelings connected with a sudden traumatic death. Anger, fear, jealousy, resentment, guilt, remorse, even strong ties of love can interfere with the normal transition. Erroneous religious beliefs about the afterlife can prevent a spirit from moving into the Light because the after death experience does not coincide with false expectations or preconceived notions of the way it is supposed to be.
Following death by drug overdose, a newly deceased spirit maintains a strong appetite for the drug, and this hunger cannot be satisfied in the non-physical realm. The being must experience the drug through the sensorium of a living person who uses the substance. This can only be accomplished through a parasitic attachment to the person. Many drug users are controlled by the attached spirit of a deceased drug addict.
Spirit attachment does not require the permission of the host. This seems to be a violation of free will. It also appears to refute the popular notion that each person is totally responsible for creating his or her reality and that there are no victims. The apparent conflict here stems from the definitions of permission and free will choice. Ignorance and denial of the possibility of spirit interference is no defense against spirit attachment. Belief or lack of belief regarding the existence of intrusive entities has no bearing on the reality of these beings and their behavior.
In denial and ignorance, most people do not refuse permission to these nonphysical intruders. Individual sovereign beings have the right to deny any violation or intrusion by another being. With limited, if any, knowledge and distorted perceptions of the nature of the spirit world, the nonphysical reality, many people leave themselves open and create their own vulnerability as part of creating their own reality. It is fashionable today among many “new Age” enthusiasts to attempt to channel some higher power, a spirit teacher or master who will use the voice mechanism of any willing person to speak “words of wisdom”. Some use the terminology “for my highest good” when calling for a spirit to channel through. This activity constitutes permission and welcome for a discarnate spirit. The identifiers such as “master” and “teacher” and qualifiers such as “for my highest good” will be claimed by the entities as personally valid identifications, qualities or attributes.
…The host is usually unaware of the presence of attached spirits. The thoughts, desires and behaviors of an attached entity are experienced as the person’s own thoughts, desires and behaviors. The thoughts, feelings, habits and desires do not seem foreign if they have been present for a long time, even from childhood. This is a major factor in the widespread denial of the concept and lack of acceptance of the phenomena of discarnate interference and spirit attachment, obsession or possession.
In most cases, a person can only experience and acknowledge the reality of the condition after an attached entity has been released. The realization may come some months after a releasement session as the person suddenly notices the absence of a familiar attitude, desire, addiction or behavior. The symptoms of spirit attachment can be very subtle. An attached spirit may be present without producing any noticeable symptoms.
…A living person can have dozens, even hundreds of attached spirits, as they occupy no physical space. They can attach to the aura or float within the aura outside the body. If any part of the body of the host has a physical weakness the earthbound can attach to that area because of a corresponding weakness or injury to the physical body of the spirit prior to death. A spirit can lodge in any of the chakras of the host, drawn by the particular energy of the chakra or by the physical structures of that level of the body.
…An attached entity can be associated with any emotional track of a living person such as anger, fear, sadness, or guilt. The emotional energy of the entity intensifies the expression of a specific emotion, often leading to inappropriate overreactions to ordinary life situations.
…The mental, emotional and physical influence of an attached entity can alter the original path of karmic options and opportunities of the host. It can disrupt the planned lifeline by hastening death or prolonging life, thus interfering with any specific checkout point. An entity of the opposite gender can influence the sexual preference and gender orientation. An attached entity can influence the choice of marriage partners and the choice of a partner for an extra-marital affair.
Many areas of a person’s life can be influenced by one or more attached entities. In short, spirit attachment can interfere with any aspect of the life of the unsuspecting host.
…The symptoms of spirit attachment can be very subtle. An attached spirit may be present without producing any noticeable symptoms. Yet attached entities always exert some influence ranging from a minor energy drain to a major degree of control or interference. Complete possession and takeover can result in Suppression of the original personality. The earthbound spirit does not replace the rightful spirit in the body in such a case, it just usurps control. An attached earthbound spirit cannot maintain life in a human body after the original spirit being has separated from the body in the transition of death.”
The Path towards Healing and Protection from the Dark Side of Cupid
The obvious questions that arise in the midst of these discoveries are: ‘how can we prevent Love Bite/Dark Side of Cupid relationships? How can we prevent psychic attacks and spirit attachments? How can we recover from them?’
The most important initial step involves the acquisition of knowledge regarding this topic; at the same time, knowledge alone is not enough – we need to understand it, and apply it. I realize now that I may have understood many things (on an intellectual level) in the past, but my naiveté – and lack of awareness regarding my blind spots – left me vulnerable to these attacks and set-ups. It’s one thing to be overtly targeted (usually through ad hominem attacks and ridicule, of which I’ve received plenty over the years as I began to speak out about these topics and other related subjects as well) – I can handle those just fine. However, my blind spot and weakness involved love relationships, and these forces that were working through the women I attracted (and was attracted to) had manipulated me in ways I wasn’t aware of, at all. I usually trust my inner knowing (which was there the whole time, calling out like a distant voice) and I thought I could truly pick up on all the red flags, seeing the “unseen” of what is happening underneath it all…but in these cases, my abilities were totally clouded by romantic bliss and sexual ecstasy.
All that exists in this life are lessons, and even those entities that work through others to attack us (or work through ourselves towards the same purpose) are, in the end, “teachers” who act to highlight those personal issues and blind spots which they have conveniently used to drag us into their game. In a sense, it’s like a shamanic initiation, as we find ourselves battling with demons (both within and without). That’s why it is very important not to fall into the blame trap, or making it a personal issue and thus projecting individual shortcomings onto the partner.
These Love Bite/Dark Side of Cupid experiences (especially the last one I endured) forced me to take a deeper look into myself so that I could truly understand how the ‘rising tide’ of romance at the beginning of a relationship can be so deceiving, with all of the related emotional highs and fixations as our hormones go crazy. Trusting our intuition and inner knowing from the get-go is a crucial tool, as is personal restraint (resisting the craving to act on our impulses), especially if these ‘urgings’ are both emotionally out-of-proportion and sexually-driven.
“Sexual chemistry and sexual intercourse itself is also a preferred method of creating a powerful link for psychic feeding.”
– Eve Lorgen
Most of the time, we fail to question our passions and impulses – we believe we know ourselves as adults, but occasionally we wind up mistaking unfulfilled childhood needs as our true mature desires…confusing the conditioned self for the true self. In addition, we sometimes don’t examine our sexual fixations and ‘lustings’, and just act on them as their arise, assuming that this is just who we are – we just feel “sexual” or “horny”, and hence we simply need to have sex or masturbate. Many people are obviously into all kinds of “dis-connective”/debased sexual practices, and most of them never question them (nor their own underlying rationale for being drawn to them).
“The openness and surrender during sexual intercourse can allow the exchange of attached entities between two people. The thoughts, desires and behaviors of an attached entity are experienced as the person’s own thoughts, desires and behaviors. The thoughts, feelings, habits and desires do not seem foreign if they have been present for a long time, even from childhood. This is a major factor in the widespread denial of the concept and lack of acceptance of the phenomena of discarnate interference and spirit attachment, obsession or possession.”
– Dr. William Baldwin, Spirit Releasement Therapy
“There is always a drawing of vital forces from one to another in all human social mixture that takes place automatically. Sex is one of the most powerful ways of each drawing upon the other’s vital force, or of one drawing the other’s, which also often happens in a one-sided way to the great detriment of the “other”. In the passage come many things good and bad, elation, feeling of strength and support, infiltration of good or bad qualities, interchange of psychological moods, states and movements, depressions, exhaustion – the whole gamut. People don’t know it – which is a mercy of God upon them – but when one gets into a certain yogic consciousness, one becomes very much aware and sensitive to all this interchange and action and reaction, but also one can build a wall against, reject etc.
People who have desires add to the mental formation a kind of small envelope, a vital shell which gives it a still greater reality. These people are usually surrounded by a number of tiny entities which are their own formations, their own mental formations clothed with vital force, which come all the time to strike them to try to make them realize materially the formations they have made. You have perhaps read the books of Maurice Magre. He describes this; he had come here, Maurice Magre, and we spoke and he told me that he had always noticed – he was highly sensitive – he had always noticed that people who have sexual desires are surrounded by a kind of small swarm of entities who are somewhat viscous and rather ugly and which torment them constantly, awakening desire in them.
He said he had seen this around certain people. It was like being surrounded by a swarm of mosquitoes, yes! But it is more gross, and much uglier still, and it is viscous, it is horrible, and it turns round and round the person and gives him no peace, and it awakens in him the desire that has formed these entities and they batten on it. It is their food. This is absolutely true. His observation was quite correct. His vision was very true. It is like that. The sex-vampire eats up the other’s vital and gives nothing or very little.”
– ‘The Hidden Forces of Life – Selections from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’
“Vast beings, living for thousands of years in your terms, make their living ruling and parenting you, seeking their value from you because you have considered yourselves valueless and purposeless. Those who would rule you on the physical and multidimensional planes understand the power of your genitals to create life, pleasure, pain, and death. They use your genitals as doorways without you even realizing it.
