Crossing The Threshold: What Does It Take To Transcend The Matrix? | TCM #71 (Part 1)

The Cosmic Matrix Podcast
Home / Part 1 / Crossing The Threshold: What Does It Take To Transcend The Matrix? | TCM #71 (Part 1)

In this episode, Bernhard and Laura discuss what it means to “cross the threshold” in light of the Great Work and what it takes to transcend the Matrix. They talk about being red-pilled from an esoteric perspective, what it means to “answer the call”, the struggle between ego and soul, soul fragmentation and soul retrieval, matrix temptations and distractions, Organic Portals and young souls, the necessity for spiritual activism and the embodiment of a new consciousness, and more.

Our 12-week online group coaching program “TIME OF TRANSITION: EMBODIED SOUL AWAKENING” (starting November 22nd) filled up in record time.

Thank you to everyone who has decided to “answer the call” (so to speak) and join us as we take this journey of inner/outer Psychological/Spiritual self-work in a community of beautiful people. It touches us to see how many people are realizing the necessity of doing this kind of work in community during these chaotic, but transformative times.

So due to the unexpectedly high demand, we scheduled a NEW PROGRAM starting in the NEW YEAR.

The new program will be from January 3rd – March 26th, 2022.

It’s already filling up with people who we couldn’t make it into the last group.

For more info about the program and to apply go here:

Show Notes Part 1:

  • Definition: What is the Matrix?
  • The trap of externalizing the Matrix
  • what does it mean to “transcend the matrix”?
  • Inner and Outer Work
  • Crossing the Threshold: Intellectualizing the Work vs. engaging in it
  • Being red-pilled from an esoteric perspective
  • Shadow work is one of the most abused and misunderstood concepts in spiritual circles
  • The soul needs to be ripe to engage in the Great Work
  • The importance to surround yourself with people who are also engaged in the Work otherwise you’ll be pulled “back into the matrix”
  • The lies in the world vs. the lies you tell yourself: the “horror of the situation”
  • The paranoid ego-personality feels threatened by soul qualities
  • Internal and external resistance will come up when engaging in the Great Work
  • The necessity of super-efforts, full commitment and dedicate your whole life to the Work, as your life becomes the Great Work
  • Laura’s experience of “crossing the threshold” of no return
  • How come some people who have done lots of self-work have not had breakthroughs and are still dealing with the same issues/challenges?
  • What does it mean to “answer the call?”
  • The transmutation from the herd/consensus state to the individuated state
  • The ultimate sacrifice of giving yourself entirely to the Divine without bargaining
  • The necessity for spiritual activism and the embodiment of a new consciousness

In Part 2 (only for members) we go deeper into:

  • The struggle between ego and soul in light of the evolution of consciousness
  • The exhaustion of desires over lifetimes to ripen the soul
  • Organic Portals, young souls, and physical desires
  • Soul fragmentation and soul retrieval
  • The necessity to withdraw our projections and be around people who can hold up a mirror
  • Crossing the threshold and the soul in the driver seat
  • Matrix temptations, distractions, and the “pact with the devil”
  • Your soul qualities will threaten the ego-personalities around you
  • Occult forces working through others targeting the seeker [Agent Smith Syndrome] via tagging into blindspots, weaknesses, wounds, shadow, etc.
  • The lesson of loneliness and the trap of isolation
  • Bernhard’s and Laura’s experiences
  • You cannot do self-work just by yourself
  • Reaching the point of desperation and inspiration
  • The necessity to apply the will in the Work and not just “going with the flow”
  • The biggest obstacles to engaging in the Work and what temptations keep people plugged into the matrix
  • We are more scared of our Light [God] than of our Darkness
  • True freedom is terrifying to the ego
  • Crossing the Threshold as described in “Gnosis” by Boris Mouravieff
  • The relationships of the future: essence to essence, not personality to personality
  • How can you find your true friends/partner if you are not your true self yourself, connected to essence?

Go HERE to listen to Part 2 if you’re a member or REGISTER to become a member to have access to the membership section (including the membership forum.)

[Intro and outro music clip by Seeded Vision]

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