Money is Fuel

  Laura and I were recently interviewed by my accountant Bob Wheeler who happens to have a podcast show called “Money You Should Ask”. Bob is quite a conscious accountant and a funny human being (he also does stand-up comedy). We had a great time chatting about a topic that many of us tend to…

Toxic Masculine Programming

  Bernhard Guenther, James Bartley, Eve Lorgen, and Mary Anne Fisher are having a deep-dive discussion of this critical cross-cultural, generational, and incarnation-spanning issue of the toxic vs. healthy masculine. They unpack it holistically, addressing the physical, psychological/emotional, metaphysical, and spiritual layers of being, examining a variety of ways it affects areas of our lives…

From Darkness to Light: How to Evolve Consciousness during Challenging Times | TCM #31 (Part 1)

Bernhard Guenther and Laura Matsue discuss how to work with the collective darkness that has taken over the world and use it to evolve consciousness by transmuting it into light. Looking beyond the various theories about the coronavirus, from the 3D level to the hyperdimensional level, they discuss the collective “trauma installment program”, and much more.

From Darkness to Light: How to Evolve Consciousness during Challenging Times | TCM #31 (Part 2 for members)

In the second hour, we discuss strategies on how to consciously release anger/rage that may be coming up, how to use shadow work during these times of upheaval and work with triggers/projections, how we need to become “antifragile” by using these experiences to get even better and stronger than we ever were before, and much more…[only for members.]