You are re-gridding Earth and changing the frequency so that one-by-one lights go on and fields of energy are established. You must learn how to stop feeding those vampires who suck your energies, from the astral planes, from the dimensions, and from on and under the Earth herself. Your sexuality and how it is used are the key elements.
It is in this very deep part of your regenerative self, your sexual organs, the core of your being, that many of the main problems lie, problems so dark, so secret that no one would dare speak of them. Yet they must be revealed. To relinquish power over your sexual organs is truly to abdicate the power of living.
By power we mean a sense of connectedness and accountability, the maturity to know when to express yourself sexually and when not to…..First you must make peace with the sexual organs of your being because it is here that life springs forth….And most of all, seek to understand the power of your sexuality, to infuse its expression only with love, for sex without love is truly not worth experiencing.
Within the sexual frequency, you exchange with one another. So if you are bonding yourself and chemically exchanging with a person who is not of your likeness, you are taking on their garbage because you are exchanging energy quite intimately. Even if you don’t want to be with this person, the sexual experience stays with you because you have had an electromagnetic exchange.”
– Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn/Family of Light
“Sexual chemistry and sexual intercourse itself is also a preferred method of creating a powerful link for psychic feeding. It is very important to not participate in the normalization of sexual behaviors that are not based in mutual respect and deep reverence. This may sound prudish but I do think human sexuality is powerful and threatening to the dark forces and they use normalizing sexual deviance and loose sexual behaviors to destroy people and to prevent the true spiritual potential of human sexually from being realized and enjoyed. There is no comparison when sacred sexuality is honored, realized and or known. Lower forms of sexuality are then obviously repulsive, low and degrading to every person involved.
Having the good sense to set appropriate boundaries, finding and addressing our blind spots and past traumas that create unconscious reactions and developing the capacity for highly evolved skills of discernment is of extraordinary importance. If we have not addressed our own blind spots and unconscious triggers or do not have a clear sense of what is really going on, this can be one of the easiest ways that narcissists and entities can use to take and misuse our energy.”
– Eve Lorgen, The Dark Side of Cupid
“Pay attention to whom you share your intimate energy with. Intimacy at this level intertwines your aural energy with the aural energy of the other person. These powerful connections, regardless of how insignificant you think they are, leave spiritual debris, particularly within people who do not practice any type of cleansing, physical, emotional or otherwise.
The more you interact intimately with someone, the deeper the connection and the more of their aura is intertwined with yours.
Imagine the confused aura of someone who sleeps with multiple people and carries around these multiple energies? What they may not realize is that others can feel that energy which can repel positive energy and attract negative energy into your life.”
– Lisa Chase Patterson
It’s obviously not about denying our sexuality – it’s not about this black and white fallacious thinking, falling into shame/guilt programming for having certain desires, or denying our natural biological sexual drives. Rather, it’s a case of truly understanding ourselves, where our desires actually come from, and how we tend to use sex (at times) to avoid facing deeper emotional vulnerabilities and more intimate connections with another person…beyond the physical alchemy.
As Eve Lorgen said, “Powerful sexual passion and obsessive need to have sex” is one of the key red flags in a Dark Side of Cupid love relationship. I certainly have experienced that ‘quality’ within myself at points when in the midst of a Love Bite relationship, hence I’m not taking myself out of the equation in this analysis. Sex is beautiful and healing on so many levels, if used appropriately and with consideration, and guided by the presence of truly-heartfelt love. But as I said before in this essay, the topic of sex and sexuality is a very large field of discussion….there is a reason why transmutation (not suppression!) of sexual energy is a significant aspect of the esoteric work that’s required in order to “escape the Matrix”.
All of this information may create paranoia in some people, as considering the idea of hypedimensional forces who are attacking us (alongside spirit attachments working through us and others) opens up a pandora’s box of victimhood pathologies. But again, where there is knowledge, understanding and awareness, there is no room for fear or paranoia; hence the importance of educating ourselves about this topic. Given that there is more to our existence than we can perceive; given that we’re not on top of the food chain; given that a primary food source for these beings is the emotional turmoil and sexual energy of humanity…all of these ‘revelations’ requires open-mindedness, courage, self-development skills, and the ability to question our long-held, socially-sanctioned views of reality.
How do we turn off the food supply for these beings? This question goes back to what I mentioned before: besides educating ourselves about this topic in a meaningful way, it really comes down to basic psychological work, first and foremost.
“One of the main things I learned through this process is that any individual who wishes to pursue esoteric studies ought to have a clean and fully functional – and most of all healthy – psyche before he goes wandering off into unknown realms. After all, if your psychological state is such that you cannot deal effectively with your everyday life, how can you possibly trust such a psychological state not to mislead you in studies where you have fewer solid landmarks or feedback mechanisms to guide you? And so, it strikes me that the very first order of business in any esoteric work is to get psychologically healthy. That’s basically what the Gurdjieff “self-remembering” and Mouravieff “introspection” and Castaneda “recapitulation” is all about.
Sure, it can be referred to in nebulous ways such as “the work of sorcerers” and “recapturing energy” and “crystallizing a soul” and so on, but it can also be talked about in very practical, scientific, modern terminology with definite examples and techniques for accomplishing this important work of knowing your machine, cleaning and adjusting it so that it works properly, and preparing oneself for more interesting esoteric work.[…]
We have found that dealing with the issues of narcissism and psychopathology in our world is the clearest and most direct path to dealing with programs, buffers or the Predator’s mind in man. Most human beings in the world are narcissistic and most of us are raised by narcissists. The world itself – society, culture, science, religion – is heavily influenced by psychopathic influences and these influences are one of the reasons that most potentially healthy people become narcissistic – it is a defense – a system of buffers.
And so, as we are raised in a psychopathic/narcissistic world, we also grow these buffers that separate us from our true self and that force our machine to use up vast quantities of soul energy just to keep running at all.
And so, we approach the problem in a very pragmatic and practical way. A person can do nothing until they are psychologically healthy and this means removing buffers, mentally going over the machine in a careful and thorough way, cleaning it, re-wiring it and most of all, having new experiences that help with this re-wiring process in an environment where this is possible.
Then, of course, you need to really understand how the world got to be the way it is, and that involves the study of psychopathy. Studying psychopathy is useful for another very good reason: when you finally clearly see the traits of the psychopath writ large, it helps you to identify traces of such influences in your own make-up. Psychopaths are like caricatures that help you recognize something by its most pronounced features, just like the drawing known as a caricature.
Life is lessons. It’s that simple. We “pass” these lessons by learning to see the hidden dynamics of our interpersonal relationships. Once we understand these dynamics we can learn to put an end to the destructive and emotionally draining ones. …Therefore, the process of recapitulation is one of great importance. By having an understanding of our past mistakes we can apply our understanding in the present, thus protecting ourselves for the future. We can truly self-remember, as Gurdjieff says, and utilize the present for whatever aim we have set for ourselves.”
– Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The more we become aware of our childhood wounds, possible traumas, sexual issues, and other blind spots – and actively work towards healing ourselves – the more we become objective with ourselves; as we move beyond behaving in mechanically-driven and reactionary ways, the better we truly know ourselves. One of the primary tenants of any sovereign philosophy is to Know Thyself!
However, knowing thyself also implies knowing our weaknesses, buffers, and the lies that we’ve been telling ourselves (in some cases, for a very long time). This work cannot always be done alone, as we need mirrors from others (who see us – at times – better than we can see ourselves). Obviously, it would help to have friends who are also engaged in sincere self-work, who have basic understandings of psychology, and are aware of “the topic of all topics”… otherwise, these friends may just wind up reinforcing our buffers in their well-meaning attempts to make us feel better.
“According to the Great Work, a friend is one in which you support and encourage the other’s expansion in either the mind or the spirit. Otherwise they are people you are sentimentally attached to it because they would eat cinnamon bun with you. And they will say ‘hee, hee, hee’ aren’t we having fun”. Drug addicts do the same thing. Drug addicts want to be around people who will support them and be away from real friends. Do you know why? Because it feels good. To be a memeber of a mystery school can be catastrophic to the ego and to the ego’s habits and to the propensity for mediocrity. No one ever cried striving for excellence. They only cried when their mediocrity was taken away from them and pointed out to them.”
– Jerhoam
The most important part of that work involves emotional intelligence/regulation. In various esoteric teachings, our emotions (sensations, feelings and passions) are represented by the analogy of a horse-drawn carriage, with emotions represented by the horses; the master (true self) sits in the carriage (physical body); the coachman is the ensemble of the intellectual faculties (including reason). The horses need to be trained by the coachman so that they don’t drive us over the cliff. In other words, emotional intelligence involves the ability to link our emotions to reason, thus connecting the heart and the mind together so that one does not override the other.
“When discussing emotional intelligence, the “intelligence” component refers to the ability to apply reason to factual information. The “emotional” component is how we interact with others based on this information. An emotionally intelligent person uses both qualities in balance.
