How to Navigate these Times of Chaos | TCM #43 (Part 1)
In this episode of the Cosmic Matrix podcast, Bernhard and Laura talk about the tools of holistic self-work that are necessary in navigating these times of global chaos, and more.
In this episode of the Cosmic Matrix podcast, Bernhard and Laura talk about the tools of holistic self-work that are necessary in navigating these times of global chaos, and more.
In the second hour, Bernhard and Laura talk about the process of seeking truth, cognitive dissonance, the trap of “staying on the fence/neutral” and not taking a stand, recent and upcoming events, and much more…[only for members].
Matthew Stephen talks about his struggles, the process of awakening, and seeking truth. Living in Victoria, Australia, Matthew shares about the increasing draconian lockdown and Orwellian laws and police tactics that are currently affecting millions of Australians, and more.
In the second hour, Matthew and Bernhard dive deeper into the Hyperdimensional matrix and the bigger picture of the process of awakening during these times, the birth of a new world, the alchemical marriage of the inner male and female, the process of embodiment, and much more…[only for members].
Bernhard Guenther and Laura Matsue discuss the epidemic of child trafficking and sexual abuse that is being revealed right now. They discuss the elite pedophile rings in upper echelons of power, the hyper-dimensional/occult aspect of these rings, and more.
In the second hour, Laura and Bernhard talk about the history of child sacrifice tracing back to Egyptian times of “sacrificing to the Gods”, how past live trauma plays into it all, MK-Ultra and the music industry, and much more…[only for members.]
Bernhard Guenther and Laura Matsue talk about relationships, spiritual growth, and sincerity on the spiritual path. This is the recording of a live FB video from 8/5/20.
David Whitehead from the Truth Warrior Podcast and Unslaved (with Michael Tsarion) joins Bernhard Guenther to talk about his journey of seeking truth. We talk about the forces behind the current events from a psychological, political, esoteric, and spiritual perspective, and much more.
In the second hour, David shares his view on Trump in light of current geopolitical events, the symbolic significance, the healthy masculine archetype and the attack on the West, the Art of War strategy of Qanon intel drops, the dark topic of child trafficking and satanic ritualistic abuse, and more…[only for members.]
Jordan Sather joins Bernhard Guenther to talk about his in-depth research being one of the first Qanon researchers since 2017. We discuss the many misconceptions/misinterpretations of Q’s data, common false assumptions about the Qanon community, and more.
In the second hour, Jordan talks about LARPs and COINTELPRO within the Qanon community and within the so-called truth movement. He shares his research into the UFO topic, his views on Disclosure, and much more…[only for members.]
Laura and I were recently interviewed by my accountant Bob Wheeler who happens to have a podcast show called “Money You Should Ask”. Bob is quite a conscious accountant and a funny human being (he also does stand-up comedy). We had a great time chatting about a topic that many of us tend to…
Bernhard Guenther and Laura Matsue talk about the timeline reality split and the new world we are entering. They discuss frequency resonance vibration, soul individualization, misusing spiritual teachings to put up with toxic people, how shocks are a form of compassion trying to drive us forward and more.
In the second hour, we dive deeper and discuss how people will likely take one of 3 paths during these times, the paradox of suffering, the Age of Aquarius and what it means for online learning and entrepreneurship, aligning with God’s will, Organic Portals, and much more…[only for members.]
Bernhard Guenther, James Bartley, Eve Lorgen, and Mary Anne Fisher are having a deep-dive discussion of this critical cross-cultural, generational, and incarnation-spanning issue of the toxic vs. healthy masculine. They unpack it holistically, addressing the physical, psychological/emotional, metaphysical, and spiritual layers of being, examining a variety of ways it affects areas of our lives…
How can we speak truth in times that call for conscious action while also balancing our lives with self-care to take care of inner life as well? Bernhard and Laura share ways so that you can find the balance between speaking out and self-care on this episode of the Cosmic Matrix podcast.
In the second hour, we go deeper and discuss the process of cognitive dissonance and disillusionment, unconscious core beliefs and how they shape our reality, the trap of people-pleasing/conflict-avoidance, authenticity vs attachment, the trap of virtue signaling, warriorship and developing courage, and much more….[only for members.]
THIS PODCAST GOT CENSORED ON YOUTUBE AND DAVID’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL GOT BANNED. Bernhard Guenther on the Truth Warrior Podcast with David Whitehead
An exploration into the Q phenomenon from multi-dimensional levels and different angles. Is Qanon the real deal or just another Psyop in the history of COINTELPRO operations?
Stand-up poet Benny Wills joins Bernhard Guenther on the Cosmic Matrix podcast to talk about recent events, the splitting within the Truth movement, and opposing views regarding Trump and Q, the left vs. right battle on the political spectrum, how more and more people are waking up, and more.
In the second hour, Benny and Bernhard go deeper into the apparent friction with the truth movement. They discuss humility and the importance to change in the process of seeking truth, working with our ideals vs. being grounded in the practical aspects of reality, what true freedom entails, and much more….[only for members.]
Bernhard Guenther and Laura Matsue talk about the recent riots/protests in the world from an occult perspective and how the divide & conquer agenda and wetiko virus (the predator mind) is fuelling the madness on an occult level.
In the second hour, we further discuss how these occult forces affect humanity through fear/hate, the end of the era of Pisces being the end of the age of the victim, the collective unconscious forces according to Carl Jung, and much more…[only for members].
A few nights ago (around the new moon), I had two intense dreams back to back that felt very symbolic and prophetic. I’ve had dreams of tsunamis and huge waves before but these two dreams really stuck with me.
In this episode of the Cosmic Matrix podcast, Bernhard and Laura discuss the importance of activating the warrior archetype and engaging in conscious activism during the coronavirus crisis, war-time leaders vs peace-time leaders, Divine Grace/Christ Consciousness, and more.
In the second hour, we give examples on how to work with this Plutonian evolutionary process and how this Pluto return will be affecting the USA via the second American revolution, Trump’s astrology chart and his “trickster” archetype, the Q phenomenon, and much more…[only for members].
Neelesh Marik joins Bernhard Guenther to talk about Sri Aurobindo and the Integral Yoga. Neelesh shares about the concept of the “avatar”, the life of and different phases of Sir Aurobindo’s ascension journey, the intensifying battle of dark and light during the Kali Yuga, and more.
In the second hour, Neelesh shares the key principles of Integral Yoga, Sri Aurobindo’s concept of “aspiration, rejection, & surrender”, the difference between the forces of nature, the adverse occult forces, and the hostile occult forces and much more…[only for members].
There is something bigger happening in the world currently, way beyond what we see on a 3D level. There is a great opportunity at this moment in history and there is a huge spiritual lesson for humanity occurring right now more than anything else.
What is the difference between spiritual experiences and truly actualized and embodied self-knowledge? Bernhard and Laura discuss the difference between spiritual realizations and spiritual actualizations in this new episode of the Cosmic Matrix podcast and more.