Israel & Palestine: Occult Forces, Unholy Alliance, and The Path to A Better World
By Bernhard Guenther, June 4, 2024
(with hyperlinked resources)
I want to address the drama around the Israel/Palestine conflict, not only the situation in the Middle East but also the new breed of social media activists and protestors in cities and universities.
Why? Because people keep commenting and messaging me and also my wife Laura, attacking us both for not taking a stand for Palestine. There have also been campaigns on social media to cancel, block, or harass anyone who doesn’t speak out for Palestine.
Many of the claims that we are silent about Palestine are not true. We addressed this topic last year in our two-hour podcast, “Israel, Palestine, And War: A Psycho-Spiritual & Occult Perspective,” in which I also discussed my views and experiences in depth, not only from a superficial black-and-white geopolitical point of view but, most importantly, from an esoteric occult perspective.
Secondly, I have been very outspoken against Zionism, the Israeli occupation of Gaza/Palestine, and the ongoing attacks. In fact, from 2006 to 2014, 18 years ago, over a span of eight years, I was an activist attending Pro-Palestine protests. I also used to post all the gruesome pictures of dead Palestinian children and civilians, wrote long posts and articles exposing Zionism, and more for years.
On a side note, some of the pictures you see nowadays on social media are not from the current conflict or even from that region but tie in with the psychological warfare via media propaganda that we are seeing from both sides. We need to be aware of the war propaganda machine and the military-industrial complex that fuels war and how it manipulates us, and ask ourselves who benefits from certain narratives being pushed.
It was at one of the pro-Palestine protests in Los Angeles 10 years ago at the Federal building with the Palestinian flag painted on my face, holding a sign that said “Zionism = Terrorism,” when I realized the futility of just protesting or sharing information.

My last pro-Palestine protest was in 2014. No activism since then.
I realized the issues are way deeper, and I’m just fighting shadows on the wall like in Plato’s allegory of the cave, fueled by self-righteousness that was in itself a mask for unconscious trauma, shadow, and my own unhappiness as I used “activism” to make myself feel better about myself fueled by my projections and my unconscious need to be a “savior” for the “oppressed” as I engaged in virtue signaling while shaming and guilting anyone who would not speak out.
Sounds familiar? We are seeing the same thing now, but most will deny it and feel justified in their cause, self-righteousness, and virtue signaling, just as I did. Why?
Because it happens on unconscious levels while there are spiritual forces from unseen realms manipulating both sides, with Wetiko working through the so-called activists as well as it did through me. I’m not blaming them or you. I used to do the same. Mass movements create their own mass psychosis, which makes us act out in all sorts of strange ways, disconnected from our true self
Yes, seeing the images of the war is very distressing. The situation in Israel/Palestine is very sad and shocking but also very complex. It’s been a conflict for over 60 years.
I realized that I got sucked into an oversimplified black-and-white victim/perpetrator perspective and dynamic; my own stuff got involved, especially if you just go by images you see on the news/social media, which are easily manipulated for propaganda from both sides in order to shock you emotionally on purpose and hijack your compassion and empathy for maximum energy harvest, otherwise known as “loosh”.
There are also other forces operating way beyond what we perceive as physically operating in a classic divide-and-conquer fashion.
The Unholy Alliance
It is no different now than what was happening with BLM and the so-called need for “anti-racism” and focus on “white privilege” a few years ago.
Now, the Israel/Palestine conflict is being used for an agenda most of the activists have no awareness of, as they are being used as “useful idiots” and pawns on the occult chess boards.
Btw, the term “useful idiot” is not meant as an ad hominem attack but is a term for a person who thinks they are fighting for a cause without fully comprehending the consequences of their actions and who they are really serving. They are being manipulated by political players and hidden forces. The term has its origin in communist Russia. Useful idiots were non-communists regarded as those who were susceptible to communist propaganda and psychological manipulation
On a 3D political level, it ties into cultural Marxism and the attempted Communist takeover, just like this prominent leftist pro-Palestine activist admitted:
What we’re seeing now is a rising emergence of the “unholy Alliance” between far-left Neo-Marxist Communists and radical Islamists with the aim to destroy the US, the West, and democracy as we know it. Indian Investigative journalist Asra Nomani, who is also a Muslim, wrote a book about it titled “Woke Army – The Red Green Alliance that is destroying America’s freedom.”
In a recent tweet on June 1st, she wrote:
Don’t get distracted by the tunnel vision of whether Israel should legally exist or not. This is way bigger than that, and the vast majority of Pro-Palestine protestors have zero awareness of what they are actually supporting.
If you haven’t noticed, India also has a huge problem with radical Islamists, just like Europe as well. It’s not a pretty picture. There are many radical Muslims organizing and participating in Pro-Palestinian protests while luring in the naive, woke left and now also gullible social media influencers for their agenda.
The issue Is Never The Issue
It ties into the playbook of the Marxist Cultural Revolution, where “the issue is never the issue, but the issue is a revolution” in order to bring in communism.