In order to avoid attracting and feeding the paranormal virus as it attempts to infect the living cells of our love relationship, we must start with emotional clearing. Pent up emotions and unhealed wounds can cause tension, anger, and depression, and act as a magnetic attractor to more of the same. Once the awareness of unresolved emotions emerges, it is the responsibility of the more aware partner to address these issues.
Developing emotional awareness and intelligence means being willing to be present with our feelings and needs, respecting others and engaging in mindfulness practices. Tracking our behavior patterns, such as compulsions, addictions, and things that “trigger” us emotionally, is essential to expanding our awareness. It’s part of raising our consciousness and evolving as human beings.”– Eve Lorgen
In other words, we need to develop (or connect to) our objective observer self – to nurture the ability to step outside of ourselves. This is not about disassociating from our bodies, nor about “getting into our head”, but rather, it involves staying grounded and embodied, observing what is actually happening to us on multiple levels, and tapping into our reason and inner knowing: the master who can “see”, who knows which “direction” we need to go in, and can make the right decision.
Without a developed emotional intelligence capability, we become easy targets for the Dark Cupid/Love Bite program. Emotional Intelligence also helps us to become more discerning with regards to whom we engage with, especially on intimate and sexual levels.
The General Law and Life in the Matrix
Let’s take a deeper exploration with regards to the question of why certain individuals are especially targeted for a Love Bite/Dark Side of Cupid scenario; as mentioned before:
“One common factor in each of my Dark Side of Cupid cases is that all the individuals were involved in the alternative research, paranormal, conspiracy, and/or spirituality circles. In other words, all these people were part of a larger consciousness-raising movement in the global community.”
– Eve Lorgen
One thing I’ll say upfront on this topic: speaking out and posting articles/videos on social media about what is really going on in our world is a great and necessary activity, as it helps to spread awareness and generate discussion. However, it’s a whole different ball game when a person engages in deeper research methods, including reading books (not just articles, or listening to podcasts and watching youtube videos) and actively seeking truth in tucked-away places, which requires time, patience, and effort. This commitment carries an even higher-price when that research is translated into speaking out about certain issues publicly (through the writing of articles and books, giving talks, or making videos with the potential of reaching a lot more people than just one’s immediate circle of friends). UFO researcher and historian Richard Dolan called people who just google things, read some articles, or watch videos – and then claim to have knowledge and understanding of the subject matter – “armchair researchers”…it takes much more than just that to get at the truth.
For example. I’ve recently disabled the comment section for our film “UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact” on youtube. I’ve never seen so many trolls in one place, with the vast majority of comments being either completely off-topic or downright vile. So much bible-thumping, too. Sometimes I wonder if they have mistakenly commented on a different video, because their replies make no sense – many of them write as if they have not seen the film at all. Others project so much nonsense into it (that has nothing to do with what has been actually said and presented) that it’s obvious that cognitive dissonance has occurred. It’s a good example of the fact that just because someone has watched something, it doesn’t mean that he/she has actually understood what has been said.
Moreover, hardly anyone makes an effort to actually read/study the resource list that’s shown in the film (and in the info section as well). There are numerous times in the film (and elsewhere) where I mention how important it is to approach this topic carefully, and to conduct more research about it, since what I’m presenting is just an overview, and only touches upon the tip of the iceberg.
The same happens at times with the blogs I write. Many people don’t check out the hyperlinks and listed resources provided, which would help them to get a better understanding of the material, since all the articles posted on here (even the very long ones, like this one) are just a summary and overview of very deep and complex topics.
There’s a certain engagement involved when speaking out about general, ‘mainstream’ topics like GMOs and other environmental issues…political issues (like the illusion of the two party paradigm or choice through voting)…the 9/11 lie…or even the story of Zionism and questioning the official narrative of WWII (which definitely attracts more attack and ridicule than the usual topics many “progressive” and “liberal”-type people concern themselves with). Then there is, of course, the topic of genetic psychopathy and psychopaths in power (who, by the way, are the perfect “vehicles” for these hyperdimensional overlords/aliens to work through), which is a subject that causes a lot of resistance, since most people believe that all humans are born equal (and thus are all the same inside).
I state unequivocally that it’s important to speak out about the more obvious issues our world is facing, since these realities are still not that obvious to most people, and sometimes you’ve got to reach people on that level before going straight into the ‘fringe’ – the deeper, hidden aspects of the Matrix Control System.
“…the ‘New Age’ is comfortable with the ‘conspiracy theories’ that reveal the dangers of ecocide, fluoride, chemtrails, fracking, inorganic food and any other politically correct cause they can safely align with in their Face Book profile without seeming too crazy. However, they are not ready to identify the core mutation that is causing these issues, and that is ultimately generating the systemic failure of their entire home planet…a genesis of bio-computational entropy that encompasses Humanity’s true origins, history and the modification of its immortal blueprint. From this branch of the New Age perspective, it is as though awakening to the human global predicament were somehow unjustified or superfluous to our liberation. There is no comprehensive way to override the psychogenesis of Human thought – and the way in which it has manifested into the brutality and suffering that is so blatantly evident – without identifying the cause.
This hybrid New Age division of pic-n-mix spirituality includes in their devotional worship the chanting of the names of male anthropomorphic gods who are revered within religions that have institutionalized misogyny and the caste system, and yet they profess to be in support of the feminine and in equality for all. This homogenized ideology dismisses the misfortune of others in war torn countries ravaged by genocide as “bad karma” or misuse of the “law of attraction”, and is riddled with new age slogans, such as “you create your own reality” and “don’t focus on the negative” cos that’s what’s making genocide happen.
From the beginning of this journey people have lamented the sense of isolation it can bring, no longer resonating with friends and ways in which they used to enjoy socialising. Those who choose the shamanic path of moving into lucidity know it’s not about fitting in… nor is it about being pessimistic or optimistic… it’s being the mystic.
Those who accuse you of being negative are actually seeing your ability to be ‘lucid without prejudice’ as a direct insult to their belief systems; they make the mistake of thinking you are “against” something, when in fact the process of being “for” your truth creates the side affect of seeing the delusions (which maintain the lies that stabilize this fear based paradigm) for what they are. They see the instinct to disengage from socialized spiritual circles as you separating from them, when actually you are simply unifying with your true self. There is nothing elitist about awakening to what is happening on this planet. It does not create separation. It brings a more authentic connection to others through an expanded capacity for compassion as you gain an extensive knowledge of that which your fellow Humans are suffering through.
This is a heads up with regards to the kind of resistance and judgment you may well come across, if you have not experienced it already. There is a growing group of people who are recognising the infiltration of the New Age movement by a new spiritual ‘establishment’ that have a manifesto of homogenized spiritual ethics that comes with a dangerous denial factor. Any discussion of paedophilia, genocide and (in particular) the agenda of alien intervention are not welcome, and can lead to not only being ostracized by them personally, but they may try to discredit you publicly on social media.”
– Juliet Carter
However, what I have noticed in my life (as well as in the life of others I know) is that once you expose the “topic of all topics” – and the hyperdimensional control/manipulation of humanity, which is the root cause of issues that are, in fact, mere symptoms – the “control system” goes into overdrive, and attacks these people with ferocity…mostly through using other humans, or occasionally, directly through psychic attacks (or in the form of a Love Bite/Dark Side of Cupid relationship). On a side note, I would never claim to be a researcher on the same level as those dedicated scholars and amazing minds whom I often refer to and quote. I just connect the dots (based on their work), cross-reference their findings, and relate all of it to my own research, experiences, and insights. Many of these renegades and amazing researchers have suffered a variety of plights, enduring far more severe attacks than I ever have. Some have even been killed, or fell victim to being “suicide’d”.
As I mentioned before, my life definitely changed in drastic ways once I got deeper into these topics, and especially after the release of the UFO documentary (when, as mentioned earlier, one of the researchers presented in this film told us: “Just be aware that you will attract attack for putting this information out”). For the most part, those attacks happened in ways that I did not expect at all…it was as though these forces knew exactly what my blind spots and weaknesses entailed, even though I was aware of the idea of hyperdimensional attack and interference (especially since these topics were what the film – and my other writings – were all about to begin with). It sounds contradictory in nature, since this knowledge should have protected me, right?
Well, there have been many times where I was aware of an attack coming through others – who were not conscious of being used as a “portal” – and I was thus able to protect myself (“seeing the unseen”); but when it came to love relationships, my awareness was lacking at times (for reasons mentioned before in this essay). Knowledge alone is not enough, especially if we don’t apply it fully at all times, stay aware, remain vigilant, and keep working on ourselves with all of the impeccability and “super-effort” (Gurdjieff) necessary. We also need to possess a good support network of truly like-minded friends who are engaged in the same work, so that we can all act as “alarm clocks” for each other, and check each other’s blind spots when necessary.
“And so we come to the idea that if a person is viewing this present situation we are discussing from a strictly human view, without considering the soul dynamics involved, then it certainly would seem to be merely a “tempest in a teapot” or a “petty squabble” or even a “lack of harmony.” From the human perspective, most of what occurs in interpersonal dynamical interactions is so judged. It is that very “human judgment” that we are being challenged to see through!
