Beginner’s Guide To Occult Forces | TCM #119 (Part 2 For Members)
In the 2nd hour, we discuss the interrelationship between occult forces and shadow work, how to discern what is what, earthbound spirits, and more…[only for members.]
In the 2nd hour, we discuss the interrelationship between occult forces and shadow work, how to discern what is what, earthbound spirits, and more…[only for members.]
We still have a long road and adventure ahead of us and work to do. But it is the very reason we came here for and participate in. The only way out is in and through. It’s up to you to answer the call.
Laura and Bernard talk about the recent Israel/Palestine conflict in light of the bigger topic of war and human conflict from a PsychoSpiritual and Occult perspective, the essence of psychological warfare, the divide and conquer agenda, and more…
In the 2nd hour, we talk about how Wetiko ties into the current Israel/Palestine conflict, how personality disorders camouflage in activism on either side, the vision of “The Wall” in deep mediation as experienced by a Sufi Sheik, and much more…[only for members.]
This mechanical revolt is what the occult matrix forces and ‘powers that be’ count on with their classical tactics of Problem-Reaction-Solution and Divide & Conquer agenda.
Unconscious core beliefs affect all of us depending on our upbringing, culture, generation, and ancestral line. In this episode, Laura and Bernhard explore how to uncover core beliefs and how to heal them.
In the 2nd hour, we explore how we can take on core beliefs from our parents and ancestors, the different Pluto generations, the road towards healing, and more.
Bernhard and Laura talk about the reality of psychic attacks, how to identify them, how they can manifest, where they can originate from, and how to protect yourself from them.
In the 2nd hour, we talk about the rebound effect and how your own thought forms and projections can come back around attack you psychically, how to consciously process negative emotions/thoughts, and more.
Twenty-two years ago – when it became very quickly clear to me that the official 9/11 story doesn’t make sense whatsoever – I tried to “wake up” others…
Bernhard and Laura debunk and discuss 10 popular myths about spirituality, inner work, and the awakening process.
In the second hour, we continue debunking popular myths about spirituality and inner work
Laura and Bernhard discuss intergenerational trauma, how we unconsciously inherit trauma and the shadow from our parents and family line, and how we can process and heal it.
In the 2nd hour, we talk about the limitation of forgiveness, the four unconscious themes that get set in motion in families, how trauma can skip a generation within the family, and more…[only for members.]
Bernhard Guenther on the Anarchy For Freedom India Podcast Topics covered: Bernhard’s Journey of Awakening Labelling freethinkers as Controlled Opposition Importance of Shadow Work Waking up beyond Human understanding The dark past of Bernhard Guenther Yohan’s and Bernhard’s Awakening in Brief Why does Bernhard not believe in regrets? What is the Black Pill psyop…
Bernhard Guenther is guest on David Whitehead’s Truth Warrior Podcast discussing the rising “black pill” sentiment in the “truth movement.”
Such a phenomenal, wisdom packed episode of HEART WARRIORS with integrative, bodywork massage therapist, holistic coach and host of ‘The Cosmic Matrix Podcast’, Bernhard Guenther… We take an in-depth look at the healing journey and the importance of rising to the challenge of taking those first steps to start spiraling up… We discuss Bernhard’s…
“I invited Laura Matsue and Bernhard Guenther onto the podcast as part of my Real World Couples series, where I feature couples in incredible relationships who serve as models for others. This was one of my favorite episodes so far, with so much rich discussion – can’t wait for you listen! We start out…
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN. “The impact of ChatGPT OpenAI was felt instantly. How many jobs are now obsolete for humans? We live in the digital age of information. A.I. has already taken over many tasks, and its role in our lives is only increasing exponentially as we move into a Transhumanism age with its…
Laura and Bernard discuss the rising appearance of Dark Triad personality types on social media, how it relates to occult forces, and how pathologies have become more normalized and are even rewarded in society.
In the 2nd hr, we go deeper into how the Dark Triad relates occult forces, entities, and self-created thought-form-entities, the concept of elementals and how they shape our experiences and personality, and more
Bernhard and Laura discuss the recent rise of the so-called “black-pilled” aspect of the “truther community” who are overly focused on doom & gloom and negativity. They look at it from trauma and hyperdimensional occult perspective.
In the 2nd hour, we look deeper into how the awakening impulse can get hijacked by occult forces working through our minds, the topic of mass splitting, mass fragmentation, and mass insanity on the rise, how to navigate the times ahead, and more.
Paul Levy returns to the Cosmic Matrix podcast to talk about his newest book “Undreaming Wetiko: Breaking the Spell of the Nightmare Mind-Virus” of his Wetiko trilogy. Bernhard and Laura talk with Paul about the core aspects of Wetiko, how humanity has fallen under a spell, and much more.
In the 2nd hour, we dive deeper into Wilhelm Reich’s Murder of Christ, the battle for our angel and soul, the importance of connecting to our creative spirit, how wetiko works through the Woke Left and Conservative Dogmatic Christian Right, and more[…only for members.]
Laura and Bernhard talk about the film “Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening,” the virus of Woke-sim, the Neo-Marxist Communist agenda. They discuss the different stages of awakening, the natural law of evolution and involution, and much more.
In the 2nd hour, we explore the information warfare, the natural law of evolution and involution, how disintegration and destruction are a necessary part of evolution and the awakening process, the two diverging timelines, and moire…[only for members.]
Laura and Bernhard discuss the process of Individuation which many people are called to engage in. They talk about the misconceptions, how most people work on the “false self”, what the process entails, and the value of struggle and suffering to become who you truly are.