In other words, for the Neo-Marxists, it’s not about Palestine, anti-Racism, BLM, Climate Change, or any of these other heated social issues. The puppet masters behind it all couldn’t care less. They just use these causes for their agenda and to create maximum chaos and destabilization by luring in gullible people as useful idiots for their cause. And once they’re no longer useful, they will destroy them just as Mao did in Communist China.
Hamas are also not just innocent freedom fighters fighting for a great cause, as I also used to believe at some point in my biased view, but also consists of radical Islamists and religious fanatics who do not care for the Palestinian people but have their own corruption and agenda and who also can become vessels for dark asuric occult hostile forces.
There is the extreme fundamentalist side of Islam, which many Palestinians are not excluded from, so be careful of your overly positive projections towards them, too. People say if you point out these issues, it makes you Islamaphobic. So, most don’t say anything for fear of being branded in this way. But my point is that there are religious fundamentalists on BOTH sides, and almost every religion has them.
And let’s not forget the ultimate irony of many Woke far, far-left pro-Palestine protestors who would be beaten, arrested, or even tortured or killed for showing off their choice of same-sex attraction or practicing gender fluidity in most Islamic countries. Try doing a pride Parade in Iran or Palestine and see how that goes. Like this guy said in this tweet, “Who is going to tell they/them?”
Here is also a recent tweet of the supreme leader of Iran addressing leftist activists on US campuses. It shows you how he sees these protestors as useful idiots for his agenda and expandable tools, nothing more:
Btw if you do support communism, socialism, or neo-Marxism, you have walked into the wrong bar and have no idea what you support. My father has tales to tell when he grew up in socialist communist Eastern Germany. He was imprisoned in solitary confinement for one year for going against the party line before his escape [My mother and her family escaped Communist Poland.] Also, please don’t tell me this nonsense that communism or socialism have not been done the right way yet. We have plenty of examples in history of how deadly this ideology is.
So, what is the solution?
We need to “become the change” via inner psycho-spiritual work, which is the ONLY way to bring about more harmony and peace in the world according to the Universal and Divine law “As Within so Without.” Seek the kingdom of God within you first. As Krishnamurti once said,
“There is really only one war, the war within ourselves, which produces external wars.”
This is not spiritual bypassing or just meditating on peace, nor does that imply inactivity. I don’t suggest a New Age love and light cop-out; it goes much deeper than that. I actually don’t see many people who are engaged in this work sincerely and truthfully, especially activists, for it is always easier to project externally. I know how hard it is to put the mirror right on myself, and I still have much work to do.
I’ve written all about it in dozens of articles and talked about it in many hours of videos and podcasts over the years. It’s impossible to lay it all out here. I already know that people will pull straw man arguments and project all kinds of nonsense and assumptions onto me and my words or they don’t take the time and effort to read or listen. I’m not here to reach everyone, and I know I am also not perfect nor fully aware of the true meaning of the word.
What I realized is that a shift of consciousness implies becoming aware of the occult forces, entities and beings who are behind ALL wars and human conflict and especially how they work through us and not just seeing it out there in others. If you think you are only good and virtuous and only see evil out there on the other side, this occult matrix has you in its grips. The danger of falling into extremism on either side is that actually gives the extremists on the other side a reason to exist. Thus, the game of divide and conquer continues, producing more and more war
People tend not to face their shadow but only project it externally. Instead of merely seeing evil out there, can you face your own capacity for evil? We had a podcast episode about that topic as well, called “What Facing Evil Can Teach You.”
It’s quite a humbling moment when you face the darkness within you that you have denied for so long. That’s when the real work starts, and once you truly “see the unseen,” as it is called in esotericism, you will stop useless activism on social media. I understand that many will be upset with me for stating that, as I would have gotten upset hearing that too 10 years ago.
If you are sincere in that inner process, which is not comfortable at all and takes time, will, and effort, for there will be immense internal resistance with occult forces distracting you from the Work, you will realize that your strings are being pulled like a puppet through your unconscious social and cultural programming via the occult forces tagging into your shadow and wounds.
This is what makes you an easy target for social and political manipulation, and you become a “useful idiot” yourself.
This work requires humility in order to withdraw projections and hold the tension of opposites within you without identifying with one side. No, that is not about being neutral, either, nor is it about the truth being in the middle of the two.
Holding the tension of opposites is a deep psycho-spiritual alchemical inner process that will result in disillusionment as you come face to face with the false personality and lies you have been telling yourself about yourself, often for years or even decades. I had to face the same.
It’s not pleasant, but holding this tension and withdrawing your projections is how you give birth to the true Self. We explain this process in another recent podcast, “How Can We Heal This Polarized World.”
If you really want to see positive change in the world with conscious action and stop going in circles mesmerized by shadows on the wall, this is the inner call to answer.
“Look at all that is and has been happening in human history – the eye of the Yogin [spiritual adept] sees not only the outward events and persons and causes but the enormous forces which precipitate them into action.