The ordinary “human interpretation” that is generally put on such things is a mechanical reaction from the “why can’t we all just make nice and get along” school of thought. And that is precisely what the Matrix Control System promotes.
When you put the various pieces of the puzzle together, what you find is that the Predator’s Mind, the “hypnosis” that Gurdjieff talked about, the Matrix Control System interface with our bio-cosmic computers, our bodies, is our DNA which is controlled and restricted by the generation of specific brain chemicals via the control of our emotions. This is what determines the way our brains and nervous systems are set up, which includes certain early periods of Imprinting, which establishes our circuitry and thinking processes at an age and under conditions over which we have no control. And once those circuits are set up in a certain way, they can almost never be changed without a major melt-down, and they determine forever after how all incoming information is categorized. Indeed, we all have “reptilian” DNA. But we also have avian DNA. In fact, we are a veritable smorgasbord of DNA from all that exists around us. Nevertheless, something is going on that puts the reptilian DNA in control, and it is in that context that Don Juan means that the “Predator gave us his mind.”Also, that these Control Programs, these chemicals of “feeding,” can be and ARE stimulated and perpetuated through our interactions with other human beings, most especially those closest to us, is a cold, hard fact of science.
Each and every time the revelation of this Control System is attempted, the Matrix goes into overdrive to destroy it. And it is clear that this is the present situation….It is in “seeing the unseen” that we become aware of higher levels of being; it is in ordinary human interactions that we experience the “battles” between the forces of STS (Service to Self) and STO (Service to Others)! And it is most definitely this factor that the Matrix Control System vigorously attempts to conceal!… In other words, we are not just talking about a “petty dispute,” we are talking about a battle of forces at other levels, manifesting – as ALWAYS – in human dynamics.“– Laura Knight-Jadczyk, The Wave – Volume 5&6 – Petty Tyrants & Facing the Unknown
The concept of the Matrix Control System relates to both the “General Law” (as Boris Mouravieff talked about in his book ‘Gnosis’) and those forces which act upon the seeker who is trying to “escape” (i.e., ‘the Way’) the Matrix – or who reveals information about the truth of our situation.
“Economy of energies too is a must, as the walk to and on the Way demands their total mobilization. Any unjustified expenditure can lead in the end to failure. We must always keep this in mind. In general, the reaction of those around towards someone who begins to search for the Way is negative. This negative attitude is the result of the action of the General Law, which, as we know, tends to keep man in his place. Not being able to do this directly by the action of Illusion, the General Law, when it loses its dominion over the man who ‘moves’, acts indirectly by the mediation of those around him.”
– Boris Mouravieff, Gnosis
On the other hand, if someone just shuffles along in life – without engaging in any efforts to wake up and seek truth – and thus is no threat to the “General Law” or Matrix Control System, he/she will be left alone. In a related vein, this “left alone” tactic also pertains to people who speak out about issues that are not a real threat to the Matrix, or are mere distractions (a strategy which ties into COINTELPRO operations: blinding the seeker with pseudo conspiracies, corrupted spiritual/New Age teachings, and truth-mixed-with-lies disinformation). He/she can even forge a brilliant career, possess a family and kids, and be “happy” within the matrix reality parameters without much struggle at all – yet he/she will not progress esoterically within their true Self, having been unconsciously-held under the influence of the General Law and its “’A’ influence” programs (such as official culture and the status quo).
“We are not aware of how much we are bound by the action of the General Law. Acting on us as it does on our cells, this law immobilizes us or constantly tends to bring us back to our place. Its strength leaves us little freedom of action outside the limits of its direction and scope. It acts in various ways. One can say that if man lives ‘like everyone else’, if he does not venture off the beaten track, he will never perceive the existence of this force, or rather this force will ignore him.“
If man spends his life without distinguishing between ‘A’ and ‘B’ influences, he will end it as he started, one could say mechanically, driven by the Law of Accident. However, according to the nature and the intensity of the resultant forces to which he is subjected, it can happen to him to make a brilliant career, in the meaning the world gives to this expression. Yet he will come to the end of his days without having either learned or understood anything of Reality. And earth returns to Earth.”
– Boris Mouravieff, Gnosis
This truth can be seen very clearly in our world today, as many people who simply go along with the accepted narratives and conditioned reality are rewarded with a minimum level of struggle. Birth, infancy, school, career choice, employment, consume, reproduce, entertain, be nationalistic or religious, unexamined lusts are satisfied, etc., etc.
Not knowing his true self, remaining a slave to the outside world, and being completely under the spell (and therefore, the control) of the General Law/Matrix, the common man has no free will, although he thinks he does.
However, whenever someone awakens from the mind control spell, courageously steps up, and attempts to “escape” from The General Law/Matrix by questioning what we’ve been taught and told whilst simultaneously acquiring more knowledge and speaking out about what they’ve discovered, forces are put in motion in order to bring them back in line and return them to ‘sleep mode’.
Public ridicule (or even permanent silencing) is a part of this response to awakening – an individual’s only chance of protecting themselves from “re-assimilation” is to apply Knowledge and activate the magnetic center of their immortal being through sincere self-work. Meanwhile, anything that is not a true threat to the Matrix Control System or General Law’s ‘orderly conduct of affairs’ will be ignored – or (if it is truly misleading) even promoted heavily, be it through religious, political, entertainment, or popular new age/spiritual networks.
“But if his enterprises are out of the ordinary, no matter what field they are in, but especially in esotericism, this force begins to act, and stirs up all sorts of obstacles in order to bring him back to the point where — according to the General Law — he must reside. Even without knowing this force, we have an intuition of its existence and of the many forms which clothe it. The Holy Scriptures speak of it more than once, especially where esoteric work is concerned.
Thus, if this conservative force, which is the servant of the General Law, does not succeed in ‘calming’ man by acting directly upon him, it tries to reach him indirectly through the people of his household, either through the feelings they invoke or the coolness and contempt they openly show him.
– Boris Mouravieff, Gnosis
Organic Portals and Matrix Agents
This “conservative force, the servant of the General Law” acts mostly through the machinations of Organic Portals. Humans who are not aware, having no access to the higher centers or haven’t built a strong “I” and foundation are being used as portals through which the Matrix works and unconsciously try to keep others from awakening through hyperdimenstional forces (4D STS) working through them. Think of Agent Smith being able to inject himself into any character in the film “The Matrix” trying to stop Neo from awakening. Hence, blind people, people who are asleep, plugged into the Matrix, the grand illusion, become unconscious “tools” and puppets of the Matrix to make sure no one jumps out of line.
“[Organic Portals] are generic vehicles or portals, in human form, open for use by a variety of forces, which is why they make excellent matrix puppets. It just so happens that they’re being used now by 4D STS to control 3D STS / 4D STO candidates through “clapper” and “vampire” functions — keeping us locked into a behavioral pattern matching the orchestrated norm, and being physically close to us to sap our energies and keep us from having enough “escape velocity” to remove ourselves from the Matrix Control System’s tug, via development of our magnetic centers. Thus we see that the “natural” function of the OP of imitation of the soul energy, the process by which they were able to progress and evolve, assumes a specific character with the STS development stream of collecting the soul energy of souled individuals in order to pass it along the feeding chain to 4D STS. The principal role of the OP is now to prevent the genuine seeker from advancing along the Way.”
– Laura Knight-Jadczyk, The Secret History of the World

“The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Business men, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it. [Neo’s attention is drawn to a passing attractive woman wearing a red dress] Were you listening to me, Neo, or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?” – Morpheus
“The pre-adamic being (Organic Portal) is IN his or her environment in a way that an adamic being (Souled Individual) is not. The world with its “A” influences holds great attraction. The activity of the sexual center seeks gratification in a world more and more sexually charged through media and open displays of sexual imagery. The “I” of the body can exist happily on the level of a basic animal existence governed by the lower centers, but the developing real “I” in the process of activating the higher centers cannot.”
The topic of Organic Portals is deep and far-reaching in scope and impact – in studying it, one must not to come to hasty conclusions, assumptions or judgments. We all are Organic Portals to one degree or another, as the “predator” (and the Matrix façade) works through all of us to varying extents, until such a time as we begin making the effort to gain (self-)knowledge. This knowledge includes: working on the fusion of those bio-energetic centers which connect us to our higher self in conscious ways; dislodging ourselves from Matrix programs and conditioned, mechanical behaviors so that we’re able to use our will in a consciously-awake manner; and grounding our awareness in the physical body (instead of remaining isolated in the head). This work is the basis for attaining the true freedom of our choice that is our birthright.
“Whether or not the individuals named are Organic Portals is not the issue. They may be souled individuals who have not yet been able to see behind the lie of the Personality. As long as that has not happened, souled individuals will function and see the world and themselves as if they were Organic Portals.
