Love Bite Plus – Panel Discussion

We have completed a 3hr 22min Panel Discussion on The Love Bite/The Dark Side of Cupid topic. This is the most comprehensive discussion yet available on the internet on the theme of paranormal interference in human love relationships. Panel Discussion participants:? Eve Lorgen, James Bartley, Laura Leon, Bernhard Guenther, Carissa Conti, Tom Montalk, Arella Eliora.

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All you need is Love!

That's what John Lennon was singing about and it is true, all we need is love. But do we really know what love is? Love is a word that is sung about in songs, written in poems, talked about a lot and it is something many people long for one way or the other, mostly in form of a partner.

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The Illusion of Choice

"I voted".  I saw that update coming up a lot the other day on Facebook at election day, neatly put on a red/blue/white button. What is the underlying message of someone who posts that? To show that one is an upstanding American Citizen doing the "right thing" by executing one's right to vote? To feel good about oneself? To entice others to vote?

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Know Thyself

With people presenting solutions everywhere, be it through the political circus, spiritual leaders, to more progressive movements offering self-sustainable solutions, many people seem to have a plan of how to "fix" the world. Others say all is just as it is supposed to be and all we need to do is to go with the "flow", focus on "love" and "light" and everything will be good. ...

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Zeitgeist Addendum – A Critical Look

Zeitgeist Addendum has been highly anticipated ever since the big internet success of Zeitgeist. I remember when I first saw it, roughly two years ago, when it just came out. I think I was the 50th person to watch it online after a friend of mine told me about it. Less than a year later it has been watched by millions of people worldwide and it got even released in selected theaters.

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