If the men who fought were instruments in the hands of rulers and financiers, these, in turn, were mere puppets in the clutch of those [hyperdimensional occult] forces.
The apparent freedom and self-assertion of our personal being to which we are so profoundly attached conceal a most pitiable subjection to a thousand suggestions, impulsions, and forces which we have made extraneous to our little person.
Our ego, boasting of freedom, is at every moment the slave, toy, and puppet of countless beings, powers, forces, and influences in universal Nature.
When one is habituated to see the things behind, one is no longer prone to be touched by the outward aspects – or to expect any remedy from political, institutional, or social changes; the only way out is through the descent of a [Divine] consciousness which is not the puppet of these forces but is greater than they are.”
– Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga
Once you understand and apply The Work in your life 24/7 and realize how your personal unconscious, triggers, and projections manifest through the collective unconscious in the form of wars and human conflict, and also truly “see” how there are occult forces and beings manipulating humans from unseen realms, through BOTH sides and you and the “activists”, you will also realize the futility of just choosing one side, victimizing one, and putting the perpetrator label on the other side in a superficial black and white fashion.
Sure, you will feel good about yourself and get a dopamine hit for “having done something,” but this virtue signaling often just feeds the ego rather than creates positive change.
Again, I did the same, and I would also vehemently deny this point, as you may now. I’m not trying to convince you – I’m only sharing my experience and insights. I would never tell anyone what they should or shouldn’t do. Do as you please.
I was a long-time Pro-Palestine activist long before the Woke cult hijacked the Palestinian freedom movement for their agenda, their unholy alliance with Muslim extremists, and this very over-simplified and generalized idea of “decolonization” which the neo-Marxists have hijacked for their agenda
Yes, what is happening in Gaza is horrifying, like any war and yes, the thought police will call you an “anti-Semite”, for criticizing the state of Israel, We know that, just as you will be nowcalled an Islamophobe for criticizing islam. However, what is happening to many Jews now is also horrifying as they are now being demonized with real anti-semitism, not just anti-Zionism. Divide and conquer is on full display
Many of the new influencer pro-Palestine activists just jump on the bandwagon, blindly screaming, “Decolonization” and chanting “From the river to the sea…” like NPCs in a hive mind overtaken by an egregore group entity.
Over a decade ago, I spent dozens of hours researching and digging deep into the topic of Zionism. Since then, I’ve seen this information being abused by people and activists and turned into true anti-semitism, Jew-hatred, and literally blaming Zionism and the Jews for everything wrong in the world. I lost some good friends in this dark black hole of anti-Jewish tunnel vision that started out as activism and anti-Zionism.
If you see it that way, the matrix has you, and you are entrapped by forces you have no awareness of working through you like a wetiko mind virus, even worse if you feel justified in it all, which is the greatest deception of all. It’s the Occult game of Stalking and Divide and Conquer. I wrote an article about that as well.
Occult Forces & The Hyperdimensional Matrix
Focusing on the 3D manifestations of the matrix, which are just symptoms, will never bring about true positive change. It doesn’t matter who you blame or focus on within the 3D level of the matrix: the Government, the Illuminati, Zionists, the World Economic Forum, all kinds of Secret Societies. and so on. They all are pawns themselves and puppets to these occult hyperdimensional forces, including yourself. If you don’t truly know thyself, and how they can get a hold of you and make you work for their agenda, you can also easily become their pawn.
That’s why inner work is so important—more important than activism or changing your profile pic to a flag or black square or whatever the newest thing is.
Once again, if you want a more nuanced, in-depth view beyond the superficial 3D political view or getting caught up in the endless drama triangle of victim-persecutor-savior, listen to our podcast “Israel, Palestine, And War – A Psycho-Spiritual & Occult Perspective” and our recent podcast “Facing Cancel Culture With Courage” where we dive deeper into this topic and also talk how the current pro-Palestine activist movement got hijacked and became useful idiots for the Neo-Marxist communist agenda.
And listen, I know I don’t have all the answers. I learn as I go along, and I keep learning, but what I do know now is that we need a completely different approach and, ultimately, a shift in consciousness so we don’t destroy ourselves and fall once again into a dark night of civilization. It has happened many times before and will continue until we learn our lessons.
I leave you with this quote from The Mother Mirra Alfassa:
“At the moment we are at a decisive turning-point in the history of the earth, once again. From every side, I am asked, “What is going to happen?” Everywhere there is anguish, expectation, fear. “What is going to happen?”
There is only one reply: “If only man could consent to be spiritualized.”
And perhaps it would be enough if some individuals became pure gold, for this would be enough to change the course of events. We are faced with this necessity in a very urgent way.
This courage, this heroism which the Divine wants of us, why not use it to fight against one’s own difficulties, one’s own imperfections, one’s own obscurities?
Why not heroically face the furnace of inner purification so that it does not become necessary to pass once more through one of those terrible, gigantic destructions which plunge an entire civilization into darkness?
This is the problem before us. It is for each one to solve it in his or her own way.”
– The Mother Mirra Alfassa