A major part of our esoteric work is to learn to extricate ourselves from the energy feeding dynamic inherent in relationships with Organic Portals. Moreover, because those who have the higher centers in potential are subject to the same programming and are mechanical, reaction units until they undertake the work to develop their higher centers, the same thing holds true in our interactions and dynamics with them.We are all feeders until we learn to stop our feeding off of others and how to stop others from feeding off of us. Esoteric work demands enormous amounts of energy, and this energy is the energy off of which others feed.In order to progress in esoteric work, it is fundamental to understand this underlying dynamic of feeding; it is pointless and dangerous to attempt to identify and to classify individuals as organic portals because we are all OPs until we choose to be otherwise.To turn a tool for understanding the true terror of our situation in this world of the fallen into a weapon against individuals is to empty it of its spiritual importance and render it a tool of our enslavement in the material world, the same process that has occurred to all of the world’s religions during the course of our unhappy history.
A true understanding of the organic portal and the world in which we live gives us the knowledge necessary for getting out “alive”, whether that is literally or whether it is just being alive to our true nature as souls locked in material bodies in order to learn important lessons that only this world can teach. We can no more hate those who have no access to the higher truths because of who they are than we can hate the cat who plays with the mouse prior to killing and eating it.”
For a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of this topic, please read “Organic Portals – Soulless Humans“.
Wanderers and Star Seeds
Let’s look at the Love Bite/Dark Side of Cupid scenario in light of the presence of ‘Wanderers’ in this Earth realm. Wanderers (or “star seeds”) are individuals whose souls have incarnated from a higher density (fourth or sixth density) into this third density with a specific mission to accomplish in order to assist humanity, which could involve assisting with “Ascension”, a.k.a. Graduation to fourth Density (during this Age of Transformation). However, due to the “veil of forgetting” which transpires when entering into a lower density, the mission/task of the individual Wanderer is forgotten, and he/she needs to awaken to what they came here to do in their human lifetime.
In the course of their journey, Wanderers need to become conscious and aware of those traps, deceptions and distractions in this third density reality which may interfere with the mission, since most people are NOT like them (in that they have a different inner wiring, so to speak). Ra mentions that “the Wanderer is less inclined to the deviousness of third density, and therefore does not recognize as easily – as a more negative individual would – the negative nature of thoughts or beings“.
“Ra tells us that wanderers are vulnerable because they become completely the creature of third density in mind and body, and are, by nature, less inclined to deviousness and manipulation. For this reason, they often do not recognize as easily the negative nature of other beings or thoughts before they become involved with them.Then, very often, because of this very lack of perception of negativity, they often persist in relationships that are negative because they repeatedly attribute to the other person their own benevolent motives and perceptions.
Additionally, there is just as much chance of negative hyperdimensional telepathic mind control influence being brought to bear on a wanderer as anyone else. The only difference occurs in what Ra calls the “spirit complex” which, if it wishes, has an armor of light which enables it to recognize more clearly that which is not appropriately desired. This is not more than a bias, and cannot be called an understanding. So, in other words, you just have an instinct about things that are not right. But then, with all our be-nice programming, we generally override the instinct and shove such signals under the rug, or search endlessly for reasons to excuse bad behavior…. Ra and the Cs both confirm that wanderers, however they are defined, are most definitely high-priority targets of the Matrix Controllers.“
– Laura Knight-Jadczyk, “The Wave (Volume 2): Soul Hackers – The Hidden Hands Behind The New Age Movement”
Wanderers are not only subject (along with everyone else) to hyperdimensional manipulation in this Matrix Control System, but their nature makes them the PRIMARY targets of the Fourth-Dimensional Service-To-Self forces, mainly due to the fact that the Wanderer mission obviously interferes with the plans of the controllers of this world, and these forces they don’t want to lose their grip on a primary food source.
From “Soul Hackers – The Hidden Hands Behind The New Age Movement” (The Wave Book 2), chapter “All There Is Is Lessons, or Wandering Around in Third Density Can Be Hazardous to Your Health” by Laura Knight-Jadczyk:
“The problem seems to be that of “waking up” [of the wanderer] to the nature of the mission and this presents special problems. Ra gives us several more clues:
“Wanderers become completely the creatures of third density in mind/body complex. There is just as much chance of [them being subjected to Orion STS mind programming attempts] as to a mind/body complex of [strictly third density]. The only difference occurs in the spirit complex which, if it wishes, has an armor of light, if you will, which enables it to recognize more clearly that which is not be desired by the mind/body/spirit complex. This is not more than a bias and cannot be called an understanding.”
So we begin to understand that even the purest of the pure are subject to corruption and deception. They do seem to have a bit of help in separating the wheat from the chaff, but Ra describes it as “not more than a bias and cannot be called an understanding.”
The problem is, the “bias” often comes into direct conflict with the mind programming efforts of the Orion STS and a lot of suffering and torture can result. And there is also a special weakness of those who are configured to STO — since they don’t have meanness and deception in their own hearts, it can take almost forever for them to see it in others who are being used to keep them from awakening! Ra remarks on this as well:
“Furthermore, the Wanderer is less inclined to the deviousness of third density and therefore does not recognize as easily as a more negative individual would, the negative nature of thoughts or beings… [If the Wanderer is successfully co-opted by the Orion STS it would be] caught into the planetary vibration and, when harvested, possibly repeat again the master cycle of third density as a planetary entity.”
Ra also confirmed Don’s remark that those with missions, Wanderers, are “high priority targets” of the Orion STS faction. That’s a scary thought!
What it means is that if a person comes into incarnation from a higher density with a mission to serve, not only are they enveloped in the “veil of forgetting”, they become special targets for a bunch of Intergalactic rapists and murderers who are only restrained in their actions by some sort of vague Law of Free Will which still allows every imaginable trick and deception to be perpetrated on them so that they will engage in relationships, beliefs, actions or reactions designed to “bring them down a few densities,” so to speak!
And they only get a “bias” toward what is Truth, and not a clear understanding!
So with all of this information we are trying to put together about what is out there just waiting to trap and deceive us, how in the world are we supposed to have a clue as to what is going on? Just who are the Good Guys here?!
“[In terms of STO contacts from the higher densities] the infringement upon free will is greatly undesired. Therefore, those entities, which are Wanderers upon your plane of illusion, will be the only subjects for the thought projections that make up the so-called “Close Encounters” and meetings…”
Ra seems to be saying that only the “Wanderers” have any hope of being in contact with the higher level “Good Guys” because they are, ipso facto, already of STO configuration and therefore, contact is not an infringement upon their free will as it would be if the STO contact came to a third density being who has not yet graduated to the higher densities.
Of course, they all look alike here on the Big Blue Marble, and they are all mostly engaged in living relatively normal lives side by side with one another. And they do have to be “awakened”! Also, there is a special condition under which Wanderers may be contacted, it seems, that pretty much eliminates your “weekend seminar” in channeling. It seems that there is an almost mathematical law involved in being able to communicate with higher density beings
If we just stop and think for a moment about the nature of most people on the planet who do not want to search or learn; they do not want to think or do the necessary work that prepares a “vessel” for the inflow of higher knowledge; they want to be “saved” with as little effort as possible, then you begin to understand the odds against contact with truly higher density STO beings. That is the operation of the Law of Free Will.
The majority of beings of third density are STS — they would not be in this density otherwise. By this choice, they have also chosen the illusions that are part of this “con job”. Yes, at a very deep level, it is a choice to experience in order to learn, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.
By the very fact that this is the choice of the majority, the few who might truly wish to perceive the truth are overruled by the mass choice according to the law of Free Will!
Even if the being is a fourth or sixth density “Wanderer”, by entering this density, they have chosen to “play by the rules” and cannot abridge them!
Ra did give us a figure: 65 million Wanderers on the planet at the time he was speaking. That amounts to about one person out of every hundred on the planet. But how many of them survive the attacks? How many of them actually do, can, or will wake up? Particularly when we must expect them to be objects of special “attention” in terms of “attack”?
So now we begin to understand the special traps set up for these Wanderers wherein human agents are used to manipulate and control them. If they cannot be corrupted directly, the strategy is to corrupt those around them — including family, friends, spouses and associates of all kinds.
There was a curious exchange with the Cassiopaeans at one session which included another individual who also fits this profile that gives some clues as to how this occurs:
May 3, 1997
Q: (L) Reading through the session of May 23, last year, when TK was also here, and the issue of his living in isolation from the rest of the world was addressed, you asked who had begged him to stay there even though he wanted to move to a place where he could have more contact with other people and more opportunities for growth and stimulation. The answer to this question was that it was his wife who insisted on remaining even though it was clear that he was unhappy in the environment. Then you made a remark about an EM [Electromagnetic] vector. The way I understood it is that you were saying that a person can be an EM vector. Is that possible?
A: Vector means focuser of direction.
Q: (L) So his wife is the one who controls the focus of his direction. But how? Could that mean that a human being can vector EM waves simply by their presence and that these EM waves are part of the control system that manipulates people? Can it be that such “agents” are used as EM vectors in the sense that they emanate a special frequency that literally affects the mind in terms of shutting down clarity, or even actually transmitting pre-coded thought loops?
A: Precisely.
Q: (L) I also noticed that several of us have been involved with persons and relationships that seem designed to confuse, defuse, and otherwise distort our learning, as well as drain our energy. Basically, keeping us so stressed that we cannot fulfill our potential. Is there some significance to this observation?
