JoyCamp Interviews Bernhard Guenther

  Benny Wills from JoyCamp talks with Bernhard Guenther about the process of Awakening, transcending the Matrix, and the trap of the revolutionary mindset. They both also share their personal experiences and challenges. Toward the end, Benny talks about his life-transforming experience in the Peruvian Jungle attending the Time of Transition retreat in November 2016, hosted…

Guilt, Shame and Fear Programming

“Bernhard Guenther, an Integrative Bodyworker and Holistic Coach, discusses Hyperdimensional Interference and working past Guilt, Shame and Fear Programming. He also discusses the critical importance of staying embodied, thought intrusions, stepping into one’s own vulnerability, the illusion of Fear, the energy of Pluto as a Deconstructive Force and a Creative Alchemical Force in an Astrological Healing…

Hyper-Dimensional Interference and the Keys to Discernment – Panel Discussion

Our webinar panel discussion on “Hyper-dimensional Interference and the Keys to Discernment” from May 21st, 2016. Featuring Eve Lorgen, Tom Montalk, Carissa Conti, Laura Leon, Bernhard Guenther, and James Bartley. It was an excellent discussion. We covered many topics relating to hyperdimensional interferences, attacks, and manipulations; how to spot them and protect oneself from them. 3hrs…

Hyper-Dimensional Interference and the Keys to Discernment

The recording of our panel discussion on “Hyper-dimensional Interference and the Keys to Discernment” from May 21st 2016. Featuring Eve Lorgen, Tom Montalk, Carissa Conti, Laura Leon, Bernhard Guenther, and James Bartley. It was an excellent discussion. We covered many topics relating to hyperdimensional interferences, attacks, and manipulations; how to spot them and protect oneself…

Bernhard Guenther at the Maitreya Festival, Australia – Interview

I’m honored to have been invited to speak at the 10th anniversary of the Maitreya Festival in Australia March 11th-14th 2016. I’ll be part of several panel discussions and giving one talk at the Maitreya Pata Mumunya Chill Space/Fire Side Chats. Matt Violi, one of the organizers of the Pata Mummunya Chill Space, asked me to do an interview via email prior to the start of the festival.

Time of Transition – A Talk with Bernhard Guenther

 My good friend Fred Clarke Alvarez asked me to a share a little bit about my life, experiences, and work. Topics include: Hyperdimensional Realities Matrix Control System Challenges in the Process of Awakening Shadow Work Reality Creation Medicine Plants/Psychedelics Personal Sovereignty Individuality Self-Love Soul Fragmentation Entity Attachments Evil Ascension Embodiment Intuition Bodywork Psychology Limitations of…