Interview with Bernhard Guenther on Spaced Out Radio
Topics: UFOs, Abductions, Hyperdimensional Realities, Self-Work, Embodiment, Psychedelics, and more.
Topics: UFOs, Abductions, Hyperdimensional Realities, Self-Work, Embodiment, Psychedelics, and more.
Topics include: Self-work as well as possible barriers and misleading ideas in the self-help and new age communities.
There is a divine plan that is playing itself out across the physical universe – an unfathomable interweaving of events and outcomes which our little egos (and our clever rational/logical minds) will never fully grasp.
Various ancient esoteric teachings talk about a “Hyperdimensional Matrix Control System” (HMCS), each in their own way, that has influenced and controlled humanity for millennia.
Everyone is suffering to one degree or another. These are intense times, but they are also exciting times to be alive. It’s important to stay grounded, to get into your body, and to tune into your intuition.
This essay explores the concepts of hyperdimensional interference in love relationships, orchestrated relationships via alien entity influence, and psychic attacks/spirit attachments.
In December of 2013 I visited the Peruvian jungle with two of my best friends. Spending time away from modern civilization deep in the rainforest has been healing and beautiful on one hand but also eye-opening and disturbing on the other hand. It’s the fourth time I’ve been to Peru. …
There is one topic that stands like the proverbial elephant in our collective living room, still unacknowledged, ignored or misunderstood by many people. It’s the underlying issue for our society and world’s problems.
Intimate relationships can act like a fast-track in spiritual development, like a catalyst, because much of our unconscious shadow can easily hide as long as we avoid relationships or endlessly look for the “perfect partner” who will never appear.
This film explores the secrecy surrounding the greatest cover-up of all time, presenting an overview of the UFO phenomenon, aliens, abductions, disclosure, and hyperdimensional realities.
This is the transcript of our film “Love, Reality, and the Time of Transition”.
Written by Bernhard Guenther.
The system is not broken. It is designed that way to keep people imprisoned out of their own choice in a global Stockholm Syndrome. It’s not an irrational “conspiracy theory” but fact that can be proven with a careful study of our real history (not the one you learned in school) including Psychopathology.
We’re half way through 2012. Many prophecies have hinted at this time as The Shift of the Ages and The Time of Transition. If you take a look at the shelves of any spiritual/new age bookstore, you’ll see dozens of books with 2012 in the title. It certainly has become a good marketing bit.
This film explores the secrecy surrounding the greatest cover-up of all time, presenting an overview of the UFO phenomenon, aliens, abductions, disclosure, and hyperdimensional realities. Written, narrated, and audio editing by Bernhard Guenther Visuals and video editing by H. Braga Running Time: 1hr50min Produced in 2011 Based on the essay “UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact”by…
A topic that has been coming up recently in a conversation with some friends is the idea of “Wanderers” in relation to esoteric work, the awakening process and the Time of Transition we are in. It is something that has been on my mind for a while and wanted to explore a bit deeper, also reflecting on my own life.
Over the years as my eyes have been opened to what is really going in the world behind the curtain and smokescreen of appearances, it became increasingly clear to me that just trying to change the world without changing oneself through sincere self-work is a dead-end road, or, like Don Quixote, chasing illusory windmills.
This film sheds light on the nature of love, relationships, the “New Age” movement, reality-creation, quantum physics, objectivity vs. subjectivity and how it all relates to the topics of “conspiracy theories”, psychopathy, and the importance of self-work. “Love, Reality, and the Time of Transition has been selected as the #1 film 2011-2012 of the ‘Top…
That’s what John Lennon was singing about and it is true, all we need is love. But do we really know what love is? Love is a word that is sung about in songs, written in poems, talked about a lot and it is something many people long for one way or the other, mostly in form of a partner.
The public reaction to the alleged killing of Osama bin Laden has revealed once again the darker side of America, reminiscent of the response to 9/11 in 2001. Flags everywhere and national pride being displayed with an undeniable disturbing undertone glorifying murder and revenge.
We are all One, but we are not all the same. An exploration into the question of the soul from an esoteric occult perspective.
There seems much confusion about what is supposedly “positive or negative”, “subjective or objective”. Some people claim that there is nothing like “objectivity” and all is subjective.
This video explores the essentials of self-knowledge as a fundamental means to establish true and lasting change in the world, as well as providing insights into the traps towards awakening.
This short film explores the essentials of self-knowledge as a fundamental means to establish true and lasting change in the world, as well as providing insights into the traps towards awakening. Written, narrated and audio editing by Bernhard Guenther Visuals and video editing by Humberto Braga Running Time: 15min Produced in 2011 Based on the…
This article explores the secrecy surrounding the greatest cover-up of all time, presenting an overview of the UFO phenomenon, aliens, abductions, disclosure, and hyperdimensional realities.
Lately I’ve been in a more introspective mood. There is a lot happening in the world outside and within, the inner world. Self-work always entails a certain struggle and conflict in order to confront the predator within.
“I voted”. I saw that update coming up a lot the other day on Facebook at election day, neatly put on a red/blue/white button. What is the underlying message of someone who posts that? To show that one is an upstanding American Citizen doing the “right thing” by executing one’s right to vote? To feel good about oneself? To entice others to vote?
With people presenting solutions everywhere, be it through the political circus, spiritual leaders, to more progressive movements offering self-sustainable solutions, many people seem to have a plan of how to “fix” the world. Others say all is just as it is supposed to be and all we need to do is to go with the “flow”, focus on “love” and “light” and everything will be good. …
It’s been nine years since 9/11. Millions of people, civilians and soldiers have died world wide in the following war on terror. The American people have lost basic rights due to the Patriot Act. In Europe and other countries, similar “security measures” have been implemented.
Zeitgeist Addendum has been highly anticipated ever since the big internet success of Zeitgeist. I remember when I first saw it, roughly two years ago, when it just came out. I think I was the 50th person to watch it online after a friend of mine told me about it. Less than a year later it has been watched by millions of people worldwide and it got even released in selected theaters.