A: That is elementary, my dear Knight! […]
Q: (L) Were the individuals in our lives selected for the extremely subtle nature of their abilities to evoke pity, or were we programmed to respond to pity so that we were blind to something that was obvious to other people?
A: Neither. You were selected to interact with those who would trigger a hypnotic response that would ultimately lead to a drain of energy.
Q: (T) Well, it is a fact, because my energy is sure drained. (L) What is the purpose of this draining of energy?
A: What do you think?
Q: (T) So you can’t concentrate or do anything. You can’t get anywhere with anything.
A: Or, at least not the important things.
Q: (T) Is that why my concentration is so low?
A: Yes. You are dealing with a no-win situation!! As you know.
Q: (T) So, if I don’t get out, I will just keep going down. Is it the area or the person?
A: Both. One is wrapped within the other. […]
Q: (L) Is it true that being in the presence of such people, that one is under the influence of an energy, an emanation from them physically, that befuddles the mind and makes it almost impossible to think one’s way out of the situation?
A: It is the draining of energy that befuddles the mind.
Q: (L) Where does this energy drain?
A: 4th density STS.
Q: (L) These people we are associated with drain our energy from us and fourth density STS harvests it from them?
A: “They” do nothing!!!! 4th density STS does it all through them! […]
Lesson number 1: Always expect attack.
Lesson number 2: Know the modes of same.
Lesson number 3: Know how to counteract same.\
When you are under attack, expect the unexpected, if it is going to cause problems… But, if you expect it, you learn how to “head it off,” thus neutralizing it. This is called vigilance, which is rooted in knowledge. And, what does knowledge do?
Q: (L) Protects! I guess that a person just has to come to the full realization that virtually everything that happens on the planet — no exceptions — is a symbol of some interaction of STS vs. STO energy at higher levels.
A: Yes, and for most, that is not as of yet realized. It must be part of a natural learning process.
Q: (L) Well, I guess that all of us tend to keep one or another area sacrosanct and think that it is not subject to attack, or that we can use logic and third density thinking to explain it. Until a person realizes that attack can come through even one’s self, wives and husbands, children and parents, friends — virtually anybody — nobody is exempt.
A: The block is a lack of faith in the concept. Remember, when one has been indoctrinated by religion, culture and/or science, they are predisposed to view all things in the sense of the measurable physical reality exclusively. One must be cured of lack of faith in the reality of nonphysical attack.
One major thing we see from the above is that our associations can be crucial. Of course, if we are aware that anyone and everyone can be used as an “EM vector” to modulate our frequency or behavior or thinking, then we have some protection. But to be unaware of it, to be in close association with those who are unaware themselves, and therefore subject to this manipulation, is to be firmly “in the trap”.
But suppose one person in a relationship begins to “wake up”, and becomes aware (even if only vaguely), that all is not as it seems. They will have continual glimpses of the reality, mostly when not in the presence of the other individual. They may clearly see that something is not working, that it is not right, and may even make decisions to change it or to leave. But the instant the other person is physically present with their EM vectoring capabilities, the glimpses of truth are “damped” or even shut down and the waking person begins to feel schizophrenic or crazy in some way for having such conflicting and opposing thoughts. Add to this the social and religious enculturation to “turn the other cheek” or “suffer because it’s noble and holy,” and you have the recipe for cooking the Wanderer’s goose!
Another of the factors in the control system is the “self-destruct” program. Obviously the aliens have no problem abducting and killing and eating many people who are still lost in the initial choice for STS/third density. But there are the special cases of the Wanderers who, obviously, the STS invaders don’t want to tangle with at that level, as described above by Ra, so they have a rather clever way around this little stumbling block to their machinations: the suicide game.
This is a very cunning setup, I can tell you! It can follow a variety of lines in the lives of different people, and it seems that the STS Orions take some sort of fiendish delight in designing variations for their entertainment pleasure, but the gist of it is this: a Wanderer is born. Obviously they have to be born somewhere, to some family, with certain genetics. It is also equally obvious that the choices probably don’t include having Wanderers for parents or siblings, (though there are exceptions). There they are, innocent little babies, volunteers for a great mission, surrounded by potential EM vectors and Lizzie agents! And the game begins!
Abuse — physical, sexual, and psychological — comes into play to “set them up” for a later fall — if in fact they are not just simply killed by same right at the beginning. But the special characteristic of the Wanderer type is that they continue to “shine” with a sort of “inner purity” of the questing spirit even in the face of such treatment. As a result of this abuse, they can be attached by any number of “dead dudes” or elementals or even demonic-type entities that enter in through wounds in the psychological/psychic shield like cosmic bacteria.
The usual next stage in this drama is to cause the Wanderer to be attracted to a particular type of person who is a sort of “false image” of STO. This can be what researcher Eve Lorgen calls a Love Bite relationship where a great “cosmic love” is simulated, only to fall flat as soon as the EM vector is turned off. The intended result of this betrayal is to induce suicidal feelings or to set the Wanderer up for the next variation of the game.
What happens now is that the Wanderer is set up by the previous dramas to seek out marriage or love partners who are also abusive either overtly or covertly. And, of course, the Wanderer’s special characteristics of being unable to really understand negative thinking because it is not a part of their own make-up, prevents them from seeing exactly what is going on. They always seem to attribute the same high motives and ideals to others that are in themselves. They endlessly excuse abuse and hurt to themselves and others with the idea that if they just love the other long enough, hard enough, pure enough or stand by them through thick and thin, that the abuser will overcome their hurts/wounds which are the cause of their abusive behavior, and they will then be able to be whole, which, of course, the Wanderer believes to be a person similar to themselves!\
Gee, sounds like the Way of the Monk, doesn’t it? Perhaps that “way” was created just to trap such positive individuals and to use them as energy food for STS.
Then there is the constant projection of the suicide program by the many EM vectors that the Wanderer finds in their environment. It takes careful observation to determine who these individuals may be, but it can be done! The natural feelings of being lost and alone and alienated from this environment are intensified and twisted so that the Wanderer begins to focus solely upon the idea of getting out from under this enormous psychic pressure. Spirit attachments can also be used in this respect, attacking the Wanderer from the “inside”, so to speak.
April 15, 1995
Q: (L) [You have mentioned attack.] Is this physical danger or just harassment danger?
A: Mind attack for purpose of self-destruction.
Q: (L) Is there anything that can be done to shield against this kind of attack?
A: Yes. Knowledge input on a continuous basis.
Through it all, the Wanderer never whines or complains that others are “doing it to” them; they always tend, first of all, to seek in themselves the cause of the events or the treatment they receive. They react with the idea that somehow they are not giving enough or in the right way, though they are entirely naive about what “giving” really is because, as mentioned, they have been brainwashed by the erroneous ideals of the third density STS environment which are manipulations to induce service to an illusion.
With this enculturation, the most difficult thing that the Wanderer has to face and do is to learn to not give in some instances, because this not giving is actually a form of giving at the soul level.”
[end of excerpt]
For an in-depth exploration of the topic of Wanderers please read “Wanderers, Purpose, and Esoteric Work in this Time of Transition” to get a better understanding of this subject matter.
Twin Soul Relationships and Polar Beings
The question that often comes up in these discussions involves discernment: how can we know when it is a true love/soul mate connection, as opposed to the circumstances suggesting that it’s a set-up/counterfeit soul mate connection, as Lorgen called it? Is there any hope for true love in a world dominated by the General Law?
Of course there is – however, people involved in seeking truth (and doing the work to help raise consciousness and awareness, especially about topics that are far outside the mainstream and challenge status quo opinions) need to be extra-aware and cautious when it comes to their love relationships, making sure that their chosen partner is collinear in both purpose and path.
To be collinear is to be truly on the same page – having a common unspoken understanding about the basics of our human existence, and possessing a genuine foundation of shared integrity to build on. Most importantly, both partners need to have been engaged in sincere self-work for a significant period of time on their own, prior to becoming involved in a committed, co-creative love relationship.
Psychotherapist David Richo suggests in his book “How to Be an Adult in Relationships” that both partners should have done at least 50% of the necessary self-work on their own before committing to a genuine relationship. So when do we know that we have reached 50% of our self-work goal? According to his definition, this ‘milestone’ is achieved when a state of awareness is discovered wherein we are able to recognize the activation of personal triggers without subsequently reacting to them in any way.
This indicates the development of the objective, mindful observer (and concurrent evolution of emotional intelligence) – to be able to work through issues (as they come up) without taking any issue personally… to avoid getting lost in reactionary behavior. It also means that one is able to differentiate between unfulfilled childhood needs (which cannot be expected to be satisfied via a partner’s loving support) and one’s healthy adult needs that are based upon the true self.
Having said that, it’s often the case that – once we immerse ourselves in an intimate love relationship – our old wounds and unfulfilled childhood needs are brought to the surface and revealed to us in ways that were previously imperceptible. In other words, relationships are lessons in love, forgiveness, and growth, as opposed to simply being an ‘end-in-themselves’.
So a middle ground approach towards this life choice applies: having the wisdom to avoid impulsively jumping into relationships (especially out of a fear of being ‘alone’) whilst also not falling into the isolation trap (and shunning relationships altogether). The lessons gleaned from traveling the mirror of relationship path are different for each of us.
“Mindfulness is being an adult. It is unattainable for someone who lacks inner cohesion, personal continuity, and integration. Being a fair witness requires a healthy ego, because distance and objectivity are unavailable to someone with poor boundaries, no tolerance of ambiguity, and no sense of a personal center.
The healthy ego is the part of us that can observe self, situations, and persons, assess them; and respond in such a way as to move towards our goals. It assists us in relationships by making us responsible and sensible in our choices and commitments.
The neurotic ego, on the other hand, is the part of us that is compulsively driven or stymied by fear or desire, feeding arrogance, entitlement, attachment, and the need to control other people. Sometimes it is self-negating and makes us feel we are victims of others. This neurotic ego is the one we are meant to dismantle as our spiritual task in life.
The neurotic ego wants to follow the path of least resistance. The spiritual Self wants to reveal new paths.
Childhood forces influence present choices, for the past is on a continuum with the present. Early business that is still unfinished does not have to be a sign of immaturity; rather, it can signal continuity. Recurrence of childhood themes in adult relationships gives our life depth in that we are not superficially passing over life events but inhabiting them fully as they evolve. Our past becomes a problem only when it leads to a compulsion to repeat our losses or smuggles unconscious determinants into our decisions. Our work, then, is not to abolish our connection to the past but to take it into account without being at its mercy. The question is how much the past interferes with our chances at healthy relating and living in accord with our deepest needs, values, and wishes.
Every person needs the nourishment of food throughout life. Likewise, a psychologically healthy person needs the sustenance of the five A’s – attention, acceptance, appreciation, affection, and allowing. It is true that unmet needs for the five A’s in childhood cannot be made up for later in life, in the sense that they cannot be fulfilled so absolutely, so immediately, or so unfailingly. That absolute, immediate fulfillment of needs by one person is appropriate only to infants. But needs can be fulfilled, in short or longterm installments, throughout life. The problem is not that we seek gratification but that we seek too much of it all at once.
What we did not receive enough of before, we cannot receive enough of now; what we did receive enough of before, we can receive enough of now. We do not outgrow our early needs. Rather they become less overwhelming, and we find less primitive ways to fulfill them. For example, an infant may need to be cradled and carried, while an adult may be satisfied with a supportive remark and a kindly glance. Sometimes a lifelong need can be fulfilled by just such little moments of mindful love.”
– David Richo, How to Be an Adult in Relationships
With regards to an often-misrepresented relationship topic in spiritual circles (and one that is frequently leveraged by hyperdimensional forces in Love Bite/Dark Cupid scenarios), Eve Lorgen defines a true twin soul relationship as follows:
“The difference between a twin soul relationship and a non-soul mate situation is that …in a good relationship, two people proceed in harmony, reconciling their conflicting views; but the twin-soul relationship is founded on a fundamental sense of oneness: oneness of vision, oneness of purpose, oneness of feeling. Twin souls do not pull their separate ways, except briefly and temporarily at the personality level. They progress as one, no longer hobbled by difference in pace or direction. This is the reason their advance is so swift once the connection has been made.
In twin soul relationships, both persons are usually on parallel spiritual paths or extended personal growth that reached a plateau where they were ready to meet their “other half”. There was no emotional manipulation or psychic vampirism at all. The connection between twin souls were nearly telepathic in some cases, but in ways that brought great satisfaction, harmony and oneness of spiritual purpose in life. These people were spiritually focused and service-oriented.”
In esoteric traditions, the concept of “polar beings” refers to what is commonly termed (in modern parlance) as ‘twin soul relationships’; Mouravieff writes in “Gnosis” about such a union category, wherein he also emphasizes the need for both partners to have established the real “I AM” presence within (alongside control over the lower impulses, especially the emotional and sexual centers) prior to obtaining the ability to truly recognize one another.
He describes the necessity to move from carnal love (based on the lower centers) to courtly love, which exists alongside a strong platonic connection wherein both partners have done the necessary inner work to truly acknowledge each other’s foundational Selfhood. What he describes in the quote below (using esoteric language) relates to what both Richo and Lorgen talk about in regards to love and psychological self-work; keep in mind that the term “man” relates to “human”, and is therefore not gender specific.
“Human love is imperfect because it is instinctive and impulsive. As long as man automatically follows his impulses, his love will serve only the cosmic goals of the ensemble [the General Law]. The pleasure he always gains from this is as much an equilibrating element as a reward. As it is, it will not serve his esoteric evolution in any way. Yet Love is the surest and most powerful means of achieving this evolution. This is because Love is the one objective element in our lives. That objectivity remains true in all Love’s many aspects, and through all the variety of its manifestations. Love can, in effect, serve man in his esoteric evolution. However, to achieve this aim, man must apply conscious efforts to this love, not allow himself be led on by impulses. It can then be used to accelerate the growth of his Personality and its progress towards the second Birth, the first tangible result of esoteric practices.
This work, done by man and woman working together, can develop with extraordinary power and give rapid results… on condition that from the esoteric point of view the two beings entirely suit each other, and also on condition that they are a perfect couple, that is, that their combination — with reservations concerning the peculiarities of their human type — reflects the relation between the absolute ‘I’ and the ‘You’ before the Creation of the Universe. This is the case of those beings known in esoteric science as polar beings.
We must add that now, at the threshold of the era of the Holy Spirit, where all that is wrong—however well-intentioned—must fall and break, the problem of the real polarity of couples becomes crucially important. Two beings, man and woman, who are supposed to be polar, cannot be absolutely certain of their polarity until later on, when they have reached the level of man 4, on the threshold of level 5. This is because, although polar in essence, each of them brings with them a past that covers their real ‘I’ with a dissimilar crust. Those who are polar in essence must take this fact into account. It is only when they gradually shed this crust that the qualities of their essence will progressively shine through, bringing at each discovery an abundance of ineffable joy. Thus their love will always grow.
Conscious personal efforts, especially efforts between two polar beings, and the joint efforts of people who have already progressed in the search for the Way, mark out the route for those who want to serve, who wish to be useful to the task of redemption which esoteric work wants to accomplish today in the whole world.
To set out on the Way, man must necessarily go through an inner collapse of the Personality, what we call moral bankruptcy. Then he will know the vain illusion of pride, and the true value of humility.
To return to this source, the chief practical objectives are mastery of the sexual centre, and the training of the emotional centre. However, for this esoteric work to be completed successfully by two people, it is essential that the two beings — man and woman — are integrally polar.
Here the real ‘I’ is involved, and the couple’s Love, while containing all the possibilities already described in the preceding cases, has a singularly emotional character of a higher order. It naturally follows as this Love is hylic, psychic and spiritual at the same time, thus leading to an attraction that is visual, auditory and tactile, it is incomparably richer.
The chief characteristic of this so-called Royal case is the bi-polarity of the real ‘ I ‘ – one for each couple. This orients their Personalities and their bodies in such a way that what each hopes for and awaits from the other is precisely, and very naturally, what the other desires to and is prepared to offer. It is only in a case of this kind that there can be absolute harmony between a couple, and even this is conditional on each of them trying progressively to liquidate his or her karmic burden and to establish a balance between the lower centres, whose development must be pushed to the limit. These are the combined objectives which the allegedly polar couple who enter on the fifth way must seek through their work. This means that, right from the beginning, the Knight and his Lady-elect must practice courtly Love, which unites in itself Faith, Hope and Knowledge (Gnosis).”
– Boris Mouravieff, Gnosis
Closing Thoughts
The greater the sincerity with which we seek out truth – and the stronger the voice we use to speak out about our discoveries – the more heightened in intensity the ‘push-back’ reactivity will be, and the attacks we receive shall arrive in ways that catch us completely unawares. Relationships are (by their nature) amongst the most difficult experiences for human beings to navigate, but for those who are dedicated to truth seeking and ‘alternative’ research (even if our social circles include those interested in paranormal, conspiracy, and/or spirituality topics), they can become even more emotionally-challenging. Does that mean that pursuing this path is a lost cause – that being part of a larger consciousness-raising movement within the global community is, paradoxically, a lonely and isolating lifestyle? Not at all.
As mentioned at the beginning of this essay, we have to understand (on a primal level) that we are far more powerful than we think we are; there’s a spiritual war underway, and the weapons we possess (in defence and protection of ourselves) are knowledge and awareness. In fact, the greatest deception can be found in these entities fooling us into the belief that we are fundamentally powerless, and are thus incapable of transcending their machinations.
Let us look at this predicament from a different vantage point: the fact that you are being attacked (and attracting that kind of attention in the first place) shows that you are latching onto something – a larger truth – that is a threat to the Matrix Control System’s game plan, whether it be through the information you share, the ‘voice’ you possess, or perhaps it’s due to simply being who you are (as an individual) and what you are here to do (but haven’t realized what that is just yet). Being targeted can show you that you are actually on the right track.
It may not sound comforting to know, but the reality is that struggle and suffering are inevitable traits to be endured on the awakening path. The New Age has corrupted this truth as well, by sowing the bypassing seeds of illusion (such as the extremely-distorted ideas involving the “You Create Your Own Reality” solipsistic fallacy ),so as to have you blaming yourself for your own misfortunes. Yes, there are moments in life where we do find ourselves in unfortunate situations that arise through our own blind spots and unconscious behaviour patterns, but there is way more to the ‘larger picture’ story (as we have explored in this essay).
At the same time, we do need to be careful in unnecessarily-attracting the attention and targeted attacks of the General Law/Matrix Control System…strategic enclosures (and external considerations) are important to consider in this regard. We cannot wake up others through forceful conversion, nor can we give “truth” when it is not sincerely requested by another. Blind revolutionary impulses (i.e., truth-seeking without grounding in sincere self-work and carefully-vetted knowledge) will transform a person into that which they had sought to fight against: the trap of the reactionary mind, which is only focused on the outside world of our third-dimensional reality, locked in a vain struggle against the shadows projected onto the cave wall by our hyperdimensional prison wardens.
The path of the wanderer, renegade, or spiritual warrior (all of whom, in their own ways, are dedicated to bringing genuine light into our world by making the darkness conscious) is far from an easy road to travel – there are so many traps, temptations, and distractions that can steer us away from what we are here to accomplish, and one of the most vulnerable ‘blind spots’ (for many of us) involve love relationships. Understanding the “mechanics” of Alien Love Bite/Dark Side of Cupid programming is an essential piece of knowledge for anyone on this path to possess.
So many people focus on global issues such as environmental degradation, government corruption, the fake war on terror, economic turmoil, banking system tyranny, etc. (all of which are important topics that need to be addressed and examined)…but isn’t it interesting to note that there seems to be something else going on beneath the surface of these symptomatic issues? Something which many people are not aware of at all – while those who are exposed to information on the topic oftentimes react with ignorance, denial, ridicule, or attempt to explain it all away with questionable appeals to spiritual concepts or mainstream psychological dogma.
“If anything, the so-called “New Age” movement has been so heavily inculcated with the idea that one must not ever think about negative things, that they, above all other people, are most subject to [the predations of higher realms]. If you don’t know about something, you cannot defend yourself against it. The consistent deflection from the truth of the state of so-called higher realms by masses of published material over the many years, suggests almost a program of disinformation. It was beginning to look as though there was something or someone “out there” who didn’t want us to know something.“
– Laura Knight-Jadczyk
It is also important to keep in mind that not everyone is suited for this truth-seeking path (nor is it their calling in life), hence we need to remain “wise as serpents and gentle as doves” (as the esoteric axiom states) whilst standing firm in giving the lie what it deserves: the truth. And this stance entails calling a spade a spade at times, and not allowing our “make nice” societal conditioning to dampen our inner voice and accumulated knowing.
This perspective on ‘the awakening path’ may sound a bit depressing, but in the end, when it comes to those who have answered the call, it’s vital to remember that we’re all in this together. We’re all teachers and students alike, but we also have different lessons to learn, and possess knowledge that we integrate on an individual basis. We need to assist each other in this Time of Transition whilst doing the best we can to move from a ‘Service to Self’ to ‘Service to Others’ frequency, creating community bonds, and surrounding ourselves with like-minded people. If you can’t truly be yourself with the people that you are hanging out with, then you may want to ask yourself: ‘what does true friendship really mean, if you can’t be comfortable being yourself’?
On the path towards awakening and seeking truth, family members and long-time friends my fade from the picture in order to make room for new people to enter the frame who will encourage your evolutionary growth. This is a normal part of the process; as we change from within, the outer world we inhabit changes as well. It can get lonely at times (and painfully-confusing on many occasions), but there are subtle energies all around which assist and uplift us in the choices we make, even if we can’t see (nor communicate with) them. After all, the truth WILL set us free, even if the process is a challenging journey to make.
Whatever happens (whether in the world at-large, or in our individual lives), we must be careful to avoid getting stuck in a frequency of fear – of negative emotions – for that mindset is what these hyperdimensional overlords would like to continue perpetuating upon the inhabits of Earth, deploying all kinds of deceptions and thought-control techniques so as to keep us disconnected from our true Self and holistic Knowledge – from transcendent Love and universal Understanding. Our path to (Self-)Knowledge and Truth is the biggest threat to the tyrannical rule of those who seek to control humanity in order to satiate their own scarcity-consciousness cravings.
Thus, it’s important to remind yourself to drop any expectations that taking up this path will be a smooth ride (in any respect). The centrality of pursuing sincere self-work and gaining knowledge (in order to vibrate on a higher frequency of TRUE Love in this time and age of transition) is so very obvious and self-evident when looking at the state of the world from an expanded vision of awareness. We are in the midst of spiritual upheaval in service to Remembrance, and the battle to reclaim our birthright is being fought through the portal of our human experience. I leave you with the words of Eve Lorgen:
“After two decades of researching anomalous trauma, and more recently what I call love bite relationships, I have concluded that the paranormal factor is very real and we must deal with it. The problem with paranormal complications lies in the fact that not all individuals can perceive what is happening on more subtle levels of reality – let alone understand it. Even in “regular” relationships we have misunderstandings, where one partner perceives something of which the other is unaware, and this may become a flashpoint of contention.
There are varying degrees of differences in perception, even day to day, and that is normal to deal with. What I’m talking about are widely divergent perceptions because one individual is essentially unaware of their own internal process, emotional well-being, and spiritual identity.In the Dark Side of Cupid, perceptual variations are exacerbated because, for the majority of cases, one partner was more aware than the other when it came to seeing behind the facade of physical reality.
There are two issues here that need addressing:
- One partner has a higher degree of awareness on subtle and emotional levels of reality, and/or both partners disagree on what they are perceiving in situations that cause distress.
- An independent “third party entity,” aka “Cupid, demonic entities, or other paranormal viral factors, are interfering with the relationship to cause emotional trauma and suffering.
Perceptual variations between two partners – and disagreements thereof – are one thing, but an assault on consciousness through deliberate orchestration of disharmonious love relationships is entirely a different matter. And this is the infectious culprit I believe we are dealing with. This is where paranormal intervention is needed. Let me explain my hypothesis simply. There is an assault on the raising of human consciousness and harmonious love relationships by a viral “paranormal factor” I have defined as The Dark Side of Cupid. Some may call it demonic, alien, artificial intelligence, or the ancient, mythical Cupid playing games.
Why do I believe this? Because nearly all of my respondents who reported a Dark Side of Cupid relation-ship were actively involved in research of alternative media, spirituality, and/or higher consciousness study. Some had reported extraterrestrial encounters and ghostly visitations. All were dissatisfied with what the main-stream media, educational system, orthodox religion, or politics told them. Why? Because their experiences and explorations of what was going on in their lives and in the world was not the same reality as what they were being told by mainstream establishment sources and global elite policy makers.
The people who experienced the Dark Side of Cupid were not good little slaves with a hive mind. In my opinion, they were able to perceive things outside the box, and were actively engaged in activities which expand and redefine the outmoded herd mentality. I had to ask myself: Is this an ancient war on the attempt to raise humanity’s consciousness above the slave mentality? Spiritual warfare? Or is this simply a paranormal manifestation of parasitic soul-energy vampirism? Maybe both.
The only way we can approach this dilemma is to raise our own awareness, to recognize that there is a problem so we can start dealing with it, and heal from it. We must set forth intervention strategies and proactive measures to create the relationships we want that will not feed the Dark Side of Cupid. I am reminded of a mother’s wisdom: All peace in the world starts at the core of our love relationships and family. We must start here.
I like to view the Dark Side of Cupid as an alien virus, a sociopathic parasite if you will. It is, I believe, the greatest test of human emotional and spiritual strength. It masquerades as all kinds of other diseases and can even look like the cure. In small doses, it won’t be as noticeable and may even add some spice to the relationship. But in larger doses, it eventually kills the host, the love relationship itself. Paranormal intervention number one is to strengthen our own emotional and spiritual immune systems so that we are resistant to the virus.
Our hearts, minds, and souls need cleansing on a regular basis. Even the most astute and spiritually dedicated people can be on the Dark Side of Cupid’s hit list. In fact, I believe that people who are directed by a higher consciousness would be targeted by this kind of spiritual warfare. I don’t think ‘bad karma” is entirely the problem, but many a New Ager will quickly cast blame on the victim, implying that their difficulties arise because their intentions are not positive enough.
I am often amazed at the lack of compassion displayed by many New Age proponents when confronted by another’s misfortunes, saying in effect, “Well you create your own reality.” True insight, healing and empowerment cannot take place in the face of blame, nor without compassion. Arrogance is not the answer and having a beginner’s mind, as the Buddhists contend, is the first step to become free from suffering.”
UPDATE: Love Bite+ Panel Discussion from Oct. 24th 2015 with Eve Lorgen, James Bartley, Laura Leon, Carissa Conti, Tom Montalk, Arella Eliora and myself: